Compound Preposition Example Sentences That You Must Know!

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compound preposition examples sentences

Compound Preposition: Compound Preposition is formed when two or three similar words are linked together. These prepositions function the same as a single-word preposition. All these prepositions are used before nouns, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives in a sentence. Some common examples of compound prepositions are in spite of, outside of, due to etc. Compound prepositions allow us to express ourselves in a much better way. We have compiled a blog on compound preposition example sentences which will help you understand how they can be used in our everyday lives to enhance our English speaking skills

What are Compound Prepositions?

As mentioned above, a compound preposition is a type of preposition formed from two or more words. It can also be referred to as a combination of words. They are generally written by joining the preposition words in a sentence. These words arrive before a noun, pronoun, adverb and adjective. 

Types of Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are of two types. Let’s have a look at both of them.

  • Two- Two Word Compound Preposition
  • Three- Word Compound Preposition

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Compound Preposition Examples

Here is a list of compound preposition examples for both two-word and three-word which will help you get to know all the words that can be used in sentences. 

Two- Word Compound Preposition

In Between
Out of
Up to
By Far
Out From
Within Reach
In Front
Behind Us
Through With
On Top

Three-Word Compound Preposition

In front of
On top of
Inside of
In addition to
In spite of
As a result of
In place of 
On behalf of
By means of
With regard to

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Two-Word Compound Preposition Example Sentences

Below are some example sentences which will help you understand two-word compound prepositions in a much better way.

The cat jumped onto the table.
We walked along the beach.
The keys are under the mat.
The book is beside the lamp.
She sat between her parents.
The ball rolled down the hill.
He climbed up the ladder.
The car drove past the house.
They stood behind the fence.
The bird flew over the trees.

Three-Word Compound Preposition

Check out the sentence examples for three-word compound prepositions which will give you an idea of how they should be used.

The cat jumped in front of the dog.
The book is on top of the table.
She found her keys inside of her purse.
In addition to his salary, he receives bonuses.
In spite of the rain, we still went for a walk.
As a result of the pandemic, many businesses closed down.
They put a new lock in place of the old one.
He spoke on behalf of the entire team.
They solved the problem by means of teamwork.
With regard to your question, I will provide an answer shortly.
Compound Prepositions

Compound Preposition Exercise 

Exercise 1: Complete each sentence by adding the correct three-word compound preposition from the list provided below.

In spite of         On top of     Inside of        In front of      By means of 
  1. The cat jumped __________ the table.
  2. She found her keys __________ her bag.
  3. _________ the cold weather, they still went camping.
  4. He spoke __________ the group.
  5. They solved the problem __________ teamwork.

Answers to Fill in the Blanks

  1. The cat jumped on top of the table.
  2. She found her keys inside of her bag.
  3. In spite of the cold weather, they still went camping.
  4. He spoke on behalf of the group.
  5. They solved the problem by means of teamwork.

Exercise 2: Complete each sentence by adding the correct three-word compound preposition.

  1. The cat is hiding __________ the bed.
  2. We went swimming __________ the hot weather.
  3. She found her keys __________ her purse.
  4. They went for a walk __________ the rain.
  5. He apologized __________ his mistake.
  6. The book is __________ the shelf.
  7. They celebrated __________ his success.
  8. We traveled __________ train.
  9. The picture is __________ the wall.
  10. She baked a cake __________ my birthday.

Answers for Fill in the Blanks

  1. under the bed
  2. because of the hot weather
  3. inside of her purse
  4. in spite of the rain
  5. for his mistake
  6. on top of the shelf
  7. in honour of his success
  8. by means of train
  9. on the wall
  10. for my birthday

Choose the correct three-word compound preposition to complete each sentence.

  1. The dog is sleeping __________ the couch.
  1. in place of
  2. on top of
  3. with regard to
  4. by means of

2. They arrived late __________ the heavy traffic.

a) in front of

b) in addition to

c) in spite of

d) on behalf of

3. She found her lost ring __________ the sofa cushions.

a) by means of

b) inside of

c) in place of

d) with regard to

4. He apologized __________ his rude behavior.

a) in place of

b) by means of

c) on behalf of

d) in spite of

5. The children played __________ the park.

a) with regard to

b) in front of

c) on top of

d) by means of

Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. b) on top of
  • 2. c) in spite of
  • 3. b) inside of
  • 4. c) on behalf of
  • 5. b) in front of

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What is a compound preposition?

A compound preposition is a type of preposition which is formed by combining two to three words in a sentence before a noun, pronoun, adjective or adverb. 

What are five examples of compound prepositions?

Here are five examples of compound prepositions.
Inside of, Except for, Regardless of, With respect to and In order to.

What would be an example of a three-word compound preposition?

“He ran away from the cat as far as he could.” This is the perfect example of a three-word compound preposition. 

We hope this blog provided you with all the information on compound preposition example sentences. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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