Common Nouns Meaning, List Examples and Practise Exercise

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Common Nouns

Common nouns are a fundamental part of the English Grammar. A common noun refers to ordinary, everyday objects, people, places, and ideas. If you are confused between the concept of using common noun and proper nouns then you are at the right place. In this blog post, you will learn the definition of common noun with the help of examples common nouns and proper nouns. You will also get an exciting exercise to practice this concept.

What are Common Nouns? 

Common nouns are used to refer to the names of persons, places, things, animals, or ideas that are not specific. Therefore, the names given to the name of a person, place, thing, animal, or idea are called common nouns. On the other hand, proper nouns are nouns that refer to the particular name of the person, place, things, animals, or ideas.

Let us understand both types with the help of an example. 

Sita went to the temple. In this example Sita is the proper noun because it is the name of a specific girl whereas temple is the common noun. After all, every temple is named a temple. 

Sita went to the Golden Temple. In this example, both Sita and Golden Temple are proper nouns because they are the specific name of the person and the temple.

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Types of Common Noun

Common Noun is the building block that is most commonly used in English sentences. They can be divided into four categories. Let’s understand them one by one.

Countable Common Noun

As the name suggests, anything that can be counted or measured in fingers comes under countable nouns.


  1. “I have three apples in my bag.”
  2. “There are five chairs around the table.”
  3. “She owns two cats and a dog.”

Uncountable Common Noun

These are the exact opposite of Countable nouns. Uncountable nouns cannot be countered in terms of exact numbers. They have to be measured in terms of quantities rather than numbers.


  1. “Would you like some water?”
  2. “He spilled rice all over the kitchen.”
  3. “She bought flour to bake a cake.”

Collective Common Noun 

You can call a group or a unit that are similar by a Collective Common Noun. 


  1. “The herd of cattle grazed peacefully in the field.”
  2. “The swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.”
  3. “The team of experts worked together to solve the problem.”

Concrete Common Noun

These are things that can be felt with our five senses and have a physical presence.


  1. “The dog chased the ball.”
  2. “She admired the beautiful sunset.”
  3. “The children played in the park.”

How to Use Common Nouns?

Without the use of common nouns, the sentences in English are incomplete. They should be used to carefully form the structure of the sentences. Here is an example: She said, “I wants to read.”

In the sentence examples given above, there is no usage of common nouns. Therefore, making no indication about what she wants to read. This is why the addition of common nouns in a sentence is used to make sentences accurate. 

Also Read: Sentence Correction for Competitive Exams

List of Common Nouns

Let us read the table carefully to learn about the common nouns referring to human beings, animals, birds, insects, reptiles, things/objects, and ideas.

Human Beings/Animals/Birds/InsectsThings/Places/Ideas
Man, Woman, Female Male, Husband, Wife, Teacher, Lawyer, Citizen, Girl Stationery, Water bottle, Car, Spray, Plant, Necklace, Tie, Shoes
Cat, Pig Cow, Hen, Elephant, Tiger, Dog, Horse, Rabbit, Mouse, AnimalSchool, Railway station, Court, Terminus, Street, State, District, Junction
Dove, Crow, Pelican, Flamingo, Bird, Duck, Housefly, Mosquito, Grasshopper, Honeybee, Stick insectTruth, Grace, Discovery, Cleanliness, Poverty, Movement, Idea

Also Read: Noun and its Types

Examples of Common Nouns in Sentences

Here are some of the examples used in the sentences. Let us read them carefully for the proper understanding of the concept.

  1. The cat chased the mouse.
  2. I bought a new car yesterday.
  3. Her favorite color is blue.
  4. He is a famous doctor.
  5. We enjoyed a picnic by the river.
  6. The book on the shelf is interesting.
  7. I need to buy some fresh vegetables.
  8. The computer on my desk is old.
  9. The children played with a red ball.
  10. My house is painted white.

Also Read: Clauses: Meaning, Types, and Examples

Practice Exercise on Common Nouns

Pick out the common nouns from the following sentences.

  1. The clouds blocked the sunlight.
  2. She wore a beautiful red dress.
  3. We sat on the comfortable chairs.
  4. The dog barked loudly.
  5. He received a letter from his friend.
  6. The mountain peak was covered in snow.
  7. I prefer tea over coffee.
  8. The tree in the backyard is tall.
  9. I opened the door and entered.
  10. She wrote a note with a purple pen.


Match the answers with the solved exercise.

  1. The clouds blocked the sunlight.
  2. She wore a beautiful red dress.
  3. We sat on the comfortable chairs.
  4. The dog barked loudly.
  5. He received a letter from his friend.
  6. The mountain peak was covered in snow.
  7. I prefer tea over coffee.
  8. The tree in the backyard is tall.
  9. I opened the door and entered.
  10. She wrote a note with a purple pen.

Read More on English Grammar

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What are common nouns?

What are the 10 examples of common nouns?

The ten examples of are dog, friend, teacher, book, table, girl, boy, city, playground, and doctor.

How many types of common nouns are there?

There are three subtypes:
Concrete Nouns
Collective Nouns
Abstract Nouns

This was all about the Common Nouns that students need to master. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out the Learn English page of Leverage Edu.

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