What is the Collective Noun for Soldiers?

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Collective Noun for Soldiers

The collective noun for soldiers is ‘army’ which refers to a military force under the command of a government, responsible for defending a nation or engaging in offensive operations. Some of the common synonyms for ‘soldiers’ in English Grammar would include army, battalion, brigade and platoon among others. Keep reading this blog to learn more about the collective noun for soldiers, its meaning and origin, synonyms, examples of sentences and a quick quiz to check how much you have learnt.  

What are Collective Noun for Soldiers? Meaning

Apart from the word ‘army’, there are several other collective noun for soldiers which include battalion, brigade, platoon, and regiment among others. All these words are specifically used for an army or a group of soldiers.

To give a better description, a soldier is a person who serves in an army and is trained for combat. They are individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting their country, its citizens, and its values.

Here are a few example sentences on some of the collective nouns for soldiers to make you understand their usage in a better way:

  • The army marched through the city.
  • The battalion was deployed to the front lines.
  • The regiment was honoured for its bravery.
  • The brigade was prepared for battle.
  • A platoon of soldiers was ambushed.

Origins of Collective Noun for Soldiers

  • In terms of the origin, the word ‘army’ comes from the French word “armée,” which means “armed force.” This, in turn, originates from the Latin word “armāta,” which is the feminine past participle of “armāre,” meaning “to arm.” Essentially, the word “army” is derived from the concept of being armed and prepared for battle.
  • Similarly, the word ‘ battalion’ comes from the French word “bataillon,” which means “battle squadron.” It ultimately traces its roots back to the Latin word “battalia,” meaning “battle.”
  • While, another collective noun of ‘soldiers’, ‘regiment’ comes from The word “regiment” finds its roots in the Latin word “regimen,” which means “rule” or “system of order.” Over time, the term evolved to describe a structured military unit, emphasising the importance of discipline, organisation, and control within the group. The French adopted the term early on, using “régiment” for cavalry units as far back as 1558.

Also Read: 99+ Examples of Collective Nouns 

Synonyms of Army

Now that you have learnt the collective noun for soldiers, it is time that you take a look at some of the synonyms for the same. These synonyms will be quite helpful for you when constructing sentences. 

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
SoldiersArmyAn army is a large, organized group of people who are armed and trained to fight on land in a war.The army is practising by marching the city.
SoldiersBattalionA battalion is a large military unit. It typically consists of several companies and is commanded by a lieutenant colonel.The battalion advanced towards the enemy position under the cover of darkness.
SoldiersRegimentIt refers to a group of soldiers in the army who are commanded by a particular officer (a colonel).The regiment marched with precision through the city streets.
SoldiersPlatoonA small military unit, typically consisting of 20 to 50 soldiers. It’s usually led by a junior officer, such as a lieutenant.The platoon leader ordered his men to take cover as enemy fire increased.
SoldiersBrigadeA brigade is a large military unit. It typically consists of two or more regiments, squadrons, or battalions. The infantry brigade launched a surprise attack at dawn.

Explore more exciting Synonyms below!

Synonyms of BraveSynonyms of Believe
Synonyms of FurtherSynonyms of Better
Synonyms of SignificantSynonyms of Unnecessary

Quiz on Collective Noun for Soldiers

It’s time to test your knowledge about collective noun for soldiers! After reviewing all the information above, you should be able to answer the following questions which we have compiled for you. You can also check your answers mentioned at the end. 

1. Collective noun of soldiers is called a __________.

a) flock

b) battalion

c) school

2. The __________ charged into battle.

a) army

b) herd

c) swarm

3. A small unit of soldiers is called a __________.

a) platoon

b) crowd

c) band

4. The __________ was divided into several smaller units.

a) brigade

b) flock

c) bunch

5. A large, organised group of soldiers is called a __________.

a) regiment

b) pack

c) litter

Check Your Answers

1. b) battalion

2. a) army

3. a) platoon

4. a) brigade

5. a) regiment

Also Read: What are Nouns?

Noun of HonestNoun Starting with C
Noun of Free Noun Starting with E
Noun of Curious Noun Starting with K
Noun of VacantNoun Starting with P
Noun of SignifyNoun Starting with R


What is a group of soldiers called?

There are several collective nouns to call a group of soldiers, these include  ‘company,’ ‘division,’ ‘draft,’ and ‘muster. ‘ While smaller groups could be referred to as a ‘platoon’ or ‘unit.’

Why is army a collective noun?

The word ‘army’ is a collective noun as they are all singular nouns but they refer to a group of people or things. In most cases, collective nouns use singular verbs. 

Is a troop collective noun of soldiers?

A troop is a squad or team of soldiers. It is correct to use the noun troop in the singular form, it’s more common to see its plural, troops.

What is a group of army?

A group army, which typically consists of between 400,000 and 1,000,000 soldiers, is the largest military organisation under the direction of a single leader, typically a full general or field marshal.

This was all about the Collective Noun for Soldiers. Hopefully, you understood the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to English grammar and the English language.

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