Mastering The Kitchen: Cooking Hacks For Study Abroad Students

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Mastering The Kitchen Cooking Hacks For Study Abroad Students

Studying abroad is like being dropped into a real-life video game: challenging side missions and new quests even rewards all in all studying Abroad is a whirlwind of new experiences and when we go to do something new it always takes time and while study abroad we have to manage our time accordingly in order to get done all things on time. One of the hardest parts is cooking, after getting tired for the whole day and then cooking for yourself is a hard task and managing your kitchen by organising things can be challenging to solve this problem this article is here to help you by providing you with amazing kitchen hacks.

Magical Cooking Hacks To Hack Some Moments For Yourself

Here are some of the magical hacks to help you collect your precious moment of self-care which becomes important when you study abroad along with the skills to save your money worth time. Here we provide you some of the best skills to get rid of your long cooking hours.

  • Chop-chop-chop to get an instant thing to put in a pot- While staying abroad you can get your time save just by spending 30 minutes chopping veggies for the whole week as this will surely save time, you will have your all things ready to put in a pot at the time of cooking.

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  • Whoosh-Whoosh-Whoosh Mighty Mixer Calling Garlic Avenger- Introducing Garlic Avenger which wants to save you from your long cooking hour by whoosh-whoosh grinding your garlic avenger for the whole week fight as go in all meals which you serve yourself as delight. It is obvious that garlic goes as a base for every dish, especially with the dishes which have meat.
  • Wonder Of One Pot yay-yay- To save your time get a pot and add your ingredients rest is on the one pot.Yay-Yay when one pot recipes with you then why so many utensils you wash? Hey, to get time for yourself you can go for one-pot recipes as these recipes save you time and you can escape from washing a number of utensils.
  • Feeling pressure our Rice Replicator- One of the best ways to eat healthy without moving on some instant packets you can try to cook the rice for 2-3 days and store your cooked rice in the fridge and just give it a toss with some special veggies and masalas to get your rice replicator turn into fried rice replicator. One can save his/her energy and time while having something healthy on the plate. we can do the same with the pasta too to save as much as possible.
  • Become Saucy Sorceress- Start to buy groceries with a mindful brain and have some of your favourite sauces to spread on the bread for which a chicken breast or the Aaloo patty can rest between the two of the sandwich bread. To save time you can use sauces and make sandwiches other than this you can add sauces to your pasta and fried rice too and get an enhanced flavour for you.
  • Leftover Lazarus- Think God helped you as you got something leftover just turn it into a new dish and enjoy. Like if you get leftover Dal then you can make a dal pakora by stuffing dal into bread, If you have chicken curry as a leftover give a nice mix to it with rice and invent your one-pot meal, if you have leftover chapati or bread then soak it with milk with some almonds, nuts and sugar then bake for some time to get your pudding ready.
Cooking hacks for study Abroad Students
  • Canned Chickpeas are magic like Hymn to a Humble Can- To save time you can go with the canned chickpeas and can make a salad just by adding some sauces and mayo in your chickpeas bowl with some chopped veggies here one of your easy and quickest meals is ready without much effort. you can keep on changing your sauces each time to get different flavours and can stick to your favourite one. Instead of chickpeas canned packs, we can also try to boil some Chickpeas in a good amount once a week.
  • Sandwich Invention Hunt- If you are the one who is ok with the sandwiches then you can try to make sandwiches with your leftover dal as a sandwich filling or your chicken curry with mayo can also be a good idea to go as a sandwich stuffing. You can add whatever you feel will taste good as a sandwich filling as per your taste buds.
  • Get some organisation done to ease task- To ease your task you should buy a spice rack and bottles to organise your kitchen by doing this you will get the things easily as you start to cook and this will save your time and self-clarity while cooking.
  • Go To Egg- When you think of cooking something very quick and healthy also you can stick to the eggs and make something good you can even go for the experiments while adding different different toppings to your egg which will be healthy for your health and easy to cook also as it doesn’t require you to wait to let it cook.

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  • Chapati Chronicles: To save your time prepare the dough for the whole week’s chapatis on Sundays and cook them partially so whenever you want a chapati then you can just pick it out from the freezer and cook it in the pan for a minute and here you will be having your chapati without much time. It is the best hack to go with as it saves you a lot of time if go on to calculate the roti preparation time daily.
  • Wonder Of One Pot yay-yay- To save your time get a pot and add your ingredients rest is on the one pot.Yay-Yay when one pot recipes with you then why so many utensils you wash? Hey, to get time for yourself you can go for one-pot recipes as these recipes save you time and you can escape from washing a number of utensils.
Cooking hacks for study Abroad Students
  • Feeling pressure our Rice Replicator- One of the best ways to eat healthy without moving on some instant packets you can try to cook the rice for 2-3 days and store your cooked rice in the fridge and just give it a toss with some special veggies and masalas to get your rice replicator turn into fried rice replicator. One can save his/her energy and time while having something healthy on the plate. we can do it same with the pasta too to save as much as possible.
  • Become Saucy Sorceress- Start to buy groceries with a mindful brain and have some of your favourite sauces to spread on the bread for which a chicken breast or the Aaloo patty can rest between the two of the sandwich bread. To save time you can use sauces and make sandwiches other than this you can add sauces to your pasta and fried rice too and get an enhanced flavour for you.
  • Leftover Lazarus- Think God helped you as you got something leftover just turn it into a new dish and enjoy. Like if you get leftover Dal then you can make a dal pakora by stuffing dal into bread, If you have chicken curry as a leftover give a nice mix to it with rice and invent your one-pot meal, if you have leftover chapati or bread then soak it with milk with some almonds, nuts and sugar then bake for some time to get your pudding ready.
  • Canned Chickpeas are magic like Hymn to a Humble Can- To save time you can Go with the canned chickpeas and make a salad just by adding some sauces and mayo in your chickpeas bowl with some chopped veggies here is one of your easy and quickest meals is ready without much effort. you can keep on changing your sauces each time to get different flavours and can stick to your favourite one. Instead of chickpeas canned packs, we can also try to boil some Chickpeas in a good amount once a week.

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  • Sandwich Invention Hunt- If you are the one who is ok with the sandwiches then you can try to make sandwiches with your leftover dal as a sandwich filling or your chicken curry with mayo can also be a good idea to go as a sandwich stuffing. You can add whatever you feel will taste good as a sandwich filling as per your taste buds.
  • Get some organisation done to ease task- To ease your task you should buy a spice rack and bottles to organise your kitchen by doing this you will get the things easily as you start to cook and this will save your time and self-clarity while cooking.
  • Go To Egg- When you think of cooking something very quick and healthy also you can stick to the eggs and make something good you can even go for the experiments while adding different different toppings to your egg which will be healthy for your health and easy to cook also as it doesn’t require you to wait to let it cook.
Cooking hacks for study Abroad Students
  • Chapati Chronicles: To save your time prepare the dough for the whole week’s chapatis on Sundays and cook them partially so whenever you want a chapati then you can just pick it out from the freezer and cook it in the pan for a minute and here you will be having your chapati without much time. It is the best hack to go with as it saves you a lot of time if go on to calculate the roti preparation time daily.
  • Rice Maker As Your Saver- You should invest rationally in things as per strong advice one should invest in the rice maker to get the rice cooked easily without much hustle.
  • Rice Maker As Your Saver- You should invest rationally in things as per strong advice one should invest in the rice maker to get the rice cooked easily without much hustle.

This is the end of our article on cooking hacks for study abroad students. To read more such fun and amazing blogs follow infotainment and to know about study abroad follow Leverage Edu.

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