
How to Respond to Rejection Email After Interview?

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Rejection email after interview

Receiving a rejection email after a job interview can be disheartening, but it’s a common part of the job search process. However, how you respond to that rejection email can make a significant difference in your future job prospects. Instead of letting disappointment take over, consider it an opportunity to leave a lasting positive impression on the hiring manager or HR manager. In this blog, we will guide you on how to respond to rejection emails after interviews with grace, professionalism, and a dash of resilience.

Read below to learn how to respond to this email and a few written samples in some cases.

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How to Respond to Rejection Email After Interview?

The moments after receiving a rejection email after a job interview can be very stressful but how you deal with it can leave an everlasting impression. Do go through the below-given points to get to know the best practices to be followed after receiving a rejection email after an interview. 

First Things First: Respond

Once you have collected your thoughts and emotions, it is essential to respond to the rejection email promptly. This demonstrates your professionalism and genuine interest in the company. Ideally, you should send your response within 24-48 hours of receiving the rejection.

Also Read: How to Write a Thank You Email After An Interview?.

Express Genuine Gratitude

Even though you did not get the job, it is essential to send a polite and appreciative response to the rejection email. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application, and express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview. Regardless of the outcome, the interview experience itself is valuable. This not only shows professionalism but also leaves a positive impression about you, which can be beneficial if another opportunity arises in the future.

You may go like this:

Dear <Hiring Manager’s Name>,
I wanted to thank you for taking the time to consider my application and for giving me the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at your esteemed company, [Company Name]. Although I’m disappointed that I wasn’t selected for the role, I truly appreciate the chance to learn more about your company and team.

Express your Disappointment

Though you were not chosen for the job role, make sure that the interviewer knows that you are disappointed in not being chosen for the job. Expressing your disappointment can show your genuine interest in the position and company. Try to maintain a positive note while writing this.

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Maintain Professionalism

Regardless of how disappointed you may feel, it is vital to maintain professionalism in your response. Avoid expressing frustration, resentment, or negativity in your email. Remember that the job market is competitive, and hiring managers often consider how candidates handle rejection as a gauge of their character and resilience. This helps the hiring manager decide on which candidate to reconsider if the next suitable opportunity arises. 

Seek Feedback

Politely ask for feedback on your interview performance. Enquire about the specific reasons for the hiring manager’s decision not to move forward with your application. This speaks for your commitment to self-improvement but also provides you with valuable insights that can help you in future interviews.

Seeking feedback not only demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth but also provides you with valuable insights for future interviews. While not all employers will provide detailed feedback, some may offer constructive criticism that can help you in your job search journey. 

You may go asking for feedback like this:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

“Thank you for considering me for the [position name] role at your prestigious company, [company name]. I appreciate the opportunity to interview with your team. While I’m disappointed to hear that I was not selected, I’m genuinely interested in learning how I can improve. I’m always looking for ways to enhance my interview skills and grow as a professional. If you have any feedback or insights from my interview, I would greatly appreciate it. Your input will be invaluable in my quest to find the right job for my career.”

Also Read: What is 360 Degree Feedback?

Edit and Proofread Your Email

Before clicking on the send button, review your email for any grammatical errors or typos thoroughly. A well-crafted and error-free response demonstrates your attention to detail, which is a desirable quality in any job applicant.

Also Read: How to Write an Email?: Creative Subject Lines & Format

Keep the Door Open for Future Opportunities

End your email on a positive note by expressing your continued interest in the company. You never know when another opportunity might arise, and showing that you are still eager to be part of their team can leave a lasting impression.

You may add this section like this:

“While I didn’t secure the [Job Title] position this time, I’m genuinely impressed by [Company Name] and its mission. I’m excited to see how your company continues to grow, and I hope our paths may cross again in the future.”

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Lookout for Future Prospects

After sending your response, focus on moving forward with your job search. Someone has better described failure as the staircase to success. As rejection is a part of the selection process, dwelling on it can hinder your progress. Use the feedback you received from your hiring manager to improve your interview skills and continue pursuing your career goals.

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In conclusion, responding to a rejection email after the interview is an opportunity to display your professionalism and resilience. Approach the situation with grace, express gratitude, seek feedback, and keep the door open for future opportunities. Remember that each rejection brings you one step closer to finding the right job for your career goals.


How do you respond to a rejection email after an interview?

A rejection email should be dealt with positivity. The first step to be taken after an interview should be sending a thank you email to the interviewer for considering you for the profile and taking out time to interview you.  

Should you reply to a rejection email?

Ideally, a rejection email should be replied to with a graceful thank you email. You must express our genuine gratitude for having been given the opportunity to be interviewed. 

What should you reply to a rejection email after an interview?

You must thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity to interview with them. You may write like “I wanted to thank you for taking the time to consider my application and for giving me the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position. Although I’m disappointed that I wasn’t selected for the role, I truly appreciate the chance to learn more about your company and team.”.

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