20+ Phone Interview Questions and Sample Answers 

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Phone Interview Questions

Did you know that a phone interview is usually the first part of an interview process? This preliminary screening process enables recruiters or employers to determine whether you are fit for the role or not. Phone interview questions usually start with, ‘Tell me about yourself’, ‘Walk me through your resume’, etc. Since this is the first or preliminary screening process, you must crack this stage to proceed further with your application. This page will discuss some 20+ phone interview questions and answers to help you with your interview preparation. 

What are Phone Interview Questions?

Phone Interview is the preliminary screening process of the entire interview process. This part of the interview includes a set of questions, which are termed as, ‘Phone Interview Questions’. Whether you are a fresher, a trainee, or an experienced person, you need to go through the phone interview process for further proceedings. This round is conducted by the Human Resource Management of the organization.

An HR Manager will analyze basic details about you and get to know about your educational and work background. HR will also analyze any risk factors at this step and then proceed with your application. Thus, phone interview questions are asked to narrow down the pool of candidates before the shortlisted candidates are invited for the face-to-face interview process. 

Also Read: HR Interview Questions and Answers

Source: Freshersworld.com

Also Read: How to Answer Common Interview Questions?

Importance of Phone Interview Questions

The phone interview questions are necessary for both the interviewers and the interviewee. This initial process will clear the preferences of both parties. To answer the phone interview questions, you need to research the company, practice your answers, and review the job description and job specifications to increase your chances of getting selected.

Mentioned below are the important functions of Phone interview questions:

  • Initial Screening
  • Time and cost-efficient
  • Assessment of enthusiasm and interest
  • Judgment of communication skills
  • Identifying cultural fit
  • Shortlisting for in-person interviews

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20+ Phone Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Given below are some phone interview questions with sample answers:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
I have been in a sales job for the past 3 years, primarily working in the textile industry as an area sales manager. Recently, I was promoted to senior area sales manager. And now I am seeking to advance my career by joining your company.
  1. How do you get to know about this opening?
I saw your job post on LinkedIn and then I read the job description. I was amazed to learn that your requirements perfectly aligned with my skills and expertise.
  1. What do you know about our company?
I have been following the achievement blogs of the company on its official website, and I am impressed with the objective of the organization to keep the client first. The fact that it is a one-stop destination for applying for the money transfer process, so it fascinates me to know how the whole team works to accomplish the task. 
  1. Why did you leave your last organization?
I’ve been working in the sales department for 3 years now, and though I love my work now I am planning to upgrade my learning and skills which I hope will happen if I join your company.
  1. What is your salary expectation?

Sample Answer:

Considering my work experience, achievements, and certification in digital marketing, which according to you would be helpful for the company. I am looking for somewhere around INR 42000 monthly. 
  1. Are you willing to relocate?
Yes, I am ready to relocate to Hyderabad. But I need one week since I need to figure out the place to live. 
  1. When can you start?
I am really thrilled by the prospect of joining your team. I want to offer two weeks’ notice at my current employment to enable a seamless transition for my coworkers, and I will be delighted to join the team here after that. In the meantime, I will find someplace there to live since I will relocate there.

Also Read: How to Answer, ‘What You Can Bring to the Company?

More Relevant Phone Interview Questions

Below is the list of common phone interview questions:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. How did you come across this vacancy?
  3. What has attracted you to this position and or company?
  4. Let me know about your past organization.
  5. What job role did you have in your previous company?
  6. Why did you leave your last job?
  7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  8. From where have you completed your graduation?
  9. What keeps you motivated?
  10. Walk me through your project details.
  11. What do you like to do in your leisure time?
  12. Would you be willing to do a full-time job?
  13. How will you achieve the targets?
  14. What can you offer to the organization?
  15. Describe any successful project of yours.
  16. What is your last drawn salary?
  17. How do you keep a work-life balance?
  18. What is your salary expectation?
  19. How do you handle criticism at work?
  20. Would you be able to take instructions from people younger than you?
  21. How do you handle failure?
  22. Are you willing to relocate as it is an office job?
  23. How do you keep yourself updated?
  24. What is your greatest achievement to date?
  25. Do you have any questions?

Also Read: How to Ace a Walk-in-Interview?

Tips to Answer Phone Interview Questions?

A fresher might not have a clear idea of what is to be asked in phone interviews. Besides that, a phone interview might be the first round of screening or it might be the only interview that is to happen. So, it would be beneficial to go prepared. Here are some tips to answer the common phone interview questions:

  • Prepare in advance and research the company, job role, etc.
  • Be ready to answer the behavioural questions.
  • Sit in a suitable noise-free environment.
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer.
  • Be confident.
  • Your voice should reflect confidence and be clear.
  • Be concise while answering, don’t exaggerate your answers.
  • Use the STAR method for constructing the answers.
  • Keep the focus on your achievements.
  • Practice, take notes, and follow up. 

Also Read: STAR method for interview: Questions and Answers

What Experts Have to Say 

Experts and hiring professionals say that a phone interview is the preliminary part where the interviewer analyzes the personality of the applicant and his/her suitability for the company. On the other hand, employees get a clear picture of the company. The HR manager would ask a couple of questions to judge your basic knowledge, communication skills, and your mindset with respect to the particular role. Therefore, it is very important to convey enthusiasm and the best version of yourself.

Also Read: Guide to Ace Video Interview

Knowing how to answer and conduct yourself in a phone interview, this blog will help you to communicate with confidence on call. To convey your enthusiasm in the phone interview you must be prepared by practicing and gathering all the relevant information about the company and job roles and responsibilities.


Q.1. How do you answer the phone in a telephone interview?

Ans: Answer the phone confidently and professionally: begin by greeting the interviewer politely. Always remember that the “first impression is the last impression”, so convey your enthusiasm towards the job role.

Q.2. What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers in a call centre?

Ans: The following are some common questions that could be asked in a call centre interview:
-Tell me about yourself.
-What do you like to do in your spare time?
-Describe your previous work experience.
-Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
-What motivates you to apply?
-Why are you leaving your current job?
-How would you handle the clients on call?
-What are the key factors that make a call centre successful?
-How would you handle difficult clients?
-How would you handle feedback from the supervisors?

Q.3. What to expect in a 15-minute phone interview? 

Ans: You can expect basic answers from the interviewer related to yourself, your work experience, your educational background, and the role you’re applying for. 

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