Speech on Global Warming: Short and Long Speech

7 minute read
Speech on Global Warming

Speech is one of the great ways of expressing ourselves. It allows us to put forth and convey our thoughts. This skill can be polished in one’s school duration. One such opportunity we get is through ASL or Assessment of Speaking and Listening which is an integral part of the CBSE Class IX and X curriculum. In this section, we will go through the samples of speech on Global Warming, where we will discuss about its causes, impacts and consequences. This will students with their ASL, and academic assignments as well as increase students’ understanding of this global concern.

Speech on Global Warming for 2-3 minutes

Good morning esteemed authorities and the people present here. My name is Jake and today I am going to present before you a speech on Global Warming. I hope I will be able to convey my views on the same. 

Global warming is increasing at a fast rate and thus creating issues all around the globe. However, this is not the responsibility of a single country. All the countries are equally to blame for global warming. Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the Earth because of some of our daily activities. There are many reasons for global warming but the primary one is greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc. which trap the heat and light from our surroundings and sun.

This temperature rise ultimately affects the lives of human beings, plants, and animals. And we do have a huge share of contribution in them. A major volume of these gases is generated as a result of our daily activities which form an envelope around the Earth. This layer around the earth then absorbs the heat from the sun’s rays and gets trapped in the atmosphere. According to some statistics, by the year 2050, there would be about 4-5 degrees Celsius rise in the Earth’s temperature. It has already risen by 1 degree, which means that global warming is at its peak and that is an alarm for us to wake up. 

The rising sea levels, melting of the glaciers, acid rain, the killing of algae,  etc are just some of its effects that are taking a toll on life all around the globe. To reduce global warming, it requires a collaborative effort from all the countries. The Earth is calling out to us and we need to answer it to stop this ecological imbalance.

Also Read:- Save Environment Speech

Speech on Global Warming for 5-8 minutes

Good morning esteemed authorities, my name is Jake and today I am going to present before you a speech on Global Warming which is one of the most prominent issues in the present day. I hope that I will be able to convey my thoughts on the same. 

There are great changes happening day by day, some of them are noticeable to us while some are not. One such major change is in the rise in Earth’s temperature i.e. global warming which is often neglected. However, saying that it is happening slowly would be wrong because, over the last few years, its pace has increased. A great deal of the natural disasters that we are facing today such as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, storms, etc. are all because of global warming.

The length of seasons such as summer, winter, fall, etc is changing non-uniformly, and polar ice caps and glaciers are melting too. In some countries, snowfall amounts are decreasing, flowers bloom before time, birds are migrating to different regions, and hurricanes over the Atlantic are becoming more frequent. As a result of melting polar ice caps, the sea levels are rising continuously. And because of the stronger heat waves, human health is deteriorating too.

The effect of greenhouse gases is increasing because of human activities such as the burning of trees and fossil fuels, the use of refrigerators, microwaves, etc. Such activities release high volumes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causing global warming. This causes even more water to vaporise, which absorbs even more heat from the sun, making Earth’s temperature even warmer. This has also affected rainfall patterns, ecology balance, etc. Global warming is a powerful demon that is affecting our lives to a great extent. Hence, we need to act now and solve this problem on an urgent basis. 

The steady rise in Earth’s temperature is also leading to draught in one region, and flood in the other. Due to drought, crop fields are not able to get adequate soil moisture absorption which leads to bad crop yielding. The worldwide demand for fruits, grains, and vegetables doesn’t become fulfilled because of this leading to food shortages all around the globe.

There is much more moisture that the warmer air holds in the atmosphere which eventually results in floods in many regions. Both, drought as well as flood, adversely affect crop production. Even in the marine ecosystem, the temperature of the oceans is rising which is leading to ecosystem imbalance there. Many marine organisms are unable to withstand this change and hence, perish. Even the microscopic ocean animals are of great importance as they primarily generate and release oxygen for us to breathe. Marine animals, as well as many coral reefs, are affected by global warming. 

All this focuses on the need of the hour for us to wake up and take necessary actions to stop and prevent global warming. This won’t be possible by a single country but will take a collective effort by all the nations to make a change. Earth is calling out to us, and we need to listen and act. 

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Source: NDTV

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Q.1. What is global warming 100 words?

Ans: Global warming is the increase in the temperature of the Earth because of some of our daily activities. This leads to its temperature rising. This rise is caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc. which trap the heat and light from our surroundings and sun. This temperature rise ultimately affects the lives of human beings, plants, and animals. Global warming is increasing at a fast rate and thus creating issues all around the globe. A single country is not responsible for it. All the countries are equally to blame for global warming.

Q.2. What is global warming in 500 words?

Ans: There are great changes happening day by day, some of them are noticeable to us while some are not. One such great change is in the rise in Earth’s temperature i.e. global warming which we are unable to notice. However, saying that it is happening slowly would be wrong because, over the last few years, its pace has increased. A great deal of the natural disasters that we are facing today such as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, storms, etc. are all because of global warming.
The length of seasons such as summer, winter, fall, etc is changing non-uniformly, and polar ice caps and glaciers are melting too. In some countries, snowfall amounts are decreasing, flowers bloom before time, birds are migrating to different regions, and hurricanes over the Atlantic are becoming more frequent. As a result of melting polar ice caps, the sea levels are rising continuously. And because of the stronger heat waves, human health is deteriorating too.

The greenhouse gas volume is increasing because of human activities such as the burning of trees and fossil fuels, the use of refrigerators, microwaves, etc. Such activities release high volumes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causing global warming. This causes even more water to vaporize, which absorbs even more heat from the sun, making Earth’s temperature even warmer. This has also affected rainfall patterns, ecology balance, etc. Global warming is a powerful demon that is affecting our lives to a great extent. Hence, we need to act now and solve this problem on an urgent basis. 

The steady rise in Earth’s temperature is also leading to draught in one region, and flood in the other. Due to drought, crop fields are not able to get adequate soil moisture absorption which leads to bad crop yielding. The worldwide demand for fruits, grains, and vegetables doesn’t become fulfilled because of this leading to food shortages all around the globe.

There is much more moisture that the warmer air holds in the atmosphere than the cool air which eventually results in floods in many regions. Both, drought as well as flood, adversely affect crop production. Even in the marine ecosystem, the temperature of the oceans is rising which is leading to ecosystem imbalance there. Many marine organisms are unable to withstand this change and hence, perish. Even the microscopic ocean animals are of great importance as they primarily generate and release oxygen for us to breathe. Marine animals, as well as many coral reefs, are affected by global warming.

Q.3. What are the 3 main causes of global warming?

Ans: The 3 main causes of global warming are:-

-Burning of fossil fuels
-Industrial Developments

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With this, we come to the end of our blog on Speech on Global Warming. We hope we were able to provide you with all the necessary information you were looking for. For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu.

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