Short Speech on Technology for School Students

4 minute read

Have you noticed how rapidly everything around us is changing? Can you imagine a day without relying on technology? Need to make a call? Want to search for something online? None of this is possible without access to technology. Technology has become an essential part of our lives, influencing everything from education to research and development. In this article, we’ll provide you with examples of short speeches on technology that you can use in various settings. Keep reading to learn more.

Quick Read: Speech on No Tobacco Day

1-minute Speech on Technology

‘A very warm welcome to everyone present here today. I’m here to present myself with a short speech on technology. It’s hard to believe how fast night changes. Like, yesterday we were living in an era of traditional communication and manual labour and today in a digital world where not only information but we are also planning to move with the speed of light.’

‘Critics say that relying too much on something like technology will make us lazy and ignorant. Well, that is true as we don’t understand our true potential and embrace the benefits of technology with ethical implications. From privacy concerns to social issues like cybercrime, technology is not all about the benefits it offers. It’s not just a tool, but a catalyst for change, which needs to be addressed with wise responsibilities.’

‘So, let’s not give full control of our lives to technology. We must embrace innovation, nurture creativity, and work towards a future where technology serves as a force for good, enhancing the human experience and creating a world that is more connected, equitable, and sustainable.

Thank You.’

Also Read: Speech Writing Format, Samples and Examples

Short Speech on Technology

‘Hello and welcome to my fellow friends and colleagues, I’m here to present a speech on technology. We are all living in a fast-paced rhythm world, where our every next step is closely monitored by technology and its related aspects. Starting from the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century to today’s digital era, technology has been our guide, opening doors to endless possibilities.

We all carry that portable thing called a cell phone or mobile. It’s not just a tool but a gateway to information, communication, and innovation. Our ability to connect, share, and create has never been more profound.

Technology has compressed distances, making the world a global village. It has democratized information, empowering individuals to learn, adapt, and contribute in ways that were once inconceivable. It’s the engine of our economy, driving industries forward and creating new opportunities.

Yet, as we look at the marvels of technology, we must also reflect on its responsible use. The same innovations that bring us together can, if misused, create divides. Privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and the need for digital literacy demand our attention.

In our journey into the future, let us embrace technology as a tool for positive change. Let’s leverage it to solve global challenges, promote inclusivity, and foster creativity. As we navigate the digital landscape, let us be architects of a future where technology serves humanity, making our lives richer, our connections deeper, and our world more sustainable.

Thank you.

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10 Lines on Technology

Here are 10 lines of technology that can be applied to any speech or writing topic. Feel free to use them.

  1. Technology is the ever-evolving application of scientific knowledge for practical uses.
  2. From simple tools to complex machines, it shapes our world.
  3. Communication, transportation, and entertainment have been revolutionized by technology.
  4. Computers and the internet connect us globally, sharing information instantly.
  5. Medical advancements and automation improve lives and industries.
  6. However, responsible use is crucial to avoid ethical dilemmas and environmental impact.
  7. Technology empowers us, but we must choose its direction.
  8. The future holds exciting possibilities with artificial intelligence and space exploration.
  9. Adapting to new technologies is key to thriving in a changing world.
  10. Technology is a powerful tool, let’s use it wisely for a better future.


Q.1. How to write a short speech on technology?

Ans. To write a short speech on technology, add small and informative details in your speech, such as the advancements in recent years, the advantages and disadvantages of technology, and how it can shape a better future. Make sure to keep it short, add statistics and to the point to keep your audience engaged.

Q.2. What are the 5 latest technological developments?

Ans. Here are 5 latest technological developments: Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning; 5g connectivity; Quantum computing; Virtual and Augmented reality; and Blockchain.

Q.3. How do you define technology in one line?

Ans. Technology refers to the development of scientific knowledge to develop tools, systems and processes.

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