2-Minute Speech on The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

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Speech on The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Speech on the Importance of Extracurricular Activities: Mozart, a composer of the Classical period, was just 3 years old when his father enrolled him in music classes, and by the time he was 17, he was appointed as the court musician by the ruler of Salzburg. Usain Bolt, the fastest man on the planet, was only 9 years old when he started track and field, and when he was in high school, he made his first appearance at the World Junior Championships. 

Extracurricular activities play an important part in our life. Parents enroll their children from the age of 5 or 6 in karate, music, skating, or any other extracurricular activities, knowing their child will develop splendid skills. Imagine you started an extracurricular activity at the age of 8 or 9, and by the time you are in high school, you are so skilled in that activity that your name has been recommended for international competitions. Today, we will take a closer look at the importance of extracurricular activities speech for school students.

Source – Careerfutura

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10 Lines on Extracurricular Activities

Here are 10 lines on the importance of extracurricular activities. Feel free to add them to your speech topics.

  1. Every school and college must support extracurricular activities to prepare students for non-academic activities.
  2. Extracurricular activities teach us the art of discipline.
  3. Extracurricular activities allow us to enforce classroom lessons to non-academic activities.
  4. Students pursuing extracurricular activities often perform well in academics.
  5. Extracurricular activities can enhance our social skills by promoting teamwork, communication, and collaboration among peers.
  6. Extracurricular activities can be a great way to build careers outside the academic realm.
  7. People with excellent scores in extracurricular activities are often valued by their peers, employers, or supervisors.
  8. Extracurriculars create a sense of belonging and school spirit, fostering a positive and inclusive school environment.
  9. Extracurriculars help to take a break from academic pressures, promoting mental well-being and reducing stress among students.

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Importance of Extracurricular Activities Speech

‘Hello and welcome to everyone present here. Today, I would like to give my views on the importance of extracurricular activities speech. We all know skills are not learned overnight and once we have accomplished them, they stick with us for the rest of our lives. As more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of extracurricular activities, parents are enrolling their children in various extracurricular activities.’

Virat Kohli, ex-captain of the Indian Men’s Cricket team, recently said in his interview that parents and guardians must encourage their children at the age of 5 or 6 to participate in different non-academic activities.’

Source: Hustleism

The importance of extracurricular activities is not limited to the classroom. Kids at school can learn the art of discipline, effective communication, teamwork, and cooperation with their respective classmates. Apart from examinations at schools and colleges, there are multiple other activities organized. These activities not only entertain the children but also encourage them to participate in different activities. Some of the popular events at school that can encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities are:

  • Annual Day
  • Sports Day
  • Alumni Day
  • Independence Day Celebrations
  • Inter-school events
  • Inter-house or inter-class competitions

‘Every parent wants their children to be highly successful in life and being successful is not just about having an excellent academic performance. There have been so many cases where students with excellent grades are not able to cope with real-life situations. This is where children with extracurricular activities make a difference. They not only learn the art of survival but are also able to adapt themselves according to the situation.’

‘Sylvester Stallone once said, ‘The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and it doesn’t matter how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.’

Source: Rocky Balboa (2006) Inspirational Speech | Vimal Kumar

‘Studying for long hours often makes us frustrated and extracurricular activities can be the escape plan to fresh our minds and learn new things. Colleges and employers recognize the value of a well-rounded individual. The skills and experiences gained through participation in extracurricular activities often set us apart in college applications and job interviews. It’s not just about grades; it’s about the ability to adapt, collaborate, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Thank you.’

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Top 10 Extracurricular Activities for School Students

There are multiple extracurricular activities for students which will allow them to learn new skills and career options. Here are the top 10 extracurricular activities for school students.

  • Sports
  • Dance
  • Cooking
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Foreign language
  • Debate
  • Martial Arts
  • Scouting
  • Music


Q.1. What do we learn from extracurricular activities?

Ans: We can learn some valuable skills and lessons from extracurricular activities, such as time management, teamwork and collaboration, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills, self-discipline and dedication, self-discovery, etc.

Q.2. What are some extracurricular activities for students?

Ans: Here are some extracurricular activities for students: Sports, Dance, Cooking, Painting, Photography, Foreign language, Debate, Martial Arts, Scouting, and Music.

Q.3. What is a short speech on extracurricular activities?

Ans: The importance of extracurricular activities is not limited to the classroom. Kids at school can learn the art of discipline, effective communication, teamwork, and cooperation with their respective classmates. Apart from examinations at schools and colleges, there are multiple other activities organized. These activities not only entertain the children but also encourage them to participate in different activities. Colleges and employers recognize the value of a well-rounded individual. The skills and experiences gained through participation in extracurricular activities often set us apart in college applications and job interviews. It’s not just about grades; it’s about the ability to adapt, collaborate, and contribute meaningfully to society.

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