NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources Notes (Free PDF)

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NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources Notes

Our subject experts have prepared NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources notes, wherein, we will cover topics like utility, types of resources, how to conserve resources, etc. These notes are very concise to help you prepare for your Geography exam. It is always better to have notes on your tips so that you can revise them easily the night before your exams, owing to which we have a free PDF of notes for you. Now, without any further ado, let us explore them. 

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Introduction to NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources Notes

NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources notes begin with the definition of utility and value. Thereafter, we proceed with the types of resources and their sub-categories. Also, as we proceed through the notes we get to know about resource conservation and sustainable development. By going through these topics, we will be able to understand the significance of resources and their conservation, which will help us become better human beings and responsible global citizens. 

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Resources Class 8 Notes

Let us now explore the note of Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 notes.

What is Utility and Value?

Utility refers to the usability of a substance or an object that makes it a resource. Examples of utility are the usage of water, electricity, vegetables, etc in our daily lives. 

Whereas, value simply means worth. Objects or substances can have different values. Some can have economic value such as metals.

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What are the Types of Resources?

Resources are classified into 3 categories: Natural Resources, Human Made Resources, and Human Resources. Let us dwell into the details of these resources as part of NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources notes. 

Natural Resources

These are the resources that we draw from nature and use without much modification. In some cases, tools and technology may be needed to use a natural resource in the best possible way. Some common examples of natural resources: air we breathe, water in lakes and rivers, minerals, and soil.

Natural resources can be broadly categorised into renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable Resources

Those resources that get replenished very quickly are known as renewable resources. These are present in unlimited quantities in nature and are not affected by human activities.

Common examples of renewable resources are water, soil and forests can affect their stock. 

Non-Renewable Resources

Resources that are present in limited amounts and may be completely used by human activities are known as non-renewable resources. They take thousands of years to get replenished.

Common examples of non-renewable resources are coal, petroleum and natural gas are some examples. The distribution of these natural resources depends upon many physical factors like terrain, climate and altitude. 

Human Made Resouces

These are the naturally occurring substances that become resources only when their original form has been changed. People use natural resources to make buildings, bridges, roads, machinery and vehicles, which are known as human-made resources. Technology is also a human-made resource. 

A common example of human made resource is Iron ore, which was not a resource until people learnt to extract iron from it. 

Human Resources

People are human resources. Human beings are a valuable resource as they with their skill, knowledge and technology make the best use of nature to create more resources. 

What is Human Resource Development?

Improving the quality of people’s skills so that they can create more resources is known as human resource development

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How to Conserve Resources?

When we use resources carefully, we give them time to get replenished. This act of preservation and careful usage is known as resource conservation. There are many ways of conserving resources. Each person can contribute by reducing consumption, recycling and reusing things. Ultimately it makes a difference because all our lives are linked. 

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What is Sustainable Development?

Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called sustainable development

Principles of Sustainable Development 

  • Respect and care for all forms of life. 
  • Improve the quality of human life. 
  • Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity.  
  • Minimise the depletion of natural resources.  
  • Change personal attitudes and practices towards the environment.  
  • Enable communities to care for their environment. 

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Source: Study Squad

Important Definitions in NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1: Resources

Some important definitions covered in the  NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 notes are mentioned below: 

  • Patent: It means the exclusive right over any idea or invention. 
  • Technology: It is the application of the latest knowledge and skill in doing or making things. 
  • Stock of Resource: It is the amount of resources available for use. 
  • Sustainable Development: Carefully utilising resources so that besides meeting the requirements of the present, also takes care of future generations. 

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Q1. What is resources in geography class 8 notes?

Ans: Any substance or object that comes from nature and has utility or use for us is known as a resource.

Q2. What is resource conservation?

Ans: When we use resources carefully, we give them time to get replenished. This is known as resource conservation. 

Q3. What are natural resources?

Ans: These are the resources that we draw from nature and use without much modification. The air we breathe, the water in lakes and rivers, the minerals, and soil are common examples of natural resources

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