Children have creative minds. Their world of creativity can be seen through their drawings and coloring. However, some children prefer to show their creativity through writing. Writing a good and informative essay is an important academic activity that can significantly improve their language and communication skills. To all such students who love to write enlightening like Essay on Fish, connect with us and dive into every detailed write-up.
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The world of fish is very big and interesting. From the graceful goldfish in our home aquarium to the massive great sharks in the ocean, fishes come in amazing varieties.
The fishes we see today are the product of millions of years of evolution. According to the record of fossils, it is believed that these aquatic animals have been on Earth for more than 500 million years. Over 34,000 species fill the oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams around the world. The existence of fish plays an important role in Ecology as well as in human culture, mythology, and commerce.
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Essay on Firsh for Class 3
‘Fish are beautiful creatures. They have a backbone and live in water environments all over the world. They come in many shapes and sizes, colors, and types. Fishes breathe through their gills underwater. They also use their fins to swim around. There are many different types of fish found in the world. The most common types of fish are goldfish, clownfish, airbreathing catfishes, blue ring angelfish, salmon, cod, and shark.’
‘Goldfish are small and orange in color. As these fishes are beautiful so people keep them as pets in aquariums and ponds.’
‘Clownfish are bright and colorful and live in coral reefs. Betta fish have beautiful and big fins and are mostly caught for food. In the variety of fishes, there are some fishes that are silent as well as attackers. Learning about fishes helps in learn more about the diverse aquatic habitats and helps us to understand their various types.’
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Essay on Fish for Class 5
‘Fishes are aquatic vertebrates aquatic animals. The source of their movement is possible due to the presence of their smooth tail which is often called the caudal fin and appears in a motor on a boat. Most fishes are cold-blooded or ectothermic animals and are dependent on water temperature to regulate their body temperature.’
‘They use their patterns and colors to save themselves from predators. For example, the bright and colorful patterns of Clownfish and Betta fish help them be seen by their mates. Fish breathe by the water passing over their gills. They can absorb oxygen from the water but need water to be alive and this is the reason why fishes die when taken out from the water.’
‘Fishes swim in water by contracting their muscles on either side of their bodies and tails. Most of the fishes have streamlined bodies that appear like an arrow or torpedoes. It is the shape of the body which helps the fish to swim faster. Fish like sharks and tuna are efficient swimmers because of their shape edge shape only.’
‘The fish food is different but still most of the fish eat plankton, plants, fishes that are smaller in size, insects, worms, and eggs. Some fishes are predators too. They use their sharp teeth to catch the prey for eating. Other fishes are filter feeders. They either nibbe algae or suck in plankton and particles that are floating in the water.’
‘Fish appear simple in form, but they still have a complex evolution. Their beauty, living habits, and amazing eating and physical features make them precious to all living things.’
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Essay on Fish for Class 6
Fish are classified as aquatic animals, as they can only survive in water. Fish are like humans, which involve female fish in taking care of their babies. In the reproductive process of fish, the female deposits the eggs, and the male fertilises them. Though some fish leave their eggs on their own, some species of fish do protect them.’
‘Fishes live in freshwater as well as in salty water. But some fishes live in both. Salmon fish are the perfect example of this as they travel between both fresh and salty water during their lifetime. The freshwater fish need clean water to swim with healthy plants and oxygen. When it comes to fish farming, fish like bettas, guppies, and tetras are kept in freshwater tanks whereas coral reefs are given salty and clean water for survival.’
‘Many fishes migrate long distances to find food or to reach a suitable living environment. Salmon fish are the famous swimming fishes that swim from the ocean to the freshwater rivers to spawn in the place where they have hatched. It is more interesting to know that when the salmon fish spawn, they return to the exact place where they were born to lay their eggs for the next generation.’
‘Fishes are very sophisticated creatures. They face threats with the destruction of habitat, overfishing, pollution in the rivers, and climate change. Some fishes are endangered due to these threats only. It is surprising to know that it is only a few salmon fish who complete the migration which is from their birthplace to the ocean.’
‘The human use fish for food, as pet animals, and for recreation and scientific research. As fish are an important renewable source of high protein and omega-3 therefore they are used in the manufacturing of medicines also. Overfishing and pollution have become the major reason for the decline in fish populations. Although, sustainable fishing practice helps in the conservation of fish species and maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem.’
‘Fish have been an important part of human culture and myths. In ancient days, people used fish as their major source of food and were respected for its grace and beauty. After learning about fish so comprehensively, we should take care of marine life, like oceans, lakes, rivers and streams and try to keep it clean and environment friendly. If we work together towards water pollution, and overfishing we can give a healthy and long life to fish as well as to their generations.’
Ans. 1 Fish are beautiful creatures. They have a backbone and live in water environments all over the world. They come in many shapes and sizes, colors, and types. Fishes breathe through their gills underwater. They also use their fins to swim around. There are many different types of fish found in the world. The most common types of fish are goldfish, clownfish, airbreathing catfishes, blue ring angelfish, salmon, cod, and shark
Fishes are aquatic vertebrates aquatic animals. The source of their movement is possible due to the presence of their smooth tail which is often called the caudal fin and appears in a motor on a boat. Most fishes are cold-blooded or ectothermic animals and are dependent on water temperature to regulate their body temperature.
Currently, there are more than 34,000 species of fish found across the world.
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