What is BOT Full Form?

2 minute read
BOT Full form

The BOT full form is Build-Operate-Transfer. It is a type of project delivery method where the government sector (or sometimes the private sector)  provides some financial assistance to a private organisation to fund, establish, own, style and conduct business in a specified facility mentioned in the agreement period. Generally, this project delivery method is used for large-scale infrastructure investments. These investments are based on public-private partnerships and are financed using a BOT contract model.

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What is the Basic Structure of BOT?

The following is the basic structure of BOT:

  • Build – A private organisation accepts to assist the government in building a public infrastructure plan
  • Operate – Then, it goes to manage and run the infrastructure for a pre-decided period of time. Later, it must recover the investment and start to make money 
  • Transfer – After, the period of granted time, the organisation returns the ownership of the plan to the government agency

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What are the Benefits of BOT?

The following are the advantages of BOT:

  • One of the most favourable advantages of BOT is that the government involves private firms which have an organised structure and plenty of equipment with which the private sector can aim to improve both the quality and effectiveness 
  • They have performance-based agreements and output-oriented goals which help the BOT to give businesses a method and opportunity to increase productivity 
  • The private sector also participates to share in the project’s dangers 
  • The projects are fully competitively bid and thus, are executed at the cheapest cost possible 

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Other Full Form

Other full form is Balance of Trade. It is the difference between the value of the currency of the country while exporting and the value of the other country’s currency while importing or vice-versa.

Another full form of bot is “Robot”, or “Software Robot”. It refers to a computer program that is equipped to perform automated tasks.

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