All About Shree Narayana Guru: Career, Early Life & Teachings

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Shree Narayan Guru was a remarkable Indian social reformer, philosopher and spiritual leader. He challenged the rigid caste system in India despite being born in the Ezhava caste, a lower caste in Kerala. His teachings always emphasise spiritual enlightenment and social justice. He was the one who used to believe in the principle of “One caste, one religion, one God for all human beings. Guru founded the Sivagiri Mutt a spiritual and social reform centre and his legacy continues to prevail in social and religious movements in India. In this blog, we will learn all about the Shree Narayana Guru.

Shree Narayana Guru Biography

Shree Narayan Guru was a remarkable social reformer, philosopher and spiritual leader. He was from Kerala, India. He played a crucial role in the Kerala Reformation Movement, advocating for equality, social justice and education. Here is a quick insight of Shree Narayana Guru-

Credit: Shree Narayan Mission
About Shree Narayana Guru
NameShree Narayana Guru 
Born20 August 1856
Died20 September 1928 
Known forKerala reformation movement

All About Shree Narayan Guru 

Shree Narayana Guru is an Indian social reformer, philosopher, and spiritual leader from Kerala. He is considered one of the most influential personalities in Kerala. He experienced discrimination and social injustice as he was from a lower-caste family. He worked to establish many educational institutions, temples and ashrams to promote social justice, education and spiritual enlightenment.

Credit: Directorate of Culture

Early Life of Shree Narayan Guru

  • Shree Narayan Guru was born Nanu Asan on August 20, 1856, in the village of Chempazhanthy, near Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 
  • He belonged to the Ezhava castle, a lower social group within the Hindu caste system.
  • He received his early education in a traditional gurukul system, where he learned Sanskrit, Ayurveda and religious texts.
  • As a child also he showed a deep interest in spirituality and meditation. he often spent hours in solitude, reflecting on the nature of existence and the divine.
  • He travelled extensively across south India, seeking guidance from spiritual masters and engaging in rigorous meditation practices.
  • He spent eight years in deep meditation at the Pillathadham cave in the Maruthawamala hills.
  • It was during this time that Guru attained spiritual enlightenment and became known as Shree Narayana Guru.

Ascetic and Marriage life

  • Nanu married Kaliammma in his early childhood. However, he soon renounced his worldly life and embarked on a journey of spiritual seeking.

Social Reformer and Philosopher

  • Guru’s early life experiences marked by caste discrimination, fueled his desire to promote social equality and uplift the marginalised.
  • He developed a unique philosophy emphasising the importance of spiritual awakening and the oneness of all beings.

Teachings of Shree Narayan Guru

The key teachings of Shree Narayana Guru are-

  • Social Equality- Guru was a staunch advocate for social equality and opposed the caste system. He believed in the inherent dignity of all human beings, regardless of their caste, creed or gender. His teachings inspired the Ezhava community a lower caste group to fight for their rights.
  • One God, one religion one humanity- Gurur emphasised the oneness of all beings and the unity of all religions. He advocated for a universal religion based on the principle of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means “The world is one family”. 
  • Education and  Empowerment- Guru recognised the transformative power of education and encouraged the establishment of educational institutions for marginalised communities. He had the faith that education would empower individuals and enable them to contribute meaningfully to society.
  • Social Services- Guru emphasised the importance of humanitarian work and social services. He inspired his followers to engage in activities that would be helpful for the community such as providing healthcare, shelter and education etc. 

Sree Narayan Guru – Role as a Social Reformer

  • Around the 19th and 20th centuries, Kerala had a big issue with casteism and the people there from lower castes were treated badly by the people of higher castes.
  • Sree Narayan Guru has also felt the discrimination due to his lower cast.
  • The Guru did his first big public act to fight this unfair treatment.
  • Sree Narayan Guru made a temple for Lord Shiva and put a stone with the words truth, goodness, kindness and Love on it.
  • A big change came with the upper cast group when Aruvippura, a village in Kerala, a non-brahmin ordained a Hindu statue.
  • He made more than 40 temples in the Kerala.
  • This scenario made all things for everyone like poor or oppressed folks use their faith.
  • 1903 when he became the leader of the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam. Even today, the group 

Legacy of Shree Narayan Guru

Shree Narayana Guru’s Legacy continues to inspire and influence people today. His teachings on social equality, human rights and spiritual enlightenment remain relevant and continue to shape the discourse on social justice and human rights. His contributions to the upliftment of marginalized communities have earned him a place of honour in the history of India.


Is Sree Narayana Guru married?

Nanu married Kaliammma in his early childhood. However, he soon renounced his worldly life and embarked on a journey of spiritual seeking.

What is the caste of Shree Narayana Guru?

The cast of Shree Narayana Guru was the Ezava caste which was a lower caste in Kerala.

Why is Sree Narayana Guru Jayanthi celebrated?

Sree Narayana Guru Jayanthi is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sree Narayana Guru, a spiritual leader and social reformer from Kerala.

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With this, we come to the end of the article about Shree Narayan Guru. For more related articles you can visit our page of famous personalities.

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