
More than 1.8 million Indian students may study abroad by 2024

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Study Abroad: Amid severe labour shortage, new possibilities for overseas students
India among top 5 countries to send its students abroad for higher education.

Increased growth has been seen in Indian students wanting to study abroad. In 2019, the number of Indian students going abroad was 700,000; by 2024, this number is said to be increased to 1.8 million as per redseer Startegy Consultants reports.

CanadaAustraliathe UK and the US are the most preferred study destinations for Indian students. However, due to the competitive nature of admission and the high cost of studying in these countries, it is expected that many Indian students may go to other countries such as Germany, Italy, Russia, China, Turkey and Ireland. 

Source: redseer

What is the reason behind the surge in the number of Indian students studying abroad?

Numerous reasons contribute to the rapid growth in the number of Indian students wanting to study abroad. The major factors include:

  • Top-quality programs
  • Employment opportunities
  • Quality Life

In 2019 alone, more than 4,00,000 students left to study abroad. This massive increase is due to several factors, such as the increase in GDP in the past 2 decades leading to more awareness about education abroad and its merits. 

Since the financial capacity of Indian families is improving, many families can now provide funds for their children to study abroad. From rich and middle-upper class to even those in rural areas are ready to spend on their children to get higher studies abroad after secondary education. 

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