
20+ Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish

8 minute read
Goodbye in Spanish

Spoken by millions of people across the world, Spanish is an incredible language to master! It is easy to pick up and is spoken by millions in over 79 countries. The language is an excellent portal to exciting unconventional opportunities. If you are planning to study in Spain or planning a getaway trip to the country then picking up a few quick phases is a must! Here are the top 10 ways to say bye in Spanish! There are so many ways to say goodbye or hello in any language! Depending upon who you are talking to, you can use these phrases appropriately to sound tactful and clever. Let us explore the most popular ways to say Goodbye and bye in Spanish to help you impress some Spaniards with your extensive vocabulary!  

Why Are There So Many Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish?

Spanish is the official language of 21 countries scattered across three continents, and the connotation of a word may differ slightly from region to region in some large countries, such as Venezuela. An estimated 580 million people speak Spanish or are studying it.

This article’s goal is to make you aware that there isn’t just one way to say bye in Spanish!

Because there is an actual ocean between the two areas, what is considered a formal and distant goodbye in one region may be informal and welcoming in another.

You might expect this to make learning more difficult, yet it has the opposite effect! Once you’re familiar with all of the ways to say farewell in Spanish described on this page, it’ll be easy to figure out which are most commonly used by the people with whom you’ll engage.

Must Read: Learn 50 Most Common Words in Spanish with Examples!

Top Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish

Here are the top ways to say goodbye in Spanish:


The most common, well-known word in the Spanish language; is amongst the first few phrases you will hear when you officially start learning the language! Its literal translation is ‘Goodbye’ in English. The word is more apt for a formal setting like a job interview or Zoom meeting with your foreign colleagues; it is also easy to remember and pronounce!

Goodbye in Spanish - Adiós
Credits – https://www.scribbler.com/

Adiós Cuídate

We all know Adiós means bye while Cuídate means take care! Adding the word Cuídate makes you sound more polite, affable and approachable! You can use the phrase in any situation with friends, family or even at a restaurant or cafe!

Nos vemos

‘Nos Vemos’ is more colloquially used to say ‘see you’ or ‘see ya’. It is a polite, common phrase used for ending a conversation or saying goodbye to someone. It is a general statement, it does not specify when you plan to meet next.

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Nos Vemos Más Tarde

You can use Nos Vemos Más Tarde as well to say bye to someone you have a plan with later in the day! Más Tarde means later and the phrase literally means ‘see you later’.

Nos Vemos Más Tarde -  Goodbye in Spanish
Credits – www.generadormemes.com

Hasta Luego

Perfect for saying bye in Spanish to your new friends or work colleagues! The word ‘Hasta’ means ‘Until’ and ‘Hasta Luego’ means ‘see you later’ in the English language.

Hasta Pronto 

‘Hasta Pronto’ means see you soon. It is another perfect way to end an informal conversation in Spanish! You can use it amongst your friends or family members.

Hasta entonces

Hasta Entonces when literally translated means ‘until then’. It is rarely used but it is a different way to say farewell to someone you know or someone you plan to meet soon!

Hasta Mañana

The word ‘Mañana’ has multiple meanings. It can either mean tomorrow or morning so be careful when using this word! ‘Hasta Mañana’ means ‘until tomorrow’! It’s a more specific and descriptive form of saying bye to someone. It is also excellent for colloquial or formal usage.

Hasta Mañana - Goodbye in Spanish
Credits – www.memegenerator.es

Te Veo

Te Veo is another farewell phrase commonly used in the Spanish language! In English, it means I’ll see you. It is a direct and personal way to say bye to someone which makes it perfect for informal usage! You can easily add words like Mañana or Pronto at the end to sound well-versed!

Feliz Noche

Feliz Noche means good night! It is another way of saying bye to someone at the end of the day! You can use Feliz Noche because It is different and unique; not something non-native speakers would generally use as they stick to more common phrases like Adios or Nos Vemos.

Butterfly Spanish

Formal Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish

Hasta luegoUntil later
Me despidoI bid you farewell
Con permisoExcuse me
Que tenga un buen díaHave a nice day
Excelente díaHave an excellent day

Informal Ways to Say Goodbye

Nos vemos.See you.
Hasta luego.See you later.
Hasta pronto.See you soon.
Cuídate.Take care of yourself.
Que tengas un buen día.Have a great day.
Que pases un buen día.Have a great day.
Hasta la próxima.Until next time.
Nos vemos mañana.See you tomorrow.

Very Informal Ways to Say Goodbye

Luego nos vemos.See you around.
Que te bañes.See ya later.
Allí nos vemos.See you around.
Nos vemos por ahí.See you around.
Suerte.Good luck.
Ya me voy.I’m out.

Common Ways to Say Goodbye

Hasta luego.See you later.
Cuídese.Take care.

Using Phrases With “Hasta” (Until…) to Say Goodbye in Spanish

Hasta La PróximaUntil next time
Hasta LuegoSee you later
Hasta ProntoSee you soon
Hasta MañanaSee you tomorrow
Hasta EntoncesSee you then
Hasta la vistaUntil sight
Hasta SiempreUntil forever
Hasta NuncaUntil Never

Goodbyes for Letters, Emails, Texts, and Phone Calls

As you’ve seen with in-person goodbyes, there are other ways to say bye in Spanish, including written mail and phone calls.

Here’s a rundown of the most common:

Letters and Emails

Closing emails and letters is an art form in any language, but you can’t go wrong with these Spanish terms and phrases.

The following are the main Spanish written closures, in order of formality:

  • Atentamente – “sincerely”, literally “with attention”. Atentamente can be used on its own or as le(s) saluda atentamenteme despido atentamente, or se despide atentamente.
  • Cordialmente – “cordially”. It can be used in the same way as “atentamente”, but it is a notch below in formality.
  • Mejores saludos/deseos – “best regards/wishes”
  • Cariñosos saludos – “affectionate regards”
  • Afectuosamente – “affectionately” or “yours affectionately”
  • Con todo mi cariño/afecto – “with all my affection”
  • Besos y abrazos – “kisses and hugs”

Texts and Phone Calls

In addition to the majority of the spoken phrases you’ve already learned in this post, there are a few common terms you can use to stop a phone call. In Spanish, “talk to you later” is hablamos luego, which translates as “we’ll talk later.” It can also be abbreviated as hablamos (“we (will) talk”), while the more formal version is te vuelvo a llamar pronto (“I’ll call you again soon”).

Because they are so short, un beso (“a kiss”) and un abrazo (“a hug”) can be used to end a call and are also used in texting. Chau/o and bye both fulfil the same function. You can obviously choose a TQM, which stands for te quiero mucho (“I love you a lot”) or salu2, which is for saludos (“goodbye”) in the language of extra-short messages.

Why Learn Different Ways of Saying Goodbye in Spanish?

Here’s why you should have several Spanish goodbyes on hand:

  • Variety is the spice of life when it comes to words. Changing up your options keeps things interesting.
  • Different contexts necessitate varying degrees of formality. You wouldn’t say “laters” after a job interview in English. In Spanish, the same is true.
  • Choosing the appropriate ending for a circumstance is an indication of fluency. It means you can read the situation and respond appropriately.
  • Choosing the most acceptable answer for the scenario helps to avoid unnecessary (and fully avoidable) offence.
  • Knowing how to say bye in Spanish in different ways will help you understand native speakers better. Adiós is not always used by Spanish speakers, and you’ll need to grasp this terminology to understand what they’re saying.

Must Read: Similarities Between English and Spanish

Spanish Language Courses in India

Do you want to learn more than just saying bye in Spanish? It is entertaining to mug up a few foreign phrases to impress your friends or family, but if you are serious and wish to learn a language, then it is better to learn from experts. That is why we have compiled a list of Spanish institutions in India where you can learn about the Spanish language, its history, culture and lifestyle! 

  • Instituto Cervantes: It is located in New Delhi and was founded by the Spain government to promote the Spanish language and culture. 
  • Institute of Spanish Studies: The institute has centres in various Indian cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Patna, Ahmedabad, Chennai etc and is constantly expanding to cover more cities. They even offer online classes. 
  • Instituto Hispania: A language school founded in 1997 and has centres in all major Indian cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Patna and Chennai. 
  • English and Foreign Languages University: A central university which offers part-time diploma and certificate courses in various foreign languages for students and professionals. They have campuses in Lucknow, Shillong and Hyderabad.

Check Out – Best Colleges For Foreign Languages in India


Q1. What are 3 ways to say goodbye in Spanish?

Ans. Bye, ¡nos vemos!
Adiós, ya me voy.
Chao, nos vemos el martes.
Te veo, ¡cuídate!
Nos vemos mañana, descansa.

Q2. Is Adios polite?

Ans. Though adiós sounds more formal than some of the other options below, it can also be used in an informal setting, and it’s an excellent one to have on hand for when you’re not sure where you stand with the folks you’re speaking with.

Q3. How do you say goodbye in Mexico?

Ans. Here are some ways in which you can say goodbye in Mexico:
Adiós. Goodbye.
Chau. Bye! ( casual)
Nos vemos. See you (casual)
Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow.
Hasta luego. See you later.

Q4. Is it goodbye or adios?

Ans. Although you may already know that adiós means “goodbye” in Spanish, it is often too formal to use in regular conversation. Adiós sounds more final, like a farewell, to many Spanish speakers. A term like hasta luego is more akin to saying good-by or see you later.

These were the top 10 ways to say goodbye in Spanish! Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comment section below! Learning any language is a gateway to many opportunities and if you are interested in exploring a career in foreign languages then contact our experts at Leverage Edu and let them nudge you in the right direction!

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