Fruit or Vegetable Quiz with Answers: 20 Question Quiz Challenge for Kids

3 minute read

Do you know if tomato is a fruit or vegetable? What about bell peppers or cucumbers? You can test your knowledge by taking this fruit or vegetable quiz. What you categorise as a fruit might be a vegetable or vice versa. Below we have provided you top 20 questions. You have to decide which is a fruit or vegetable. Ready to be surprised by the botanical classification? Take this test now. We have provided the answer keys for you to test your knowledge.

Fruit or Vegetable Quiz

Here is your quiz on whether it is a fruit or vegetable. Read the name carefully and select the right answer. Later, you can compare your answers with the answer key below. For now, just take the test.

1. Fruit or Vegetable: Onion

Fruit Vegetable 

2. Fruit or Vegetable: Beetroot

Fruit Vegetable 

3. Fruit or Vegetable: Pumpkin

Fruit B. Vegetable 

4. Fruit or vegetable: Asparagus

Fruit B. Vegetable 

5. Fruit or Vegetable: Avocado

Fruit B. Vegetable 

6. Fruit or Vegetable: Cabbage

Fruit B. Vegetable 

7. Fruit or Vegetable: Brussels Sprouts

Fruit B Vegetable 

8. Fruit or Vegetable: Lettuce

Fruit B. Vegetable 

9. Fruit or Vegetable: Bell Pepper

Fruit B. Vegetable 

10. Fruit or Vegetable: Tomato

Fruit B. Vegetable 

11. Fruit or Vegetable: Artichoke

Fruit B. Vegetable 

12. Fruit or Vegetable: Carrot 

Fruit B. Vegetable 

13. Fruit or Vegetable: Rhubarb

Fruit B. Vegetable 

14. Fruit or Vegetable: Sweet Potato

Fruit B Vegetable 

15 Fruit or Vegetable: Hazelnut

Fruit B. Vegetable 

16. Fruit or Vegetable: Pineapple

Fruit B Vegetable 

17. Fruit or Vegetable: Cauliflower

Fruit B. Vegetable 

18. Fruit or Vegetable: Mushroom

Fruit B. Vegetable 

19. Fruit or Vegetable: Olives

Fruit B. Vegetable 

20. Fruit or Vegetable: Eggplant

Fruit B. Vegetable 

Answer Keys – Fruit or Vegetable Quiz

Here is the answer key to the above questions. Match your answers with it, and let us know how much you have scored in the comments.

1. B  2. B 3. A 4. B  
5. A6. B  7. B  8. B  
9. A  10. A  11. B  12. B  
13. B  14. B  15. A  16. A  
17. B  18. Neither19. A 20. A  


How do you tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

Fruits are formed from the flowers of a plant. It contains seeds. For example, tomatoes and apples. On the other hand, vegetables are other parts of a plant. For example, carrots are roots, and spinach are leaves.

Why do some vegetables taste sweet like fruits?

Natural sugars can make vegetables taste sweet. For example, sweet potatoes and bell peppers. Fruits mainly have a high sugar content. However, some vegetables can also have it.

Are all seeds found in fruits edible?

No. All fruit seeds are not safe to eat. For example, fruits like cherry seeds, and apple seeds have toxins. However, on the flip side sunflower seeds, and pumpkin are nutritious and are edible.

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