
Why is Getting PTE Speaking Feedback So Important?

4 minute read
Why is getting PTE speaking feedback so Important?

Pearson Test of English or PTE is an English Language test for candidates who are looking to apply to universities or countries abroad that use the English Language as the primary source of communication. The PTE exam is a computer-based English test for candidates who want to study abroad. PTE Exam tests the Reading, writing, Listening and Speaking skills of the candidates. In this blog, we will discuss why is getting PTE speaking feedback so important.

In this article, the candidates will get to know, why is getting PTE Speaking feedback so important, PTE Speaking sections and the assessment criteria for the PTE Speaking Test which will help the candidates to know more about the PTE Speaking Test section.

Exam NamePearson Test of English
Exam Short NamePTE Academic Test
Exam Conducted ByPearson PLC Group
Exam ModeOnline
Application ModeOnline
PTE Exam FeesINR 15,900
Skills TestedEnglish Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading
WebsiteOfficial Website

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PTE Speaking Test Sections

In writing, there are two sections. For listening, there are eight sections. For reading, there are five sections, and for speaking there are five sections. The PTE Speaking Section is one of the most difficult sections in the exam. There are five sections in PTE tests are

  1. Repeat Sentence
  2. Retell lecture
  3. Read Aloud
  4. Describe Image
  5. Answer Short Questions

Repeat Sentence

  • The candidates must listen carefully and try to memorize the sentence.
  • After the clip will end there will be no beep sound so just start speaking after the clip ends.
  • If the candidate is not able to memorize the sentence then just try to memorize the keywords.

Retell Lecture

  • In Speaking Test while listening to the clips focus on the keywords, which will help you understand the context of the topic.
  • Instead of using full names, you can use titles.
  • Try to capture the best 3-5 sentences. They should be enough to retell the lecture. 

Read Aloud

  • Rising your tone at the beginning and falling tone at the end of the sentence will make the sentences sound original.
  • If the candidates have realised that they have made a mistake then continue speaking don’t stop.
  • From starting off your preparation practice with different tongue twisters every day until the exam day.

Describe Image

  • In the speaking tests the candidates should start with words like illustrate, depicts etc.
  • The candidates must notice that whether it’s a pie chart, bar chart or line graph.
  • The candidate must try finishing in 30-35 seconds and don’t leave incomplete recorded sentences.

Answer Short Questions

  • The candidate must keep in mind to add articles like a, an, and the before some words.
  • If the candidate doesn’t know the answer then just repeat the words in the question.

Also Read: PTE Reading Fill In The Blanks: Tips That Help You Score High

Assessment Criteria for PTE Speaking Exam

The candidate appearing for PTE Academic Exam must know that the scores on the PTE Academic Exam will be given on the basis of three assessment criteria. The assessment criteria for Speaking Exam are mentioned below:

  • Content
  • Pronunciation
  • Oral Fluency

Why is PTE Speaking Feedback Important?

The candidate who is appearing for the PTE Academic Exam must know the exam pattern and must practice according to the syllabus and pattern provided by the conducting body of the PTE Academic Exam. In below mentioned points the students appearing for PTE Academic Exam will get to know, why PTE Speaking feedback is so important.

  • If the candidate is making the same mistakes while practising then it will become part of the speech pattern and will affect the exam.
  • The candidates must practice using correct pronunciation, speech and structure every time.
  • The candidate must work with a trained teacher or coach who will help them to improve their habits and methods that interfere with their communication.
  • A qualified teacher or coach will listen and will give feedback on how to improve the speech for the speaking task.
  • Continuous feedback from the teachers will boost the confidence of the candidates and will enhance their communication skills.


How is Speaking Test evaluated in PTE Academic Exam?

The first part of the test will evaluate the Speaking and Writing skills in this section the time allotted for speaking tasks is approximately 54-67 minutes. It evaluates English Language proficiency in an academic environment. The speaking module of the PTE exam will test the candidates on how well they can listen, speak and write.

How the speaking test is marked?

In the speaking test, the examiner will be marking the candidates on four things– fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. In each of those areas, you’ll get a Band Score from 1 the lowest to 9 the highest.

Why is getting PTE Speaking feedback so important?

The PTE Speaking feedback is so important because by this the teachers and coaches can guide and advise them if they are making a mistake during the practice.

In the above article, the candidates will get to know Why is getting PTE Speaking feedback is so important, the assessment criteria for the PTE Speaking test and PTE Speaking Sections. The candidates can get a good grip on the questions in the speaking section only through practice.

PTE scores are helpful in securing admission to leading universities and Students can seek guidance from industry experts and coaches, have a look at Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and with the help of top trainers, get closer to a spot in your dream college. For any help with your PTE preparation or study abroad journey, you can reach out to us at 1800-572-130

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