
Why Do You Want to Study in UK Essay: Samples, Do’s and Don’t’s

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If you want to know how you can write a great essay on why one should study in the United Kingdom, then you have landed on the right blog. We will give you examples of why do you want to study in UK essay. Maybe you want to write this essay for your college assignments, or you are preparing for a speech, or maybe you want to submit this essay to a competition. It doesn’t matter what’s your aim here, we will help you in writing your essay by offering you samples and do’s and don’t’s. You will practically learn here how to write your essay. So, let’s begin!


Sample 1 (100 Words)

The UK has always been my dream study destination. What makes the UK attractive to me is its world-class education and extensive job opportunities. Pursuing your education at a university in the UK gets you recognised by employers and academics across the world. The country is not just known for its academic excellence but also its rich and diverse culture. 

The UK boasts about 679,970 international students, demonstrating how welcoming it is to foreigners. The universities here are known to encourage students to be more creative, innovative, and expressive of their innovative thinking. 

These are the reasons why I want to study in the UK. This is all I wanted to say in my why do you want to study in UK essay. 

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Sample 2 (150 Words)

The United Kingdom is renowned for its top-notch education, thriving job market, and welcoming culture. I want to pursue my education in the UK because I believe it will secure my future and make me competent enough to face the real world. 

After completing a degree at a UK university, you will not only enhance your skills and acquire advanced knowledge but also receive recognition worldwide. The universities in the country have a good reputation for academic excellence and world-class education facilities. 

The country houses numerous prestigious universities that consistently rank at the top, such as:

Top Universities QS World University Rankings 2024
Imperial College London
University of Oxford
University College London
University of Cambridge2
London School of Economics and Political Science45

I hope you understand why the UK is an ideal country to pursue education in this essay. So, this is all I wanted to say in my why do you want to study in UK essay. 

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Sample 3 (300 Words)

The United Kingdom is considered to be among the best countries to pursue education, with about 679,970 international students studying there. The country attracts tons of overseas students every year and for good reasons. It boasts world-class teaching, a diverse culture, a thriving economy, and a rich heritage. I believe that studying in the UK will give my career an immense boost. 

Here are some of the main reasons why I want to study in the UK: 

High-Quality Education

The universities in the UK offer a high-quality education, ensuring the employability of the graduates. These institutes provide modern and extensive libraries, sophisticated laboratories, and other academic facilities. UK universities constantly rank at the top, reclaiming their excellence. 

Some of the best universities in the country are:

Top Universities QS World University Rankings 2024
Imperial College London
University of Oxford
University College London
University of Cambridge2
London School of Economics and Political Science45

International Recognition

The degrees offered by UK universities are not just recognised in the country but across the globe. Moreover, these institutes have excellent academic records. So, pursuing your education in the UK will allow you to thrive in your career. 

Work While Studying 

The thriving economy of the UK allows students to easily get part-time jobs, internships, and placements. Internships and part-time jobs can make your resume very attractive to employers. So, studying in the UK is very beneficial when it comes to seeking employment. 

Large Student Community

Over 40,000 international students go to the UK for the pursuit of education. So, studying here will offer you a chance to experience a multicultural environment and meet new people hailing different countries. 

So, this is all I wanted to say in my why do you want to study in UK essay.

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Do’s and Don’t’s

We hope that the above samples gave you a proper understanding of writing the why do you want to study in UK essay. However, there are some do’s and don’ts you should keep in mind before you write your essay. 


Here are the do’s of writing the essay:

  • Stick to the given word limit, 
  • Make sure that each paragraph is in sync with the topic,
  • Get to the point soon after giving a broad overview of the topic, 
  • Pay special attention to the essay’s first line and first paragraph, and
  • Ensure that the paragraphs follow a logical sequence.


Here are the don’t’s of writing the essay:

  • Refrain from writing very long sentences,
  • Avoid spending too much time on writing the introduction of the essay,
  • Don’t write very long incidents or stories in your essay, and
  • Avoid stating facts when you are unsure about them. 

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Q1. Why do you want to study in UK answer?

Ans: The UK offers world-class education through its prestigious universities and boasts a diverse and welcoming culture. 

Q2. How is life in UK for Indian students?

Ans: The UK is very welcoming to Indians and other international students, offering them extensive academic and employment opportunities. 

Q3. How do you write an essay?

Ans: Ensure that you write the introduction, body, and conclusion in your essay. 

So, this was all about the why do you want to study in the UK essay. Many Indian students dream of pursuing education in foreign nations due to the exposure and career growth they offer. Consider joining a free counselling session with Leverage Edu if you plan to study abroad.

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