Q- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should have part-time jobs while attending high school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.
Ans: I wholeheartedly agree that children should be permitted to work part-time jobs while attending high school. Working part-time jobs, I feel, will not only offer high school students enough confidence to face their adulting phase but will also teach them the importance of responsibility and accountability. Children who work part-time during their high school years are more likely to become responsible, self-sufficient, and financially independent adults.
To put that into perspective, I’ve often witnessed youngsters who have never worked a day in their lives stumble through a hard time as they enter adulthood. They frequently find themselves in an impasse due to their ineptitude in dealing with real-world difficulties. This is where children with past work experience outshine their counterparts. Such individuals tend to become more mature, understanding, and responsible adults later in life. This is due to their exposure to the world of professional work culture and ethics. They understand the value of hard work and the arduous journey it can be to earn even the minimum amount needed for basic subsistence in the modern world.
Furthermore, I believe that parents should also encourage their children to work part-time during their high school years. The experience gained from working part-time is really necessary for youngsters to grow out of their comfort zones and face the reality of the world. On the other hand, not allowing youngsters to pursue part-time jobs during their high school years will only leave them unprepared to thrive in the real world outside of their cushy bubble. It is essential for children and teenagers to gain experience working in professional settings before entering adulthood.
In conclusion, working part-time can equip young people with the maturity needed to break free from their constraints and face life’s adversities while becoming self-reliant. It plays an integral role in their overall development and growth, providing them with invaluable learning experiences.
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