
TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: Elaborate upon whether you will choose- A written paper test, Presentation, or Creating a video as your assessment.

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TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: Elaborate upon whether you will choose- A written paper test, Presentation, or Creating a video as your assessment.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

Reasons for choosing video assessments:

  • Come out of my comfort zone.
  • Help me articulate thoughts and focus on non-verbal communication.
  • Offers flexibility and will reduce the stress of submitting time-bound tests.
  • Will help me learn new technology foster creativity and allow me to experiment with different tones and languages.

Ans. Given the choice between a written test paper, a presentation or creating a video for assessment, I would opt for video assessment as it will help me get out of my comfort zone. Creating a video assessment will allow me to articulate thoughts and focus on my nonverbal communication verbally. Moreover, videos offer flexibility as they can be created, edited and viewed at my convenience. This will reduce the stress associated with time-bound assessments like written tests and presentations.

Additionally, it will help me learn new technology, like how to set the proper angle of the camera, shooting light and all other things. It will foster digital literacy skills and creativity as I get the opportunity to incorporate visuals, animations and other multimedia elements that will enhance whatever I am speaking. Apart from that, it will allow me to experiment with different tones and languages so that I can grab the attention of the viewers and make sure that they will watch the entire video. 

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