
TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: As a task for your assignment which one of the following will you choose?

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TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: As a task for your assignment which one of the following will you choose?

A review of the novel you read recently, read out your favourite poem or act out a scene from the play.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

  • The primary reason for choosing to recite my favourite poem is due to its beautiful imagery and profound message.
  • It tells the importance of individuality and personal choice.
  • It creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
  • It would allow me to showcase my pronunciation skills, intonation, and ability to convey the poem’s mood. 

Q. As a task for your assignment which one of the following will you choose? A review of the novel you read recently, read out your favourite poem or act out a scene from the play.

Ans: If I were to choose from doing a review of a novel that I read recently, reading out my favourite poem or acting out a scene from the play, I would choose reading my favourite poem. I would choose reading “ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost because of its beautiful imagery and profound message. It speaks about the importance of individuality and personal choice, telling the story of a traveller who comes upon a crossroads and must decide which path to take.

The traveller chooses the path “less travelled by”, a decision that makes “all the difference. It also describes a quiet moment in a forest, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that contrasts with the duties of the poet. Reading this poem aloud would allow me to demonstrate my pronunciation skills, intonation, and ability to convey the poem’s mood and meaning through my voice. It will allow me to discuss why I appreciate this poem in the first place, thus helping me show my analytical skills. 

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