
Study in UK: University of Lincoln is Offering Scholarships in PG Courses, Know Last Date to Apply

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Study in UK: University of Lincoln is Offering Scholarships in PG Courses

United kingdom is considered to be the best study abroad destination for the international students. UK has so many prestigious universities that offer various levels of courses. University of Lincoln is one the best Universities in UK. The University of Lincoln is currently offering scolarships for Indian students to get admission to many postgraduate courses.

University’s scholarship permits Indian students to study a full-time postgraduate course worth the scholarship of £4,000 during the first year of their program course.

Desired and eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for the scholarship for academic year 2024. The deadline for the programmes starting in January-February 2024 is December 1, 2023 this year.

Study in UK: University of Lincoln  is Offering Scholarships in PG Courses

Selection Process

Selection Process is listed below-

  • In order to be able to receive this Scholarship, interested students must fullfil the following criteria-
  • Indian national or have permanent residence in India.
    Conditional or unconditional offer from the University of Lincoln for a full-time mastres programme starting in September/October 2023 or January/February 2024.

Must Required Qualifications

Must required qualifications are listed below-

  • A bachelor’s degree from a recognised institution/college with a minimum grade of 2:2 or equivalent.
  • A pre-masters qualification from a recognised institution/college with a grade comparable to a 2:2.
  • A masters degree from a recognised institution/college with a merit grade or equivalent.
  • Candidates who have applied to study a Postgraduate Research programme will not be able to receive the Global Postgraduate Scholarship.

The Global Postgraduate Scholarship is a tuition fee discount. To get more and detailed information about this scholarship please visit the official website — lincoln.ac.uk.

Know About University of Lincoln

The University of Lincoln (UoL), a public research university in Lincoln, England. It was established in year 1861. UoL got university status in 1992. University’s main campus is situated in city of Lincoln near the Brayford Pool.

Apply for scholarships in United Kingdom. Find out more scholarships and grants here. To discover more news updates like this one visit the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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