
Study Abroad: In 2023, Chinese will replace Indians in dominating US research fields

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Study Abroad: In 2023, Chinese will replace Indians in dominating US research fields
US research fields dominated by Indians: Chinese Students to take over in 2023.

After the pandemic and the opening of China’s borders, it was observed that all the students rushed to their universities. The United States reveals that Chinese and Indian researchers make up around 38% of all international scholars in the country. As per the trend for 2020-2021, 26% of Chinese scholars a decreased whereas, 17% of Indian Researchers Increased. As to Internet searches, there was a huge demand for Chinese students after the 2 years shutdown of covid effect.

Chinese Students

Chinese Students are in Huge Demand Moving Abroad

After a decline of 2 years, International scholars boomed after the post-covid effect. A sudden increase was seen for Chinese students. Additionally, it was observed that International scholars from Canada, South Korea and Germany were coming for researchers, postdoctoral students, visiting lecturers and also short-term scholars programs. As per the statistical data published in Free Press Journal on 12 February 2023, there were approximately, 5439, 3389,3393 researchers coming to the country. 

Moreover, Pakistan saw that there was a significant increase while sending International scholars to different countries. There was an increase of 56.1% after sending 1,280 international scholars to Brazil, which increased by 27.4% to reach 3,292, while an increase of 29% in Italy at 2,948, also France by 22.3% to 2,590 and Spain by 37.5% to 2,136.

Furthermore, tremendous growth was reflected in International students studying in Australia, Canada and the UK from China. The US has been one of the popular destinations for study-abroad programs as it provides excellent opportunities, exceptional facilities and faculties, for Chinese students also it is considered one of the most prominent destinations for studies. 

Also as per the trend of 2021-2022, Pennsylvania, California, New York, Texas and Massachusetts were considered a few of the most popular states for International Scholars.

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