
TOEFL Conversation Question: How to Answer, Topics, Sample Questions and Answers

6 minute read

Engaging with questions posed in TOEFL conversations provides valuable opportunities to showcase your academic thinking and communication skills within a simulated classroom setting. Read the article to know more about using TOEFL conversation questions into springboards for insightful and impactful contributions to your academic discussions. 


TOEFL Conversation Question: Best Tips To Answer TOEFL Academic Discussions

TOEFL Academic Discussion tasks require test takers to come up with solid, articulate 100–200 word responses. In this task, test takers are shown an online academic discussion with a question from a professor about a certain issue or topic. Such tasks require students to present their own opinion coherently, comprehensibly, and articulately. 

There will already be a couple of responses from other students, and you’ll need to contribute your ideas to the discussion. You, as a test taker, will be given 10 minutes to come up with a solid answer. Now, one way of ensuring you do not flounder amidst answering is to keep abreast of the common TOEFL conversation questions that are often asked during the academic discussions. Apart from that, there are some crucial tips and pointers that you must keep in mind to ace your TOEFL academic discussion tasks. They are:

  • You must be well versed in what’s happening around the world and need to have clear stances on certain topics. Now, this can be done only through incessant reading and gaining more knowledge. The more knowledge you acquire, the more adept you will be at answering challenging questions. Read more books and consume more English content to enhance your knowledge.
  • One thing you must keep in mind is that while answering a TOEFL academic discussion question, you need to have relevant and clearly developed ideas. In other words, you will gain more brownie points by having a clear stance or opinion on the issue and articulating that in front of the examiner in a coherent manner. Keep in mind that having second thoughts about your answer or opinion can land you in a predicament in front of the examiners.
  • Another important thing that is often overlooked by test takers yet plays a crucial role in ensuring your success is your hold on language. In other words, the more proficient you are in the English language, the better you will be at answering the TOEFL academic discussion questions. 
  •  One quick tip to ace your TOEFL academic discussion task is to incorporate compound or complex sentences in your answers. Other than that, try employing a wide array of grammatical structures and vocabulary in the right context. 

Mastering TOEFL conversation question, particularly in academic discussions, can be challenging. To navigate these effectively, familiarizing yourself with the frequently recurring topics encountered during the exam is highly recommended. This proactive approach will equip you to respond confidently and effectively throughout the test. That being said, here are some of the most popular TOEFL conversation questions. 

  • Do you prefer online or in-person classes? Explain your reasoning and provide examples from your own experience.
  • Which do you find more beneficial, working on projects in groups or independently? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  • Describe your strategies for effectively managing your time during exams and busy academic periods.
  • Discuss the increasing presence of AI in daily life. How do you feel about this? Provide specific examples to support your opinion.
  • Do you think social media has had a positive or negative impact on communication skills? Explain your answer and give specific examples.
  • What changes do you expect to see in the job market due to technological advancements? How can individuals prepare for these changes?
  • What individual or collective actions do you think are most effective in tackling climate change? Discuss the challenges and potential solutions.
  • How do you incorporate sustainable practices into your daily life? Share some specific examples of your efforts to reduce your environmental impact.
  • Discuss the importance of cultural exchange and international travel in shaping one’s worldview. Share your own personal experiences or aspirations in this regard.
  • Choose a pressing global issue (e.g., poverty, healthcare access, etc.) and discuss potential solutions that require international cooperation.

TOEFL Conversation Question: Sample Questions and Answers 

Here are some TOEFL conversation question that you’ll come across in the TOEFL academic discussions. Refer to them to understand how to construct coherent and comprehensible answers within a short span of 10 minutes. 

Question: Your professor is teaching a class on educational administration. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should do the following. 

  1. Express and support your opinion.
  2. Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

“Teachers often ask school administrators for permission to take their students on field trips (for example, to museums or historical buildings). Some school administrators provide funding and encouragement for teachers to organize educational trips for the entire class. Many believe that going on field trips is an important part of a child’s education; others think that a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which view do you agree with? Why?”

Answer: I believe field trips are an important part of a child’s learning experience. While classroom learning solely focuses on theory, field trips provide real-world exposure. Field trips allow students to see and experience the real-world application of what they are learning in class. For example, a field trip to a museum brings history lessons to life. This makes learning more interesting and memorable.

 Field trips also help develop skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, etc. However, it is important to note that field trips need to be well-planned and relevant to the child’s curriculum in order to be effective. Given the undeniable positive impact on a child’s development, it is imperative that educational field trips become an integral part of a child’s academic journey.

Question: Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should do the following:

  1. Express and support your opinion.
  2. Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

“Let’s discuss how teachers’ job performance is assessed or evaluated. Regular evaluations of teachers help to ensure that students receive high-quality instruction, that good teachers are rewarded, and that struggling teachers receive help to improve. But what is the best way to evaluate teachers? Should teachers be evaluated based on their students’ test scores? Should more-experienced teachers evaluate less-experienced teachers? Should students’ feedback be considered? Which approach is best, and why?” 

Answer: Assessing the job performance of teachers requires a multifaceted approach. While considering students’ test scores can offer insights into a teacher’s effectiveness, it shouldn’t be the sole determinant.Test scores can be influenced by factors beyond a teacher’s control, such as students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and parental involvement. Peer evaluation, where experienced teachers assess their colleagues, can be valuable but should be conducted non-threateningly to promote continuous learning rather than fostering unhealthy competition.

 Additionally, student feedback can provide valuable input when evaluating a teacher’s performance. Nonetheless, it’s important to use this feedback cautiously, as students may not fully grasp the intricacies of teaching. In conclusion, combining these methods tailored to the school context and its teachers is likely the most effective way to evaluate their performance, ensuring fairness and inclusivity throughout the evaluation process.

So that was all about TOEFL conversation questions. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. How can you practice speaking for TOEFL?

Ans: While countless methods exist for solo TOEFL Speaking prep, some particularly effective options include: Self-recording and analysis, Active listening and summarizing, Reading and summarizing academic texts, and Timed practice responses. 

Q2. Are TOEFL speaking questions repeated?

Ans: No, TOEFL Speaking Section Tasks are not repeated. 

Q3. Is TOEFL speaking tough?

Ans: For many test-takers, the speaking section of the TOEFL presents a formidable challenge. It demands clear and concise expression of thoughts within a tight timeframe, leaving little room for hesitation.

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