
PTE Writing and Speaking: Describe Image-Line Graph

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PTE Writing and Speaking: Describe Image-Line Graph

Are you preparing to appear for the PTE Academic Exam? Still unsure about what Describe Image: Line Graph is? At first, it might be overwhelming but do not worry, we are here to guide you through the Describe Image: Line Graph so that you can be well prepared for the PTE exam. Read the entire article to know in detail about the PTE Writing and Speaking: Describe Image- Line Graph. 

First of all, let me give you a brief about PTE Speaking and Writing skills. It is two of the four communication skills. The combined test of PTE Speaking and Writing is 54-67 minutes long and it contains seven different types of questions. It is the longest section of the PTE test. You will be tested on your speaking and writing skills, using English you might come across in an academic environment. Now comes the next important question, what is Describe Image: Line Graph in the PTE Speaking and Writing skill test? 

Describe Image-Line Graph

In this section of the PTE Test, an image of a line graph will appear on your screen and your task is to describe the image in detail in your own words. There might be a single-line graph or a multiple-line graph. This particular test comes under the Speaking skill of the PTE test. You will have a definite time of 40 seconds to frame your answer, record it, and respond in the microphone. 

A recording status box is displayed on the screen and a countdown will be done until the microphone is activated to record your response. You will have exactly 25 seconds to study the given line graph and prepare your response. After the completion of the 25 seconds, you will hear a short tone/beep. After the tone/beep, start speaking immediately into the microphone. However, do not begin speaking before the microphone is activated otherwise your response will not be recorded.

Tips For Describe Image-Line Graph

Before you start beginning with your preparation for solving questions in described image-line graph section, keep these tips in mind.

Speak Clearly

You should speak clearly and coherently. There is no need to rush. But try your best to finish speaking before the progress bar on the screen reaches the end. Once the recording is completed, after 40 seconds, the word “Recording” will automatically change to “Completed”’. And do not forget, you are only eligible to record your response once.

Must Read: PTE Vocabulary Tips

Impressive Conclusion

As soon as you have access to the image, ask yourself, “What is the main idea being shown by the image? What are the details relating to the main ideas?” Begin with a brief introduction, move on to the content section and finish it off with a good conclusion.

Create Notes

Make utmost use of the erasable notebook booklet that you will be provided at the beginning of the test, by noting down the key ideas and phrases that are related to the content and the additional explanatory details. These notes that you make will be useful when you start to speak and record your response.

Write Organise and Presentable

Try to keep your description of the given line graph as organised as possible. The better you organise your thoughts, the better you will respond and the better you will score. This is because a well-organised answer is more likely to include relevant information, implications, a conclusion as well as additional details.

Also Read: PTE Exam Center

Factors that Affect Describe Image-Line Graph

Your score on Describe Image: Line Graph is based on three main factors. We have explained all the factors in detail below.


The content is scored based on if all aspects and elements of the line graph have been addressed in your response or not on a score of 0-5. It also depends on whether your description of relationships, possible developments, and conclusions or implications are correctly based on the details from the image or not. The best-recorded responses deal with all parts of the line graph, it contains logical and specific information and includes possible developments, conclusions or implications. Just mentioning a few disjointed ideas will negatively affect your score.

Oral Fluency

Record your response in a smooth, effortless and natural rate of speech. Oral fluency is determined by your rhythm, phrasing, intonation and stress. The best-recorded responses are spoken at a constant and natural rate of speed with appropriate sentence phrasing. Hesitations, repetitions, and fumbling will negatively affect your score. Keep in mind, that partial credit scoring applies to line graphs. No credit is given for no or an irrelevant response.


Your response should demonstrate your ability to produce speech sounds in a similar way to most regular, if not native speakers of the language. Pronunciation is scored by determining if your words and speech are easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language. The best responses contain vowels and consonants pronounced in a native-like way and stress words and phrases correctly. Responses should also be immediately understandable to a regular speaker of the language. The PTE test recognises regional and national varieties of English pronunciation to the degree that they are understandable to most regular speakers of the language.


How is the PTE test score calculated?

The PTE test is scored against the Global Scale of English, a granular score scale from 10-90. Test-takers receive an overall score based on this scale, which gives an accurate assessment of their English communication skills ability.

Can I retake the PTE test?

Yes, you can appear for the PTE test if you are unsatisfied with the score you have scored. You retake the test as many times as you want.

Is there any difference between PTE Academic and PTE Academic UKVI?

There is no difference between PTE Academic and PTE Academic UKVI in terms of scoring and content of the exam but if you are applying for a UK Visa, you must sit for PTE Academic UKVI as it has slight changes in the test registration process to support your visa application. Only the UKVI version will provide you with a SELT Unique Reference Number (URN) which you will need for your visa application.

For more PTE-related information and preparation strategies, follow the latest PTE updates available on the Leverage Edu. Book your session of Leverage Live and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Call 1800572000 and sign up for a free session today!

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