
PTE Speaking: Components and Preparation Tips

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PTE Speaking: Components and Preparation Tips

PTE (Pearson Test of English) is a computer-based English language proficiency test that assesses four skills of candidates, i.e., listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The PTE exam is widely accepted by various universities for students looking to study abroad. Further, PTE results are also considered by some countries for visa applications. 


The PTE exam has found widespread acceptance owing to the fact that it is designed to reflect the real-life use of the English language. 

Conducting BodyPearson PLC Group
Exam TypeEnglish Proficiency Exam
Mode of Examination  Online, Computer Based
SectionsReading, Speaking, Writing, Listening
Duration Of the ExamTwo hours
Fees of examINR 15,900
Official websitewww.pearsonpte.com

PTE Speaking Section

As stated above, the PTE is divided into the broad sections of reading, speaking, writing and listening. During the speaking section, as the name suggests, the exam measures an individual’s ability to speak English. The test is designed to assess the ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations. The test is designed in a manner to test specific aspects of speaking such as pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. 

It is pertinent to mention here that the speaking and writing sections of the PTE exam are combined and go together. 

Also Read: 5 Steps to Prepare for PTE at Home

Components of the PTE Speaking Section

The PTE Speaking section is divided into six tasks, i.e., Personal Introduction, Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-Tell Lecture, and Answer Short Question. Each section is designed to test the speaking skills of the candidate with a focus on pronunciation, fluency and comprehension. The components of the PTE speaking test are discussed in detail below:

SegmentTaskPrompt LengthTime to Answer
Personal IntroductionThis section requires the test-taker to introduce themselves by providing their name, where they come from, and what they do. This section is designed to assess the test-taker’s ability to introduce themselves in a clear and fluent manner. Candidates should note that this question does not contribute to the score and is for familiarization purposes only. 25 sec30 sec
Read AloudThis section requires the test-taker to read a text aloud. This section is designed to assess the test taker’s ability to read English text aloud accurately and fluently. During this section, a text will appear on the screen which the candidates will need to read aloud.Text up to 60 wordsVaries by item, depending on the length of text.
Repeat SentenceThis section requires the test-taker to repeat a sentence spoken by the computer. This section is designed to assess the test taker’s ability to understand and repeat spoken English accurately.3–9 seconds15 sec
Describe ImageDuring this section, an image will appear on the screen which the candidates will need to describe in detail.Not applicable40 sec
Re-tell LectureThis section requires the test-taker to listen to a lecture and then re-tell the lecture in their own words. This section is designed to assess the candidate’s ability to understand spoken English and to summarise the main points of a lecture accurately.Up to 90 seconds40 sec
Answer Short QuestionThis section requires the test-taker to answer a question spoken by the computer. Such an answer should be crisp and to the point. This section is designed to assess the candidate’s ability to understand spoken English and to answer questions accurately.3–9 seconds10 seconds

As stated above, the speaking and writing section is combined in the PTE and is 54-67 minutes long. This is the longest section of the exam. 

PTE Speaking Preparation Tips

Candidates preparing for the exam should focus on this section specifically since it is the longest section of the exam. If done properly, candidates can score well in this section and improve their overall score. Here are some tips to improve scores in this section:

  • Practice Speaking – The more you practice speaking, the more comfortable you will be during the test. Participate in English conversation classes, do mock tests, and record yourself speaking to get a sense of how you sound.
  • Improve Pronunciation – Listen to native English speakers and practice speaking along with them. Use online pronunciation tools and resources to improve your accent.
  • Improve Comprehension – Listen to English speakers, watch English movies and TV shows, and read English books and newspapers to improve your comprehension skills.
  • Relax and Stay Calm: The test can be stressful, so it’s important to stay calm and take deep breaths. Speak naturally and avoid rushing through your answers.
  • Be Clear and Concise – Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Avoid using filler words and phrases, and be as concise as possible when answering questions.
  • Be Prepared for Different Question Types – Familiarize yourself with the different types of questions that may be asked in the test, so you are prepared for anything.


What is the duration of the PTE exam?

The duration of the PTE exam is two hours.

Is the speaking section of the PTE exam easy?

The PTE speaking difficulty varies depending on an individual’s proficiency in English, but it can be challenging for non-native speakers. With proper preparation and practice, it is possible to improve and clear the exam.

What is the fee for the PTE exam?

The PTE exam will cost INR 15,900. 

In this blog, we have discussed the speaking section of the PTE exam along with some of our preparation tips to improve scores in the exam. We hope candidates will find these tips helpful and use them for their preparation. 

Leverage Edu provides the best preparation courses for PTE offered in a live training environment by trusted educators. If you want to ease your study abroad journey, build a preparation plan with Leverage Edu’s Leverage Live Classes and call us at 1800-572-130.

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