
Best Diploma Courses in Nutrition in New Zealand: Career Scope, Course Fees, Requirements  

4 minute read

New Zealand offers a multitude of nutrition courses for those seeking a diploma in nutrition. The courses available in the country are specifically designed to provide students with a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the fields of nutrition. Apart from the courses, New Zealand also offers some of the best job opportunities, scholarships, and internship options for those wishing to pursue a career in nutrition. To learn more about diploma in nutrition in NZ, read the entire article.

Top 5+  Diploma Courses in Nutrition, NZ

In this fast-paced world, we have been neglecting our health by adopting unhealthy lifestyle options. Due to this paradigm shift in our daily lives and lifestyle habits, the  need for right guidance has become more conspicuous than ever. This is not only the case with New Zealand but also the story of the entire world, making the dire need for good nutritionists and dietitians even more pressing than ever before.

With that being said, if you wish to make a career in the field of nutrition and healthcare, then New Zealand may be your ideal study abroad destination. The country not only boasts of offering some of the most intensive and comprehensive nutrition courses but also cutting-edge facilities, scholarship options, and other features to help you embark on your journey to become the next big thing in the world of nutrition and healthcare. Here are some of the best diploma courses in Nutrition available in New Zealand.

Name of the Course Provided ByRequirements Intake DateDuration
Master of Science – Human NutritionThe University of Otago6.5 IELTS or above 
Minimum GPA of 2.8 or above 
26 Feb 20242 Years 
Master of Applied Science – Advanced Nutrition PracticeThe University of Otago 6.5 IELTS or above 
Minimum GPA of 2.8 or above 
8 Feb 20241 Year 
Master of Science – Human NutritionMassey University6.5 IELTS or above 
Minimum GPA of 2.75 or above 
26 Feb 20241 Year
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science – Advanced Nutrition PracticeThe University of Otago6.5 IELTS or above 
26 Feb 20241 Year
Master of Health Sciences – Human NutritionThe University of Otago6.5 IELTS or above 
Minimum GPA of 2.75 or above 
26 Feb 20241 Year

What is the Cost of Pursuing a Diploma in Nutrition, NZ? 

Refer to the following table to go through the list of Diploma courses in Nutrition along with their average course fees and providers. 

Name of the Course Provided ByCourse Fees 
Master of Science – Human NutritionThe University of Otago10,785 NZD
Master of Applied Science – Advanced Nutrition PracticeThe University of Otago 65,000 NZD
Master of Science – Human NutritionMassey University59,220 NZD
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science – Advanced Nutrition PracticeThe University of Otago41,000 NZD
Master of Health Sciences – Human NutritionThe University of Otago45,291 NZD

What are the Career Options after a Diploma in Nutrition, NZ? 

New Zealand offers a plethora of lucrative career opportunities for individuals holding a diploma in nutrition. Earning a diploma in nutrition in New Zealand guarantees a high likelihood of establishing oneself and embarking on a rewarding career path in the health and wellness sectors of New Zealand. Here are some of the highest-earning jobs for Diploma in Nutrition graduates in New Zealand:

Job/Designation Average Annual Salary (2024)
Dietitian1,00,000 NZD
Nutritional Therapist85,000 NZD
Public Health Nutritionist90,000 NZD
Food Technologist80,000 NZD
Quality Assurance Manager95,000 NZD

That’s a comprehensive overview of the best diploma courses in nutrition in New Zealand. If you’re an aspiring nutritionist seeking to establish a rewarding career in the field of nutrition, pursuing a diploma in nutrition in New Zealand can be an excellent choice. We hope this blog has helped answer your questions about diploma courses in nutrition in New Zealand.

Relevant Reads:

BSc Nutrition and DieteticsDietetics And Nutrition CoursesExplore These Top 10 Careers in Nutrition and Wellness!
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Q1. What are the best institutes for pursuing a Diploma in Nutrition in New Zealand? 

Ans: The University of Otago, Massey University and University of Auckland are some of the best institutes for pursuing diploma courses in nutrition in New Zealand. 

Q2. What is the cost of pursuing a diploma in nutrition in New Zealand? 

Ans: The average tuition fees for pursuing a diploma in nutrition in New Zealand ranges from 10,785 NZD to 65,000 NZD or above. 

Q3. What is the minimum IELTS requirement for a diploma in nutrition in New Zealand? 

Ans: The minimum IELTS requirement for pursuing diploma courses in nutrition in New Zealand ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 or above. 

Visit the Leverage Live page of Leverage edu or contact our study abroad experts at 1800-57-2000 to strengthen your scores and application to secure your spot in your dream college. 

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