
50+ Academic Words For IELTS

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Academic Words For IELTS

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Top 100 Academic Words for IELTS: Academic words for IELTS are planned for candidates who will be appearing for the IELTS Academic test. The academic words for IELTS contain 570-word families. All these words are used in the IELTS Academic test. Learning all these words, their meaning and their usage are very important if you want to score a higher band in the IELTS Academic. In this article, we are going to provide you with a list of 100+ academic words for IELTS, which will improve your vocabulary skills not only for the IELTS test but also for other language proficiency tests, like PTE or TOEFL.

Topic-Wise Academic Words for IELTS

To score a higher band in the IELTS test, it’s important that you truly understand the words, their meanings, and how to use them in sentences. Simply memorizing the academic words for IELTS won’t guarantee a higher band in the exam. To help candidates with their IELTS preparation, we have provided a list of topic-wise divisions of academic words for IELTS.


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to advertisements and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Advertisement WordsUse in Sentence
Email AdvertisingBrands are reaching out to more people via email advertising.
Radio AdvertisingWith the invention of Youtube and music streaming applications, the trend of radio advertising is long gone.
TV CommercialsTV Commercial artists receive a handsome salary.
FlyersThis firm has made these flyers to inform people about the ongoing annual festive season.
Magazine AdsForbes Maganzine’s financial ads are very eye-catching for business administrators.
BillboardsThere is a large size billboard opposite my uncle’s residence.
Internet Pop-upsHis friends strongly expressed their dislike towards the new-gen advertising means like the internet pop-ups while working.
Buying PowerOne of the most important parts of advertising strategy is to understand the audience’s buying power and then create ads that interest them.


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to Business and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Business Words Use in Sentence
Bargain HunterBargain hunters always look for end-of-season sales at big brands.
To go bustMany well-known businesspersons have gone bust in the clothing market
Penny-pincherPeople who belong to financially weaker families are often penny-pinchers.
Big spenderCasinos and bars often attract big spenders.
Niche businessNiche businesses are at an all-time high and are helping many netizens.
Burn a hole in one’s pocketThe day I receive my allowance, I spend most of it on buying cosmetic products, which is burning a hole in my pocket.
Exorbitant Iphones are sold at an exorbitant price.
FrugalPeople who are wiser are always frugal with money but generous towards their loved ones.


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to Culture and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Culture WordsUse in Sentence
CultureIndian culture is one of the oldest in the entire world
HeritageThe monuments are part of our heritage and should be preserved.
Cultural DiversityRaj is interested in the various uses of cultural diversity as a criterion of evaluation in the arts.
Culture ShockMoving to the USA was a big cultural shock for me.
GlobalEnglish and Spanish are global languages
StereotypeThere are always some stereotypes about a successful person.
ValuesOne should value others’ feelings and work.
PrejudiceThere is widespread prejudice against workers over 50.

Also Read – Powerful IELTS Advanced Vocabulary Words


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to Education and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Educational WordsUse in Sentence
Bachelor’s DegreeThe duration of my bachelor’s degree is 4 years.
Assignment10th-class students are assigned 4 assignments every day.
CurriculumMy curriculum includes theoretical and practical classes.
DoctorateMy brother wants to apply for a doctorate degree at Delhi University.
DiplomaI want to pursue PG Diploma in Physical Education.
EvaluationThere has been resentment against the evaluation criteria for this exam.
LectureThe mathematics lecture lasts for 2 hours every Monday.
LiteracyAdmissions are given after the basic literacy test.


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to Environment and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Environment WordsUse in Sentence
BiodiversityTo promote a healthy environment, we need to preserve biodiversity.
HabitatBig animals prefer to live in their natural habitat rather than in a zoo.
DeforestationWith the human population reaching 7 billion, forest land has been cut down for human settlements, leading to deforestation.
PollutionThere are 4 types of Pollution – Air, Water, Noise and land pollution.
Greenhouse EffectThe greenhouse effects are primarily caused by the emission of carbon dioxide.
ExtinctAccording to studies, 55% of animal species will extinct by 2080.
BiodegradablePlastic is one of the non-biodegradable wastes.
Global WarmingGlobal warming is the primary reason for climate change and ozone depletion.

Also Read – Writing Task 1 Vocabulary – IELTS


The table below highlights frequently asked questions related to Travel and their use in sentences in the IELTS Academic.

Travel  WordsUse in Sentence
VoyageThe Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.
RoamHe roamed all over the city in search of a job.
PilgrimageHis parents annually plan a pilgrimage to Haridwar.
WanderYou must not waste your time wandering in the neighbourhood.
TripThe 12th-class batch is planning a trip to Goa
JourneyHe’s on the last leg of a 2 months journey to the USA.
TrekHis siblings are going on a trek in Shimla.
TourHe is going to help the new employees with the office tour.


What is the name of the IELTS conducting body?

The IELTS test is frequently conducted by three international bodies – IDP: IELTS Australia, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English.

What is the mode of payment for the IELTS application fee?

The IELTS application fee can only be paid online via a credit card/PayPal. The IELTS application fee is INR 15,500. This application fee is non-refundable.

What is a good score on an IELTS test?

Candidates scoring a band between 7 to 9 are considered a good band/ score. To score that much, you need to work on your English reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

The International English Language Testing System, abbreviated as the IELTS test, is an English efficiency test, which is conducted to test the candidate’s proficiency in English. The IELTS vocabulary test often contains questions related to food and health. Candidates must prepare for the vocabulary section accordingly.

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