
45+ Tenses Quiz With Answers: Test Your Knowledge of Tenses

7 minute read

If verbs like “will” and “would” are making your head spin, then you are probably confused about the three types of tenses present, past, and future. But fear not, and consider today as your lucky day. This fun and interactive tenses quiz exercise will challenge your understanding of the tenses in English grammar. So, roll up your sleeves, prepare your thinking caps, and get ready to test your tenses here. Later, you can verify your answers in this blog itself, and proclaim yourself as a grammar nazi or enthusiastic learner, depending on the outcome. 

Must Read: Tenses Rules: Charts, Examples, Types [PDF Available]

Tenses Quiz for CBSE and State Board Students

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense from the options provided.

  1. I _________ (eat) breakfast every morning. 

present simple

past simple

2. The train _________ (leave) at 8 o’clock tomorrow. 

present continuous 

future simple

3. She _________ (study) French for two years now. 

present perfect continuous

past perfect continuous

4. He _________ (write) a novel when he was younger. 

past simple

past perfect simple

5. We _________ (go) to the beach next weekend. 

future simple 

future continuous

6. If I _________ (see) her (past simple), I _________ (tell) her the news. 

would tell 

would have told

7. He wishes he _________ (learn) Spanish earlier. 

had learned

could learn

8. By the time they arrive, the movie _________ (already start). 

will have started 

would have started

9. She _________ (not work) here since 2019. 

doesn’t work 

hasn’t worked

10. I _________ (prefer) watching a movie to reading a book right now. 

would prefer

am preferring

11. As soon as she _________ (finish) her homework, she went outside to play. 


will finish

12. While I _________ (walk) to the store, I saw a friend. 

was walking 


13. He _________ (have) dinner by the time you arrive. 

will have

will be having

14. She _________ (never visit) France before. 

has never visited 

doesn’t visit

15. If only they _________ (listen) to my advice! 

had listened 

would listen

16. I used to _________ (play) tennis every weekend when I was a child. 


am playing

17. He _________ (have) already written half the book before he took a break. 

had written

would have written

18. By the time we got there, the concert _________ (almost finish). 

had almost finished

was almost finishing

19. I wish I _________ (know) the answer to that question. 


had known

20. She might _________ (come) to the party later tonight. 


be coming

21. He would rather _________ (stay) home than go out tonight. 


be staying

22. Unless you hurry, you _________ (miss) the train. 

will miss 

would miss

23. It _________ (rain) for hours before it finally stopped. 

had been raining

was raining

24. I wonder what she _________ (do) right now. 

is doing


25. They might not _________ (be) ready yet. 


have been

Check Your Answers Here!

  1. eat (present simple)
  2. leaves (future simple)
  3. has been studying (present perfect continuous)
  4. wrote (past simple)
  5. are going (future simple)
  6. saw, would tell
  7. had learned
  8. will have started
  9. hasn’t worked
  10. prefer
  11. finishes
  12. was walking
  13. will have had
  14. has never visited
  15. had listened
  16. play
  17. had written
  18. had almost finished
  19. knew
  20. come
  21. stay
  22. will miss
  23. had been raining
  24. is doing
  25. be

Quiz it Out: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Quiz with Answers

Tenses Quiz – Identify the Tense

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the past perfect tense?

a) She will finish her work tomorrow.

b) They have been waiting for hours.

c) He had completed the project before the deadline.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the future perfect progressive tense:

a) They will be swimming at the beach.

b) She has been studying for the exam.

c) By next year, they will have been living in this city for ten years.

  1. Which sentence is in the present perfect continuous tense?

a) He will have arrived by now.

b) They have been playing tennis since morning.

c) She dances beautifully.

  1. Identify the sentence with the verb in the past continuous tense:

a) She reads books every day.

b) They were watching a movie when I called.

c) The sun sets in the west.

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the future continuous tense?

a) The train has left the station.

b) By this time next year, she will be studying at university.

c) He ate his lunch quickly.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the present perfect tense:

a) They will have completed the project by now.

b) She has visited Paris many times.

c) He wrote a letter to his friend yesterday.

  1. Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?

a) She has been reading for two hours.

b) They had been waiting for the bus when it finally arrived.

c) He will have finished his homework by the time you arrive.

  1. Identify the sentence with the verb in the present continuous tense:

a) They had finished their lunch when the guests arrived.

b) She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

c) He will go to the market later today.

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the past perfect progressive tense?

a) They have gone to the cinema.

b) He plays the piano beautifully.

c) She had been working on her thesis for months before she submitted it.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the future progressive tense:

a) She has been sleeping for hours.

b) By this time next week, they will be travelling to Europe.

c) He writes poems in his free time.

  1. Which sentence is in the present perfect progressive tense?

a) He went to the store yesterday.

b) They have been studying English for years.

c) She will have finished her project by the end of the day.

  1. Identify the sentence with the verb in the past continuous tense:

a) The dog has been barking all night.

b) They were playing football when it started raining.

c) She sings beautifully.

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the future perfect tense?

a) By the time you arrive, he will have prepared dinner.

b) They have already left for the airport.

c) He read the book last week.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the present continuous tense:

a) She visited her grandparents last weekend.

b) He wrote a poem for his girlfriend.

c) They are watching a movie at the cinema.

  1. Which sentence is in the past perfect continuous tense?

a) She has been waiting for you for hours.

b) They had been playing football for two hours before it started raining.

c) He will have finished his homework by the time you arrive.

  1. Identify the sentence with the verb in the present perfect tense:

a) She has lived in this city her whole life.

b) They will have completed the task by now.

c) He writes stories in his free time.

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the future continuous tense?

a) The sun has set in the west.

b) By this time tomorrow, they will be celebrating their anniversary.

c) He ate breakfast early this morning.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the past perfect tense:

a) She had written a letter to her friend yesterday.

b) They will finish their work by tomorrow.

c) He reads books every day.

  1. Which sentence is in the present perfect progressive tense?

a) He went to the gym yesterday.

b) They have been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

c) She will finish her homework soon.

  1. Identify the sentence with the verb in the past continuous tense:

a) She has been singing for hours.

b) He will finish his project by the end of the day.

c) They were walking in the park when it started raining.

  1. In which sentence is the verb in the future perfect tense?

a) They have already left for their vacation.

b) By next year, they will have completed their studies.

c) He painted the house last summer.

  1. Choose the sentence with the verb in the present continuous tense:

a) She read a book last night.

b) They are playing football in the park.

c) He wrote a poem for his girlfriend.

Check Your Answers Here!

  1. c) He had completed the project before the deadline.
  2. c) By next year, they will have been living in this city for ten years.
  3. b) They have been playing tennis since morning.
  4. b) They were watching a movie when I called.
  5. b) By this time next year, she will be studying at university.
  6. b) She has visited Paris many times.
  7. b) They had been waiting for the bus when it finally arrived.
  8. b) She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
  9. c) She had been working on her thesis for months before she submitted it.
  10.  b) By this time next week, they will be traveling to Europe.
  11. b) They have been studying English for years.
  12. b) They were playing football when it started raining.
  13. a) By the time you arrive, he will have prepared dinner.
  14. c) They are watching a movie at the cinema.
  15. b) They had been playing football for two hours before it started raining.
  16. a) She has lived in this city her whole life.
  17. b) By this time tomorrow, they will be celebrating their anniversary.
  18. a) She had written a letter to her friend yesterday.
  19. b) They have been waiting for the bus for half an hour.
  20. c) They were walking in the park when it started raining.
  21. b) By next year, they will have completed their studies.
  22. b) They are playing football in the park.

Learn About All Types of Tenses Here!

Present TensePast TenseFuture Tense
Simple Present TenseSimple Past TenseSimple Future Tense
Present Continuous TensePast Continuous TenseFuture Continuous Tense
Present Perfect TensePast Perfect TenseFuture Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous TensePast Perfect Continuous TenseFuture Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Unreal (Second Conditional)Past Unreal ConditionalFuture Unreal (Mixed Conditional)

This was all about the tenses quiz session. Hope you had a great time while brainstorming them out and know how to conquer your shortcomings. For more such interesting quiz sessions and grammatical reads, follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu

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