English Proverbs for Class 10 Students that You Must Know!

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English Proverbs for Class 10

In the English language, proverbs are short, well-known sayings that express general truths or pieces of advice. They are often symbolic and use vivid imagery to convey their messages, making them memorable and easy to understand. By learning English proverbs for Class 10 students can improve their communication skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the wisdom embedded in the English language. In this blog, students will understand the English proverbs for Class 10 along with their meanings and exercises you can gain a clear concept of them.

Also Read: 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples

What are English Proverbs for Class 10?

English proverbs are short, smart sayings that offer advice or express a truth based on common sense or experience. They often touch on core values like honesty, hard work, and responsibility. By understanding proverbs, students can develop a strong moral compass that will serve them well throughout their lives.

For class 10 students, here are simple English proverbs explained in easy language:

“A stitch in time saves nine” 
This means that it’s better to deal with a problem right away, even if it seems small because if you wait, it might become much bigger and harder to fix.
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”
It’s better to have something certain than to gamble on something uncertain.
“Look before you leap”
Think carefully before you take action.

Read more: English Proverbs for Class 5 Students You must know!

12 Best Meaningful English Proverbs for Class 10 With Their Meanings

Proverbs often teach us valuable lessons about life, relationships, and human nature. Here are a few of the best meaningful English proverbs for class 10 that students can use in their writing:

Many Hands Make Light Work

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: Working together can make even the most difficult tasks seem easier. When everyone contributes their share, the workload becomes lighter and more manageable for everyone involved. This proverb emphasises the importance of teamwork and cooperation. By combining our skills, resources, and energy, we can achieve goals faster and with less effort than working alone.

Strike while the Iron is Hot

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: The saying “strike while the iron is hot” urges us to seize opportune moments. It emphasises taking swift and decisive action when circumstances are favourable. This proverb draws inspiration from blacksmithing. Just like a blacksmith shapes hot, pliable iron, we too must capitalize on a situation while it’s most workable. Delaying action allows the opportunity to cool and become less manageable, just like iron hardening over time.

A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: It signifies a warning against blaming external factors for shortcomings in one’s work. In other words, unskilled or underperforming individuals often point the finger at things like their tools or equipment, rather than taking responsibility for their lack of skill or effort. The message here is that truly skilled people can achieve good results even with limitations, while those who lack skill will find reasons to justify their poor performance.

It’s the Tip of the Iceberg

It’s the Tip of the Iceberg
Meaning: “A bad workman always blames his tools” means that someone who is unskilled or performs poorly often blames external factors or the tools they use rather than acknowledging their lack of ability or effort. It is a way of saying that competent and skilled individuals can work effectively even with less-than-ideal tools or conditions, while those who lack skill will find excuses for their poor performance.

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” captures the idea that problems that are made known are more likely to be fixed. This emphasizes that speaking up about issues is important to get them addressed.

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

A Rolling Stone Gathers no Moss
Meaning: Someone who constantly moves around, never settling down or sticking with one thing for long, might struggle to build wealth, knowledge, or experience. This proverb suggests that stability and focus are important for achieving success, as constant change or restlessness can hinder progress.

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Meaning: In essence, the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” proposes that time apart from someone or something can intensify our fondness for them. This suggests that distance can act as a motivation, strengthening bonds and emotions in relationships, friendships, or even cherished experiences. It highlights the idea that missing something can make us appreciate it all the more.
English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: In essence, a chain’s strength is limited by its weakest link. This translates to any system, group, or organisation. No matter how impressive the other parts might be, a single vulnerability can bring the whole thing down. This proverb reminds us to identify and address weaknesses to ensure overall stability and success.

Learn to Walk Before You Run

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: This saying “Learn to walk before you run” stresses the importance of building a strong foundation before tackling tougher challenges. It’s like learning to walk steadily before sprinting. This proverb encourages a step-by-step approach, mastering the basics first. In any situation, it reminds us to break things down, starting with the fundamentals and building our skills gradually as we gain experience.

Don’t Bite off More than You Can Chew

Don’t Bite off More than You Can Chew
Meaning: The proverb “Don’t bite off more than you can chew” means that one should not take on more tasks or responsibilities than one can handle effectively. It advises against overcommitting oneself or attempting to tackle tasks that exceed one’s capacity or abilities. In essence, it suggests being realistic and prudent in decision-making and not overwhelming oneself with too much at once, as it can lead to stress, inefficiency, and potential failure.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

English Proverbs for Class 10
Meaning: “The early bird catches the worm” indicates that those who take action or start their day early have a better chance of success or obtaining what they desire. It highlights the importance of being proactive, prepared, and diligent to achieve goals or seize opportunities before others do. In spirit, it means that being ahead of others in timing or readiness can lead to favourable outcomes.

Always Put Your Best Foot Forward

Always Put Your Best Foot Forward
Meaning: The proverb “Always put your best foot forward” encourages giving your all and showing your best self in every situation. It’s about consistently striving to excel, whether at work, in relationships, or anything else you do. This means presenting yourself with professionalism and making a positive impression wherever you go.

Also Read: 15+ Best English Proverbs for Health and Wellness

Exercise on English Proverbs for Class 10

Exercise on English Proverbs for Class 10
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Q1. What do you understand by proverbs class 10?

Ans: As mentioned above, English proverbs are short, smart sayings that offer advice or express a truth based on common sense or experience.

Q2. What are the three benefits of proverbs?

Ans: You can use proverbs to impart knowledge, reinforce morals, offer advice and make an argument.

Q3. What are the five most commonly used proverbs in English?

Ans: The five most commonly used proverbs in English are:
1. Many hands make light work
2. Honesty is the best policy
3. Strike while the iron is hot
4. Don’t judge a book by its cover
5. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on English Proverbs for Class 10 Students you must know! To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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