18+ Proverbs Starting with Don’t and their Meaning

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Proverbs Starting with Don’t: In the English language, proverbs are short and wise sayings that offer advice or share a truth about life. They are passed down through generations which reflects the values and common sense of different cultures. Many proverbs start with the word “Don’t,” giving clear advice on what to avoid to lead a better life. In this blog, we will explore some of these “Don’t” proverbs, with their meanings. Whether you are hunting for some wisdom or just curious about these sayings, then no looking more you will find plenty of these useful insights here.

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11+ Proverbs Starting with Don’t

Now that you are aware of what is proverbs and their significance. Now, let’s take a look at the table which has the list of proverbs starting with don’t along with their meaning:

Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.This proverb means don’t harm yourself just to try to hurt someone else. It’s like saying that in your anger, you might end up hurting yourself worse than the person you’re mad at.
Don’t fall before you’re pushed.The proverb suggests you should not worry about things that have not happened yet. Focus on your current situation and deal with difficulties as they arise. 
Don’t have too many irons in the fire.This proverb means you should not take on too many tasks or projects simultaneously. It refers to ironsmithing, where an iron needs to be heated in a fire to become malleable and worked on.
Don’t judge a book by its cover.The proverb suggests that you should not base your opinion on something or someone solely on their appearance. It is like saying you can not tell how good a book is just by looking at the cover art.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.The proverb implies you should not be essential to something that is being given to you for free. It declares that if someone gives you something for free, be thankful and accept it, even if it is not perfect. It is about appreciating the gesture rather than focusing on any flaws.
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.This proverb indicates not to exaggerate a problem or make it seem bigger than it is. Moreover, this proverb uses this contrast to say that someone is turning a small issue into a huge one. 
Don’t make clothes for a not yet born baby.The proverb signifies that don’t prepare for something that is uncertain or has not happened yet. Furthermore, it advises against wasting time and energy on things that might not even come to fruition.
Don’t mend what ain’t broken.The proverb means leaving something alone if it is working well. It suggests that against trying to fix something that is not malfunctioning or in need of improvement.
Don’t carry coals to Newcastle.The proverb suggests doing something meaningless or unnecessary. It’s a way of saying “Hey, that doesn’t make sense!” when someone is doing something unnecessary.
Don’t go between the tree and the bark.This proverb is not a common saying. It is likely a variation of the more well-known proverb “Don’t get between a barking dog and a sore tree.”
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.The proverbs mean it is best to avoid getting involved in a conflict or argument between two people or things that are already heated.  Just like the space between the tree and the bark is a tense spot for the dog, getting in the middle of a fight can lead to trouble for you.
Don’t put the cart before the horse.This proverb is a reminder to follow the logical steps in a process. You need to complete the necessary initial steps before you can move on to the last stages. It makes sense for the horse to be in front, pulling the cart. If you put the cart in front of the horse, it wouldn’t work very well! 

Explore the Complete List of Proverbs from A to Z


Other Proverbs Starting with Don’t (with Meaning)

These are the sayings that are part of our day-to-day language and will help us guide you through life’s challenges with a bit more understanding and care manner:

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

Meaning: This proverb is a reminder to be careful when making changes or getting rid of things. Make sure you do not accidentally discard something good in the process. Furthermore, this proverb means to avoid getting rid of something valuable along with something unwanted.
Proverbs Starting with Don’t

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

Meaning: The proverb means to avoid getting too excited or making plans based on something that hasn’t happened yet. This proverb reminds us to be patient, realistic, and focus on the present. There’s nothing wrong with hoping for success, but do not get ahead of yourself!
Proverbs Starting with Don’t

Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them

Meaning: The proverb “Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them” means there’s no point in worrying about problems that haven’t happened yet. It’s like worrying about having to cross a bridge you haven’t even reached on your journey.
Proverbs Starting with Don’t

Don’t have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain

Meaning: The proverb suggests don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for something you know is coming. This proverb uses the image of rain to describe a challenge or problem. It highlights the significance of being bold and having things in order before you face a problem.
Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain

Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself

Meaning: This proverb means there is no point in doing something yourself when you already have someone else who can do it for you. This proverb helps representatives get the most out of the resources they have. 

Don’t sell the bear’s skin before you’ve caught it

Meaning: This proverb means do not count your chickens before they hatch. This proverb applies to any situation where you are getting ahead of yourself. Do not celebrate a success you have achieved yet. Concentrate on the task at hand and do not make plans based on uncertain outcomes.
Don't sell the bear's skin before you've caught it

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Meaning: This proverb points there’s no need to worry about problems that have not occurred yet. It tells you two things. In this proverb, we are advised to let sleeping dogs lie (avoid stirring up trouble).

Don’t whistle (halloo) until you are out of the wood

Meaning: The proverb means do not celebrate or become complacent until you are sure you’ve overcome a challenge or danger.
Don't whistle (halloo) until you are out of the wood

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We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on proverbs starting with ‘Don’t’ and their meaning! To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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