World Hypertension Day 2024- History, Theme, Significance

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World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day is an annual event observed every year on May 17. This day aims to raise awareness about hypertension and the need to take preventive and detection methods. A systolic blood pressure that is regularly above 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure that is consistently above 90 mm Hg is referred to as high blood pressure or hypertension. It is also the leading cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, and early mortality. In most cases, high blood pressure on its own has no symptoms. Fortunately, you can avoid and control hypertension by frequently testing your blood pressure and receiving therapy.

Name of the dayWorld Hypertension Day
Observed on May 17
Reason To raise awareness and advocate hypertension, and its prevention, detection, and control. 
Theme 2024Not released yet

History of World Hypertension Day

  • The World Hypertension League (WHL), a division of the International Society of Hypertension, created World Hypertension Day.
  • WHL is the day to raise awareness of hypertension among the general population.
  • World Hypertension Day was initially observed on May 14 2005.
  • However, the campaign was shifted to May 17 2006.

Why do we Celebrate World Hypertension Day?

Here is the purpose of celebrating World Hypertension Day:

  • To encourage the general people to have their blood pressure checked regularly, at least once a year.
  • To motivate individuals with high blood pressure to visit their doctor for frequent checkups and effective treatment.
  • To encourage everyone in the general population, especially children and teenagers, to maintain a normal weight, normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, healthy diet, regular exercise, and other typical lifestyle factors.
  • Help motivate individuals to quit harmful behaviours including smoking, binge drinking, being sluggish, eating fried or spicy food, being obese, or being overweight.

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An Epidemic of Public Health is Hypertension

In many nations, 1 in 5 persons over the age of 25 and around 4 out of 10 adults with hypertension have pre-hypertension. Nine out of ten individuals who live to be 80 years old will likely acquire hypertension. Even when blood pressure is within the normal range, those with higher blood pressure account for 50% of cases of blood pressure-related illness. The figures to keep an eye on after having your blood pressure checked are as follows:

  • Normal: Less than 120/80
  • 120/80 to 139/89 for prehypertension
  • Stage 1 hypertension: 140/90 to 159/99
  • Stage 2 hypertension: 160/100 or above
  • Hypertension Crisis: 180/110 or higher

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Significance of World Hypertension Day

  • As hypertension gradually builds up within the body, numerous cardiovascular illnesses including myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure occur. This is why it is referred to as the silent killer. It exhibits almost no symptoms or warning signals.
  • Over 100 crore persons globally, or up to 45% of the adult population, have hypertension, which affects them. All socio-economic and income groups are equally affected by hypertension, and the prevalence of the condition increases with age. 
  • A global health survey study states that since 1990, hypertension has been the top cause of mortality and disability-adjusted life years globally. By 2025, there will be close to 150 crores of individuals who have hypertension, a 15-20% rise from now.

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Ways to Celebrate World Hypertension Day

Check out these simple ways to celebrate the day:

Get the Word Out

Some hypertensives aren’t aware that they have the disease. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness about hypertension. Individuals would routinely get their blood pressure tested.

Manage Yours

Maybe you’re one of those people who doesn’t realize they have high blood pressure. Therefore, have yours examined; presumably, it will be within normal range.

Stop it Before it Happens

Checking for hypertension is essential since it has no signs. Following that, you should adhere to the primary prevention of hypertension, which includes limiting alcohol intake, keeping a healthy weight, and participating in regular aerobic exercise.

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Facts About Hypertension

Here are some interesting facts about hypertension:

1. Adolescent Persons are Susceptible

Nearly one in four individuals between the ages of 20 and 44 are believed to have hypertension.

2. It’s a Contributing Factor to Fatalities

Around 516,955 people died in the United States in 2019, due to hypertension.

3. It can’t be Cured

Hypertension cannot be cured, however, it may still be prevented and controlled.

4. Both Men and Women are Impacted by it

Men and women can both be affected by hypertension.

5. Only a few people are in charge of it

Only around one-fourth (24%) of persons with hypertension are deemed to have their condition under control.

Purpose of World Hypertension Day

Here are the primary reasons for world hypertension day:

1. It May be Hazardous

Heart failure, dementia, and stroke are all complications of hypertension. To avoid hypertension, World Hypertension Day serves as a reminder to periodically check our blood pressure.

2. To Start a Good Habit

Anyone, regardless of age, can develop hypertension. World Hypertension Day can serve as a springboard for us to begin implementing the core hypertension preventive strategies, which include leading an active lifestyle and consuming more fruits and vegetables.

3. It is Incurable

Although it may be treated, hypertension does not yet have a known cure. For some people, this might be unpleasant or painful since you must take drugs until your blood pressure is under control. They might need to continue taking blood pressure drugs after all.

Types of Hypertension Diseases

Hypertension disease is classified into two, primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. A brief description of the diseases is given below for your reference.

Primary Hypertension: Primary or essential hypertension is high blood pressure that is caused by another ailment or condition. It can result from multiple factors, including blood plasma volume and the activity of hormones that regulates blood volume and pressure in the human body. It is mainly influenced by lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and stress of any kind.

Secondary Hypertension: Perhaps another condition is what is causing your high blood pressure. It has a certain root cause and is a symptom of another issue. It can be brought on by kidney disease, diabetes, the rare adrenal gland cancer pheochromocytoma, Cushing syndrome, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, obesity, and other conditions.

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Why is May 17th World Hypertension Day?

The goal of the day is to raise awareness about hypertension. However, people with hypertension lacked the necessary knowledge. On May 14, 2005, the WHL debuted their inaugural WHD. The WHL has designated May 17 of each year as WHD starting in 2006.

Who founded World Hypertension Day?

World Hypertension Day (WHD) was first established in 2005 by the World Hypertension League (WHL), an umbrella organization of national hypertension organizations and leagues with 85 member nations.

What does World Hypertension Day seek to accomplish?

This year, World Hypertension Day will take place on May 17, 2023. Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer is the topic for 2023, and it aims to battle poor awareness levels globally, particularly in low- to middle-income communities, and precise blood pressure testing methods.

We hope the information regarding World Hypertension Day will be useful for all the readers out there.

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