
World Contraception Day 2023: Theme, Significance and More

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world contraception day

World Contraception Day (WCD) is observed annually on September 26 around the world. The goal of the day is to increase knowledge of all contraception options and empower young people to make educated decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. In this blog, we will talk about the importance of this day, how one can celebrate this day and much more. 

Significance of World Contraception Day

More than 270 million women throughout the world are unable to meet their needs for family planning or contraceptives due to various reasons. There are more than 200 million women who are unable to avoid pregnancy. However, they are unable to do so because they don’t have any access to modern contraception, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) data.

When births occur fewer than two years away from one another and in adolescent females, it is vital to avoid getting pregnant because these pregnancies can be quite dangerous for both the mother and the unborn child.

As one of the biggest risks to the sexual and reproductive independence and health of women, unexpected pregnancies and HIV need to be prevented. Due to the higher prevalence of unintended births among low-income people, having children comes with additional financial obligations that can push someone deeper into poverty and promote cycles of high fertility, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

This is despite the fact that 76.8% of women of reproductive age used contraception in 2020, adoption has lagged due to a lack of information, additional options, and choices for low-income families.

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History of World Contraception Day

Ten international family planning organisations initially observed it on 26 September 2007, with the goal of raising awareness about contraception and assisting couples in making well-informed decisions about beginning a family, ensuring that every pregnancy is desired.

The right of all couples and individuals to determine the number and spacing of their children was declared independent and responsible during the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. Additionally, it is reflected in target 3.7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The campaign aims to inform as many people as possible about contraception, including parents, medical professionals, and other relevant parties, in addition to women.

How to Celebrate World Contraception Day?

There are four ways one can celebrate World Contraception Day. Here are some of the ways:

  • Open a conversation around Birth Control.
  • Spread awareness on this day with people around. 
  • Conduct campaigns 
  • Conduct online campaigns/debates around this topic

World Contraception Day Theme 2023

This World Contraception Day, the theme is, “The Power of Options.” 

As we commemorate this significant day, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of giving people a variety of contraceptive choices so they may make educated decisions that are in line with their particular needs and goals. 

This theme encompasses more than just contraception; it also promotes autonomy, makes educated decisions possible, and advances international efforts in reproductive health and family planning.

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Q1. Who declared World Contraception Day?

A. Ten international family planning organisations initially observed it on September 26, 2007, with the goal of raising awareness about contraception and assisting couples in making well-informed decisions about beginning a family, ensuring that every pregnancy is desired.

Q2. Who invented the first contraceptive?

A. Although there is evidence that condoms were used in the UK as early as 1640, condom-like objects were used as early as 3000 BC, making the condom the first “official” form of contraception.

We hope this blog provided you with all the information related to World Contraception Day. It provided you with information related to how this event came up the history behind it being celebrated and much more. Read more on important days here!

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