Why do we Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr?

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Why do we Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr

Muslims around the world celebrate the Eid Al-Fitr festival with great zeal and enthusiasm. It is one of the most prominent celebrations that last for the first three days of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid is an Arabic word, loosely translating into “festival” or “feast”. Interestingly, Eid Al-Fitr is also known as small Eid as compared to Edi al-Adha which lasts for four days. This is also an excellent time to teach students about the importance and origin of this significant festival. In this blog, we will explore common questions like why do we celebrate Ramadan Eid or Eid Al-Fitr. 

Why do we Celebrate Ramadan Eid? 

Eid Al-Fitr, also known as the festival of breaking the fast, marks the end of Ramadan. In this instance, fast refers to Ramadan, which recalls the revealing of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For the uninformed, Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims during which they abstain from food, water, and alcohol.

According to Islamic traditions, the auspicious festival of Eid Al-Fitr was established by the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. It happened during the time he was travelling from Mecca to Medina. It is also widely believed that the first Eid Al-Fitr was celebrated somewhere in 624 CE in Medina. 

In Medina, Prophet Muhammad found some people indulging in recreational activities. Then, he recommended the observance of Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha as two delays dedicated to festivities. 

Interestingly, the exact date of Eid Al-Fitr varies each year according to the sighting of the crescent moon. During Eid, Muslims pray to Allah to ask for the strength to observe intense fasts for the holy month. It is a time to express gratitude, pray to the almighty to bless you and your family with health, wealth, and prosperity, and ask forgiveness for sins. 

Source: Easy Drawings By Crafts A2Z
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What is the purpose of celebrating Eid?

The purpose of celebrating Eid is to strengthen relationships with the almighty. It is time to pray for forgiveness, ask for blessings, and spend time with friends and family. Eid Al-Fitr also marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, in which people observe fasts.

Why do people fast in Islam?

Fasting is considered an act of worship which brings people near to God. It strengthens their relationship with the higher power and symbolizes their discipline and faith. 

What is not allowed in Roza?

Certain activities such as eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed while fasting in Ramadan. 

Hope you enjoyed why do we celebrate Eid Al-Fitr. For more information about such informative articles, check the trending events page of Leverage Edu.

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