😷What are the Six Levels of Air Quality?

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What are the six levels of air quality

The Air Quality Index indicates the quality or levels of pollutants present in the air. Increasing pollution increases the air quality index. The AQI meter can measure the AQI in three digits. Pollutants such as PM 2.5 or PM 10 are hazardous to the environment. Pollutants refer to the solid particles mixed with water droplets in the air. There are different levels of air quality that can be measured to judge the severity of the condition. Stay tuned and read this article to learn about What are the six levels of Air Quality, also know about the reason behind high AQI and what measures can be taken to improve the Air Quality Index!

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6 Levels of Air Quality Index Standards

Source: AQI India

The Air Quality Index is affected by the 6 main pollutants in the air. As per EPA, these 6 major pollutants are listed below:

  • Ozone
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • PM 2.5
  • PM 10
  • Sulphur Dioxide
  • Nitrogen Dioxide

These pollutants also have their fixed standards for measuring the AQI.

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Various levels of the Air Quality Index in a tabular form are given below:

Level of AQILevel of ConcernEffectColour
0-50GoodNo risk, good atmosphereGreen
51-100ModerateAcceptable air quality with very little harm to sensitive people only.Yellow
101-150Unhealthy for sensitive peopleOnly unhealthy people get affected and general people can tolerate this AQI.Orange
150-200UnhealthyGeneral people get a little bit affected whereas, sensitive people suffer respiratory issues.Red
201-300Very UnhealthyThis is a condition of health alert because everyone gets affected due to high air pollution.Purple
301-500HazardousHealth warning of emergency condition.Maroon

NOTE: AQI less than 100 is considered safe. Increasing AQI above 100 causes health issues.

Why is the Air Quality Unhealthy Today?

The AQI level above 100 is considered as unhealthy. Air Quality is unhealthy due to increasing population and pollution. Excessive use of automobiles discharges high amounts of pollution into the air leading to an increase in AQI levels. Apart from this disasters such as forest burns, the release of smoke from the industrial areas, the burning of firecrackers at Diwali, climatic changes, etc also cause the AQI unhealthy today. 

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What to do When Air Quality is Unhealthy?

It is important to protect the environment and yourself from high AQI. When the air quality is unhealthy follow the given points to decrease air pollution:

  • Try to stay indoors as much as possible
  • Avoid using vehicles
  • Rely on public transport
  • Wear a mask when going outside
  • Support public policies to improve air quality. 

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What are the 6 categories of air quality index?

The 6 categories of AQI are good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive people, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and hazardous.

What are the 6 major classes of air pollutants?

The six major classes of pollutants are PM 2.5, PM 10, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, and ground-level ozone.

What is a safe AQI range?

The safe AQI range is 0-100. 

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