Funeral Leave Application: Format and Samples with Expert Tips

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Funeral Leave Application: A funeral leave application is written in unprecedented and tragic times. A bereaved person is usually not in a condition to pen down an application. However, as per corporate professional ethics and code of conduct, one needs to write an application asking for funeral leave. As this application is written during testing times, one must write a concise letter.

The grieving employee must ensure that they ask one of their teammates to look after their work during their leave of absence. Be gracious to appreciate your reporting manager for granting this unplanned leave application. Find the process to apply for a Bereavement Leave or Funeral Leave Application, format, samples and expert tips in the blog article below.

How to Apply for Funeral Leave? (Step by Step Process)

A grieving employee must write a formal funeral leave application to her/his/their employer or reporting manager to ask for bereavement leave for the loss of a loved one. This application must include your current situation and the duration for which you require a leave of absence. Here are a few steps that you must follow to apply for this leave:

  • Inform your colleagues and reporting authorities at the earliest possible time.
  • After verbally informing your co-workers and boss, draft a funeral leave application. 
  • Make sure to specify the dates for which you will be away from work. Even though one cannot specify the exact duration of grief, the bereaved person must add a probable date on which he/she/they might resume work.
  • Always proofread your application before sending it to your superior. 

Also Read: Leave Application Format for Office, School & College [Samples]

Considerations to Keep in Mind: Before Asking For Bereavement Leave

Before requesting bereavement leave, it’s crucial to understand the policies and procedures in place to navigate this sensitive time. Here are key considerations to keep in mind:

Notify Your Employer as Soon as Possible: You must let your employer know that you will be taking bereavement leave at the earliest possible.

Determine How Much Time off You Need and Create a Timeline: Give your employer an idea of how many days you will need and mention the same in your application.

Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with your company’s bereavement leave policy. Know the duration of leave allowed, whether it’s paid or unpaid, and any specific documentation required.

Who to Speak To: know who you should speak to. The authority to which you need to communicate should be clear to you. This can be your Reporting Manager, Senior Manager, Etc.

Notification Process: Understand how and when you should inform your supervisor or HR department about the need for bereavement leave. Follow the established protocol to ensure a smooth process.

Eligibility Criteria: Check if you meet the eligibility criteria for bereavement leave. Some companies may have specific requirements regarding the relationship with the deceased or the duration of your employment.

Documentation: Be prepared to provide necessary documentation, such as a death certificate or funeral program, to support your leave request. Understanding these requirements beforehand can expedite the approval process.

Clearly communicate your situation and intentions to your supervisor. Discuss the expected duration of your absence and any potential impact on your workload.

Alternative Arrangements: Consider discussing alternative arrangements for your workload during your absence. This may include delegating tasks to colleagues or providing a plan for the completion of your ongoing projects.

Return-to-Work Expectations:
Clarify any expectations upon your return to work. Be open about your emotional well-being and discuss any potential need for a gradual transition back into your regular work routine.

Review the Request and Send It Off: Once you have drafter your leave application have someone review it and then send it to the employer.

By being informed about these aspects, you can approach the process of requesting bereavement leave with clarity and sensitivity, ensuring a smoother experience during a difficult time.

Must Read: Leave Letter to Class Teacher: Format and Samples 

Format for Funeral Leave Application

A funeral leave application can be short because the applicant is dealing with grief. An applicant can write an appropriate application by including the following:

✅ Address your immediate boss and manager.
✅ Mention the date of application writing
✅ Subject
✅ Salutation
✅ Summary of your current situation
✅ Mention the dates for which you will be unavailable
✅ Request for funeral leave
✅ Mention the name of your colleague who will take care of your task in your absence
✅ Mention your gratitude in a single line
✅ Give your regards and contact details
✅ Your name and designation

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Templates for Funeral Leave Application

Here are samples for asking for funeral leaves for the loss of a family member and a friend. 

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

Subject: Funeral Leave Application

I am writing to request a funeral leave due to the unfortunate passing of a close family member. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you about the demise, and I need to attend the funeral rites and support my family during this difficult time.

The funeral is scheduled for [date], and I anticipate needing [number of days] off to fulfill my responsibilities and be present with my family. I understand the importance of my duties at work and assure you that I will make every effort to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will be reachable for any urgent matters that may arise.

I appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging period. I will provide any necessary documentation or information required to process this leave request promptly.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]

Sample 1 (Middle of a Project)

Dear [Supervisor/Manager’s Name],

Subject: Funeral Leave Application

I am writing to request a funeral leave due to the sudden demise of my [relationship], which has left me and my family in a state of deep grief. I understand the importance of the project we are currently working on, and I deeply regret any inconvenience caused by my absence.

I plan to attend the funeral services and provide the necessary support to my family during this difficult time. I assure you that I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before leaving and will make myself available for any urgent matters.

I kindly request your understanding and support during this challenging period. I am committed to resuming work on [specific date], and I appreciate your consideration in granting me the necessary leave.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

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Funeral Leave Application

Sample 2 (Funeral of a Family Member)


(Name of the Reporting Manager)

(Date on which you are writing the application in DD/MM/YYYY format)

Subject: Leave for attending the funeral of (the relationship with the family member, for eg; father/mother/brother/sister/spouse/child)

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

With a heavy heart, I would like to inform you that my (Name of the family member), my (Relationship with the family member), passed away today morning. In this tragic and unprecedented situation, I request you grant me a paid leave of 3 to 5 days. 

I am heading home in the next couple of hours to attend the funeral on (DD/MM/YYYY). I will be in my home town for the funeral and other related rituals and arrangements until (DD/MM/YYYY). I intend to be back in the office on (DD/MM/YYYY). I might take a few unpaid leaves after the aforementioned date, depending on how things at home are going. 

I would like you to be considerate of my situation. I would be highly appreciative of your concern in these grieving times. 

I have asked (Name of your colleague) to take care of my tasks while I am away. Feel free to contact me him/her/them for work-related questions. You can also reach me at (Contact Number)
Thank you for considering my request.


(Name of the bereaved employee)

Sample 3 (Funeral of a Friend)

(Name of the Employer/Reporting Manager)
(Name of the Enterprise)
(Address of the Office)


Subject: Leave to attend a friend’s funeral.

Dear Ma’am/Sir, 

I just received the very tragic news that my friend (Name of the friend) lost his/her/their life a few hours ago. He/she/they were admitted to the hospital yesterday evening due to a road accident. I have to attend his/her/their funeral tomorrow afternoon (DD/MM/YYYY). I will be leaving today evening (DD/MM/YYYY) to go to my friend’s home town. I will be unavailable from (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY).

Please be considerate and grant me a funeral leave for the above-mentioned duration. I will be highly obliged for your kind consideration.

I have requested my teammate (Name of your co-worker) to take over my work during my leave of absence. You can also contact me via email (email ID) and call (Contact number).

Thank you.


(Name of the applicant)]

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Sample 3 Funeral Leave Request to HR

Dear [HR Manager’s Name],

Subject: Funeral Leave Request

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request funeral leave due to the passing of a close family member. The funeral is scheduled for [date], and I am seeking [number of days] off to attend the services and support my family during this difficult time.

I understand the company’s policies regarding leave and am willing to provide any necessary documentation. I will ensure that my responsibilities are addressed and am open to discussing a plan for any pending tasks during my absence.

Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Employee ID]
[Your Department]

Also Read: 5 Ways to Write Leave Application for Fever: Format & Samples

What to Include in a Funeral Leave Application?

The grieving employee must ensure that they include the following details in her/his/their bereavement leave application:

  • Name of the deceased soul, date of death, and your relationship with the departed loved one
  • Duration of leave
  • The probable date on which you wish to return to work
  • Request for additional time off for grieving. Ask for this time off as paid leave.
  • Name of the co-worker who would take over your work responsibilities in your absence
  • Words of appreciation for your superiors for understanding the current situation and granting unplanned leave.

Also Read: Leave Application for Office

Expert Tips to Write a Funeral Leave Application

A funeral or bereavement leave application is written like any other official leave letter. Mentioned below are some tips for drafting an appropriate application:

  • Use formal language.
  • Express your situation in the subject line itself.
  • Address all your superiors because this is an unplanned leave and there is no exact duration of the leave.
  • Even though the circumstances are unprecedented, do provide a potential date of return to work.
  • Suggest the name of the co-worker who will be your proxy in your absence.
  • Give your contact information.

Also Read: Bonafide Certificate: Format, Application & Documents

Format to Write a Funeral Leave Application

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Subject: Funeral Leave Request

I am writing to request a leave of absence to attend the funeral of my [Relationship to Deceased], [Name of Deceased]. Sadly, they passed away on [Date of Passing] (or if unknown, “recently”).

The funeral service will be held on [Date of Funeral] in [Location].  I will need to be out of the office from [Start Date] to [End Date] to travel and attend the service, as well as spend time with my family during this difficult time.

I understand the importance of my work and will do my best to [Explain how you’ll ensure a smooth workflow] during my absence, such as [Specific actions, e.g., completing urgent tasks beforehand, informing colleagues about your workload, delegating tasks if possible].

I will be checking my email periodically in case of any urgent matters.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time.


[Your Name]

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1. How do you write an absent letter for a funeral?

Be direct. Mention your situation in a few words. Mention the name of the departed soul and your relationship with the deceased person. Put down the dates for which you will be absent from the office. Mention the date of return. Inform about the teammate who will be looking after your work. Write words of gratitude and end your application with regard towards your boss. 

2. How do I ask for permission to leave for death?

As soon as you get the news about the demise of your near ones, inform your colleagues and superiors about the situation verbally. After verbal communication, write a bereavement leave application to your reporting authority to ask for leave on the concerned dates.

3. How do you tell your boss you are going to a funeral?

Convey your loss to your boss in person, via text, or over a phone call at the earliest. You can also write a precise email to tell your boss that you are going to a funeral.

Check out the samples of various letter-writing topics for school education:

Write a Letter to Your Friend Thanking Him for the Birthday Gift: SamplesFormal Letter: Format, Types, Samples
Write a Letter to Your Brother Asking Him to Do Yoga DailyWrite a Letter to Your Friend About Your School Trip: Samples
Write a Letter to Your Father for Money: Check SamplesLeave Letter to Class Teacher: Format and Samples
Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Favourite HobbyWrite a Letter to Your Mother Asking Her About Her Health

We hope the above-listed sample letters will improve your letter-writing skills. For more such interesting topics, visit our Letter Writing page for such interesting topics

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