Teenage is an important time in life as most of the habits, good and bad, are developed during this time. Our schooling, hobbies, social life, etc. are all developed during this time. But sometimes, a lot of teenagers fall victim to bad habits or criminal activities, which certainly destroy their lives.
Essay topics like teenagers and crime are certainly on the rise because of rising hate and violent activities among children and young adults. The objective of such essay topics is to understand how essays on teenagers and crime activities can help raise awareness about the challenges faced by law enforcement, policymakers, and communities. Below we have discussed some essay on teenagers and crime for school students.
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Essay on Teenagers and Crime in 100 words
In today’s world, it has become our duty as guardians, parents, individuals, and society to allow and provide teenagers with the opportunity for growth in a healthy socio-cultural environment so that they can become responsible personalities. The teenage years are quite delicate ones. They shape personalities and develop characters. Children must be guided in the right direction during their teenage years because there is a high risk of them falling into crime. For a lot of reasons, a large number of children do not follow the settled social and legal standards. Hence, they often get involved in crime. Such children need to be properly guided and looked after to protect them from falling into the pit of teenage crime.
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Essay on Teenagers and Crime in 200 words
Teenage years are a very important aspect of each individual’s journey. They help shape personalities and develop characters. Every individual understands himself/herself better during their teenage years. But these teenage years are extremely delicate too because the guidance children get during these moulds them. If guided in the wrong direction, their life can take serious turns and can even lead to teenage crime. Hence, giving children the correct guidance at the right age becomes crucial to keeping them out of the hands of teenage crime.
Preventing teenage crime is one of the moral obligations and duties of society in such a way that the children do not become wayward and remain in the social downstream. Parents should keep a check on their children and connect with them by spending time so that whenever there is recruitment of guidance, the same can be given by them and in the right direction. If teenage crime exists, then there exist solutions to the same. We as a society must come forward take the necessary initiatives and put a stop to teenage crimes because if not do so today, there won’t be a tomorrow left to save children from it.
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Essay on Teenagers and Crime in 350 words
Teenage is a beautiful time in children’s life. It is the one where we start to understand ourselves, and our interests, and develop on the same. It is the time when personalities develop and characters are formed. But there is one other aspect to it. In recent times, teenagers have become susceptible to crime. They are making the wrong choices and falling into the pit of teenage crime. Hence, it is becoming essential for parents, guardians, as well as teachers to pay attention and guide the children properly. The teenage years are very delicate. Hence, guidance in the right direction is essential to prevent children from coming into the grasp of teenage crime.
Teenage Crimes in India
A lot of crimes, ranging from petty crimes such as theft, burglary, snatching, etc. to serious crimes such as robbery, dacoity, murder, etc are being committed by teenagers. The most unfortunate thing of all is that the children committing these crimes belong to the age group of 16 to 18.
Reasons for Juvenile Crimes
No individual is born a criminal. There are reasons behind it that lead to the same. The role of socio-cultural environment, both inside as well as outside of the home is very significant in moulding one’s overall personality as well as life. Some of the reasons that lead to teenage crimes include poverty, drug abuse, abusive parents, easy availability of firearms, the role of media, etc. In India, poverty and the role of media are the ones that incline teenagers towards crime.
Here is a link to a YouTube video on what are the major reasons for juvenile crimes.
The increasing rate of teenage crime is of concern. It is essential to take action on it immediately. This action can be setting up legal laws for the punishment of such crimes and not considering them minors, but the major action has to be taken by the parents and society front. Parents need to keep an eye on their children and make sure to guide them in the right direction. We, as a society, need to come together and take action to prevent children from coming into the grasp of teenage crimes. If done so, these crimes can be prevented.
Ans: Any crime that is committed by an individual who is under the age of 18 is considered a youth crime.
Ans: A lot of crimes, ranging from petty crimes such as theft, burglary, snatching, etc. to serious crimes such as robbery, dacoity, murder, etc are being committed by teenagers. The most unfortunate thing of all is that the children committing these crimes belong to the age group of 16 to 18.
Ans: No individual is born a criminal. There are reasons behind it that lead to the same. The role of socio-cultural environment, both inside as well as outside of the home is very significant in moulding one’s overall personality as well as life. Some of the reasons that lead to teenage crimes include poverty, drug abuse, abusive parents, easy availability of firearms, the role of media, etc. In India, poverty and the role of media are the ones that incline teenagers towards crime.
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This brings us to the end of our blog on essay on teenagers and crime. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.