CBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions ¨The French Revolution¨

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CBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions The French Revolution

NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions ¨The French Revolution¨ aims to provide students with insightful solutions. Our subject matter experts have offered simple and accurate answers for the exercises in the history book ¨India and the Contemporary World-I.¨

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Important Questions and Answers of NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions ¨The French Revolution¨(Free PDF)

Let us look at NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions ¨The French Revolution¨within the lesson. Our subject experts have answered these questions accurately and per the latest CBSE guidelines.

Question 1. What triggered the French Revolution?
Answer. The French Revolution was triggered by social, economic, and political factors, including widespread discontent with the absolute monarchy, economic hardship, social inequality, and Enlightenment ideas advocating for liberty and equality.

Question 2. What was the significance of the Storming of the Bastille?
Answer. The Storming of the Bastille symbolized the start of the French Revolution, representing the overthrow of royal authority and the uprising of the people against tyranny. It also marked the beginning of armed resistance and the quest for political change.

Question 3. Why was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen important?Answer. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was important as it articulated fundamental rights and principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. It served as a guiding document for the revolution, influencing subsequent revolutionary movements and constitutional developments worldwide.

Question 4. What was the Reign of Terror, and who was responsible for it?
Answer. The Reign of Terror was a period of extreme violence and political repression during the French Revolution, characterized by mass executions of perceived enemies of the revolution. It was led by Maximilien Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety, aiming to suppress counter-revolutionary forces and protect the revolution.

Question 5. What were the main reforms introduced during the French Revolution?
Answer. The main reforms introduced during the French Revolution included the abolition of feudal privileges and serfdom, the establishment of civil equality and legal rights, the secularization of church property, and the introduction of revolutionary laws promoting liberty, equality, and fraternity.

Question 6. How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power?
Answer. Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power through a series of military victories and political manoeuvres, culminating in his coup d’état of 18 Brumaire, where he overthrew the Directory and established himself as First Consul of France.

Question 7. What were Napoleon’s achievements and reforms during his rule?
Answer. Napoleon implemented numerous reforms during his rule, including the Napoleonic Code, which codified civil law and promoted equality before the law. He also centralized government administration, established a system of meritocracy, and promoted education and infrastructure development.

Question 8. Why did Napoleon’s empire ultimately collapse?
Answer. Napoleon’s empire collapsed due to a combination of military defeats, economic instability, and internal dissent. The failed invasion of Russia, the Continental System, and the Peninsular War weakened his power, leading to his eventual defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

Question 9. What were the long-term effects of the French Revolution?
Answer. The French Revolution had profound long-term effects, including the spread of revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity across Europe and beyond. It led to the abolition of feudalism, the rise of nationalism, and the transformation of political systems, laying the groundwork for modern democracy.

Question 10. How did the French Revolution influence subsequent revolutionary movements?
Answer. The French Revolution inspired subsequent revolutionary movements worldwide, including the Latin American Wars of Independence, the Haitian Revolution, and the European Revolutions of 1848. Its ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity continue to shape political and social movements to this day.

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Question 1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France.
Answer. Circumstances Leading to the Outbreak of Revolutionary Protest in France were as follows:
1. Social Inequality: French society was divided into three estates, with the clergy and nobility enjoying privileges and exemptions, while the common people faced heavy taxation and poverty.
2. Economic Hardship: High taxes, crop failures, and rising bread prices exacerbated the suffering of the peasantry and urban poor, leading to widespread discontent.
3. Enlightenment Ideas: Enlightenment philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire advocated for liberty, equality, and fraternity, inspiring people to question the legitimacy of the monarchy and demand political change. 
4. Financial Crisis: France faced a severe financial crisis due to extravagant spending, costly wars, and inefficient taxation, leading to calls for fiscal reform and accountability.

Question 2. Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been disappointed with the outcome of the revolution?
Answer. Groups benefiting and relinquishing power during the revolution were as:
Benefited: The common people, bourgeoisie, and middle class benefited from the revolution as they gained political rights, social mobility, and economic opportunities.
Relinquished Power: The clergy and nobility were forced to relinquish power and privileges as the revolution abolished feudal privileges and dismantled the ancien régime.
Disappointed Sections: Some sections of society, such as conservative nobles, clergy, and monarchists, would have been disappointed with the revolution’s outcome as it threatened their traditional authority and privileges.

Question 3. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the worldduring the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Answer. The legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was as follows:
1. Spread of Revolutionary Ideals: The French Revolution inspired movements for liberty, equality, and fraternity worldwide, leading to the abolition of feudal systems, the rise of nationalism, and the establishment of democratic governments.
2. Promotion of Democratic Values: The revolution promoted democratic values such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and constitutional governance, shaping political systems and social movements in the 19th and 20th centuries.
3. Impact on Colonialism: The revolution challenged colonialism and imperialism, inspiring colonized peoples to fight for independence and self-determination.

Question 4. Draw up a list of democratic rights we enjoy today whose origins could be traced to the French Revolution.
Answer. Democratic Rights with origins in the French Revolution were:
1. Right to Liberty: The concept of individual liberty and freedom from arbitrary rule emerged from the French Revolution.
2. Right to Equality: The revolution promoted the idea of equality before the law and equal political rights for all citizens.
3. Right to Fraternity: The revolutionary ideals of solidarity and community solidarity influenced the development of social welfare policies and collective rights.

Question 5. Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with contradictions? Explain.
Answer. Yes, the message of universal rights was beset with contradictions as the revolution failed to extend rights and liberties to all groups, including women, slaves, and colonial subjects. 
Despite proclaiming liberty and equality, the revolutionaries often excluded marginalized groups from enjoying full citizenship rights, highlighting the gap between ideals and reality.

Question 6. How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?
Answer.  Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power through military victories, political manoeuvring, and popular support. He capitalized on the instability and power vacuum created by the revolution and used his charisma and strategic genius to consolidate power and establish a strong centralized government.

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Breakdown of NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 1 Solutions “The French Revolution”

Here is the summary of the chapter “The French Revolution” following:

1. The chapter discusses the turbulent period in France following the signing of the Constitution by Louis XVI.

2. Tensions escalated with secret negotiations and neighbouring rulers’ concerns, leading to war declarations by the National Assembly in 1792.

3. Volunteers joined the army, viewing the conflict as a battle between people and monarchies across Europe.

4. The revolutionary wars brought economic hardships, with women bearing increased responsibilities.

5. Political clubs like the Jacobins emerged, advocating for further revolution and representing less affluent sections of society.

6. The Jacobins’ radical policies, including wearing distinctive attire, contributed to political instability.
The summer of 1792 saw the storming of the Tuileries Palace and the imprisonment of the royal family.

7. The Convention abolished the monarchy, declaring France a republic, and initiated political reforms.

8. The Reign of Terror ensued, marked by severe control, punishment, and clashes within the government.

9. Women played active roles in revolutionary events, demanding equal rights and facing repression during the Reign of Terror.

10. The fall of the Jacobin government led to the rise of the Directory, which struggled with political instability.

11. Napoleon Bonaparte seized power, aiming to modernize Europe but facing opposition and eventual defeat.

12. The French Revolution’s legacy included the spread of revolutionary ideals of liberty and democratic rights across Europe and beyond, inspiring movements for freedom and sovereignty.

13. Figures like Tipu Sultan and Rammohan Roy responded to these ideals, contributing to the broader struggle for freedom and self-determination.

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