5 Best Colleges for Philosophy in India: Rankings and Fees

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Best Colleges for Philosophy in India

Philosophy serves as the origin for all other fields of knowledge in existence. From an internal perspective, subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Sociology, and more have emerged as branches stemming from a core subject. In terms of purity in the realm of epistemology, Mathematics, and Philosophy are considered the most pristine.

During ancient Greece, Philosophy held the esteemed position of being the noblest subject to study. However, in recent times, with the rise of societal dissent and the dominance of capitalism, Philosophy has lost the grace and prestige it once possessed.

Nevertheless, if you possess ambition and seek to delve into the fundamental assumptions that underlie our lives, pursuing Philosophy courses in India can be an excellent choice for you.

Also Read: 7 Best Philosophy Books of All Time

5 Top Colleges of Philosophy in India 

There are several institutions in India that provide philosophy education. Here is a list of the top 5 colleges for philosophy in India. 

Lady Shree Ram College, Delhi 

NIRF Ranking 2023:

Course Fees: INR 53K (approx)

Average Salary Package: INR 7-8 LPA

About the University 

Founded in 1956, Lady Shri Ram College for Women is an independent college affiliated with the University of Delhi. Its primary objective is to provide excellent higher education to deserving individuals and play a significant role in their advancement. The college is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and operates under the umbrella of the University of Delhi, located in New Delhi.

The program of philosophy at LSR includes a comprehensive and thorough study of Philosophy as a discipline at an advanced level. It involves the study of a critical and systematic approach and its reliance on a reasoned argument to address general problems. The problems usually concern matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, law, justice, validity, mind, and language. 

Philosophy includes a study of philosophical methods which include questioning, and systematic presentation. This course is closely related to religion, mathematics, natural science, education, and politics.

Christ University Banglore

NIRF Ranking 2023: 67

Course Fees: INR 1.65 lakh (approx)

Average Salary Package: INR 7-10 LPA

About the University 

The university is renowned for offering a well-rounded integration of different branches of philosophy, fostering a critical and analytical mindset across various domains of human exploration. 

This approach ensures a comprehensive viewpoint for your philosophy career. The university offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degrees, enabling students to pursue their academic journey in philosophy at different levels.

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Madras Christian College, Chennai

NIRF Ranking 2023: 16

Course Fees: INR 50K – 80K (approx)

Average Salary Package: INR 2-6LPA

About the University 

Madras Christian College is a highly esteemed and distinguished institution of higher education known for its exceptional academic offerings in the fields of Arts and Science, along with an impressive track record of student placements. 

The college’s Department of Philosophy has a long and illustrious heritage, dating back to 1865 when it was initially established as the Department of Moral & Mental Science. Their objective is to shape and harmonize the thinking patterns of students, thereby assisting them in achieving success in their chosen career paths.

Ferugsson College, Pune

Course Fees: INR 28K (approx)

Average Salary Package: INR 4-8 LPA

About the University 

The Fergusson College, Pune was founded in 1885. This department holds the distinction of being the oldest Philosophy Department in the city. It provides a specialized course in Philosophy as a subject for the B.A. degree, as well as a general-level course in Logic. 

The department places great emphasis on practical engagement with students, incorporating regular interactive sessions and presentations. The “Socratic Association,” established in 1915, organizes academic activities throughout the year, led and executed by the students themselves.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi

Course Fees: INR 14-18K (approx)

Average Salary Package: 2-3 LPA

About the University 

Opting for distance learning in philosophy from IGNOU serves a dual purpose. Not only does it improve career prospects for students, but it also hones the mind for enhanced logical thinking, mental discipline, analytical and synthesis abilities, and critical reflection on social and political aspects. 

If you are seeking a reputable program that offers flexibility, IGNOU is the ideal option to pursue your philosophical career.


What are some of the best colleges in India for studying philosophy?

Some of the best colleges in India for studying philosophy include Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Loyola College, Chennai, Christ University, Bengaluru, and Fergusson College, Pune. 

What criteria should I consider when choosing a college for philosophy in India?

When selecting a college for studying philosophy in India, a candidate should consider the following criteria, reputation, and accreditation of the college, faculty expertise and qualifications in philosophy, library resources and research facilities and overall academic environment and student support services

Are there any specialized philosophy courses offered by top colleges in India?

Yes, many top colleges in India offer specialized philosophy courses. Some of the specialized areas within philosophy include ethics and moral philosophy, metaphysics, and ontology, political philosophy, philosophy of mind and consciousness and so on. 

So, this was our list of best Colleges for Philosophy in India. Our Leverage Edu experts are here to help you find the best program and university as per your interests and preferences. Sign up for a free session now.

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