✏️20+ Questions of Verification of Truth Reasoning

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Questions of Verification of Truth Reasoning

Hey, guys! Mr. Owl 🦉 is here. I see that you want to practice ‘Questions of Verification of Truth Reasoning’. Hootfully, I’ll be of help to you! Since we owls are very wise. If you scroll further down this blog, you’ll see all the information and questions you need!

Are you a student preparing for the CAT, CMAT, GMAT, SAT,  UPSC or any upcoming government exams? Well, even if you are not preparing, for competitive exams like these, many job interviews with aptitude tests will need you to be able to solve questions such as Verification of Truth Reasoning!

✍️ What are Verification of Truth Reasoning Questions?

Verification of truth reasoning questions are like puzzles that test your ability to figure out if a statement is true or not. They’re also known as logical or critical reasoning questions. It’s important because it helps you become a better thinker and decision-maker.

Example:- Let’s say you have a question like this:

  • Statement 1: All birds can fly.
  • Statement 2: Penguins are birds.
  • Conclusion: Penguins can fly.

Now, you need to figure out if the conclusion is correct based on the evidence from the statements. In this case, the conclusion is not correct because, while Statement 1 says all birds can fly, there are exceptions like penguins. Penguins are birds, but they can’t fly. So, sometimes the statements are related, but they don’t always lead to a true conclusion. Note that, Verification of Truth Reasoning questions may come in the following formats- 

  • True/false
  • Yes/no
  • Short answer
  • Matching the statement with its correct explanation
  • Verifying multiple statements and their correlation (most common)

Must Read: Classification Reasoning Questions | Verbal Reasoning

📋 20+ Questions of Verification of Truth Reasoning For Practice!

Let’s begin practising some Verification of Truth Reasoning type of questions!

True/False Category

  1. Water boils at a higher temperature at higher altitudes- True
  2. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system- True
  3. A triangle has four sides- False
  4. All mammals lay eggs- False
  5. The Earth orbits the Moon- False

Yes/No Category

  1. Is the Earth’s core primarily composed of molten iron? Yes
  2. Can a rectangle have all sides of different lengths? No
  3. Does the Earth have only one moon? No
  4. Is oxygen a noble gas? No
  5. Is “War and Peace” a novel by Leo Tolstoy? Yes

Short Answer Category

  1. Statement: The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Explain whether this statement is true or false.

Answer: True. The Earth is indeed the third planet from the Sun in our solar system. It is located between Venus and Mars.

  1. Statement: Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Is this statement true or false? Explain.

Answer: True. Water (H2O) consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The chemical formula H2O represents its composition.

  1. Statement: The process of photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into glucose and oxygen. Is this statement true or false? Provide an explanation.

Answer: True. Photosynthesis is the biological process in which plants use carbon dioxide, sunlight, and chlorophyll to produce glucose (a form of sugar) and release oxygen as a byproduct.

  1. Statement: Humans are the only primates that walk on two legs. Is this statement true or false? Explain.

Answer: True. Bipedalism, or walking on two legs, is a distinctive characteristic of humans. While other primates may occasionally stand or walk on two legs, it is not their primary mode of locomotion.

  1. Statement: The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. Is this statement true or false? Provide a factual explanation.

Answer: False. The idea that the Great Wall of China is visible from space is a common myth. While it is an impressive structure, it is not easily visible to the naked eye from low Earth orbit without aid, and even then, it depends on various factors like weather and lighting conditions.

Matching the Statement with its Correct Explanation Category

  1. Match the statement with its correct explanation:

Statement: “Newton’s first law of motion.”

  • Explanation 1: “An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.”
  • Explanation 2: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
  • Explanation 3: “The force of gravity depends on the mass of two objects and the distance between them.”

Answer: Statement: “Newton’s first law of motion.” Explanation 1: “An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.”

  1. Match the statement with its correct explanation:

Statement: “The greenhouse effect.”

  • Explanation 1: “The process by which plants convert sunlight into energy.”
  • Explanation 2: “The trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere by certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane.”
  • Explanation 3: “The distance light travels in one year.”

Answer: Statement: “The greenhouse effect.” Explanation 2: “The trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere by certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane.”

  1. Match the statement with its correct explanation:

Statement: “Habeas corpus.”

  • Explanation 1: “A legal principle that ensures a person cannot be held in custody without being brought before a court to determine the legality of the detention.”
  • Explanation 2: “The highest court in the United States.”
  • Explanation 3: “A type of ancient Roman currency.”

Answer: Statement: “Habeas corpus.” Explanation 1: “A legal principle that ensures a person cannot be held in custody without being brought before a court to determine the legality of the detention.”

  1. Match the statement with its correct explanation:

Statement: “The law of supply and demand.”

  • Explanation 1: “The relationship between the amount of a product available and the desire for the product.”
  • Explanation 2: “A scientific law governing the behaviour of gases.”
  • Explanation 3: “A law of physics explaining the interaction between charged particles.”

Answer: Statement: “The law of supply and demand.” Explanation 1: “The relationship between the amount of a product available and the desire for the product.”

  1. Match the statement with its correct explanation:

Statement: “E=mc^2.”

  • Explanation 1: “A mathematical equation that describes the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c).”
  • Explanation 2: “A chemical equation representing the reaction between two elements.”
  • Explanation 3: “A theorem in geometry.”

Answer: Statement: “E=mc^2.” Explanation 1: “A mathematical equation that describes the relationship between energy (E), mass (m), and the speed of light (c).”

Verifying Multiple Statements and their Conclusion Category

  1. Verify both statements and their conclusion

Statement 1: All humans are mammals.

Statement 2: Mary is a human.

Conclusion: Mary is a mammal.

Answer: True

  1. Verify both statements and their conclusion

Statement 1: All cats have tails.

Statement 2: Fluffy is a cat.

Conclusion: Fluffy has a tail.

Answer: True

  1. Verify both statements and their conclusion


Statement 1: Most snakes are venomous.

Statement 2: Corn snake is not venomous.

Conclusion: Corn snake is not a snake.

Answer: False

Also Read: Questions of Syllogism Reasoning | Verbal Reasoning

👉 Tips to Solve Verification of Truth Reasoning Questions

Following are some life-saver tips for you-

  1. Read the Question Carefully: Start by carefully reading the question and all the statements provided. 
  2. Analyze Each Statement: Examine each statement individually and determine whether it is true or false. 
  3. Identify Key Relationships: Pay attention to the logical connections between the statements. Look for cause-and-effect relationships, conditionals, or dependencies.
  4. Draw Conclusions: Based on the truth or falsity of the individual statements and the relationships between them, draw a conclusion about the main question.
  5. Use Process of Elimination: If there are multiple choices, you can eliminate options that don’t align with the conclusions you’ve drawn. 
  6. Consider Exceptions: Be cautious about making generalizations. Some statements may have exceptions. 


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