Tips to Make Perfect Timetable For Students

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Perfect Timetable For Students

An effective routine and self-discipline are important for the student’s lives. Creating and managing a timetable is necessary for achieving academic goals while maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. A proper timetable helps students manage their time. It helps students allocate time to all of the activities that are important in a student’s life. In this section, we will talk about the perfect timetable for students and its importance. This blog will teach you how to create a suitable timetable for student life. Continue reading this blog to understand more about this topic.

Importance of Time Table for Students

A Time Table is important for students’ life as it helps them to manage their day effectively. Here we have mentioned the importance of time table for students.

  1. Improves Time Management Skills: Creating a timetable and following it with dedication helps you to manage your time while focusing on every aspect of your day. 
  2. Boosts Academic Performance: A well-planned timetable ensures that students dedicate sufficient time to studying each subject which leads to academic success.
  3. Balance Between Academics and Extracurricular Activities: An effective timetable helps to maintain a balance between academic and extracurricular activities by allotting time to each activity.
  4. Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Knowing what needs to be done reduces the pressure of the deadline which minimizes stress and anxiety.
  5. Increase Productivity: By following a systematic routine can avoid distractions and make them more productive while staying focused on their studies.

Also Read: How is Time Management Necessary for Students?

Understanding Priorities

Before creating a timetable, it is important to understand both academic and personal priorities. It will help you organise and spend your time more effectively.

  • Academics: The student’s first focus should be academics, with the majority of their time spent on classes, assignments and revisions.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Students should devote time to these activities because they help with the overall development of their personality. Sports, clubs, hobbies, and other passions are some examples of such activities.
  • Personal Time: Students should devote some time to themselves and socializing as it helps in their overall mental development.
  • Sleep and Rest: A proper sleep schedule of 7-8 hours is required for proper rest.

Sample Toppers Study Time Table

This schedule includes study, revision, practice, and breaks.It aims to balance productivity with well-being. Feel free to adjust timings to better fit your personal routine and preferences!

TIMEPerfect Timetable For Students
6:00 AMWake Up
6:30 AM – 7:30 AMExercise & Stretching
7:30 AM – 8:00 AMBreakfast & Light Reading
8:00 AM – 10:30 AMStudy New Topics
10:30 AM – 11:00 AMShort Break
11:00 AM – 1:30 PMRevise Previous Topics
1:30 PM – 2:30 PMLunch & Relax
2:30 PM – 4:30 PMPractice Previous Year’s Questions
4:30 PM – 5:00 PMShort Break
5:00 PM – 6:30 PMWork on Projects or Practice Exercises
6:30 PM – 7:00 PMTake a Break
7:00 PM – 9:00 PMReview and Conclude Study Topics
9:00 PM – 9:30 PMDinner / Family Time
9:30 PM – 10:00 PMLight Revision or Review Notes
10:00 PM – 10:30 PMWind Down / Relax
10:30 PMSleep

Mourning Routine

The morning is the most productive time for the student. Hence, this time should be planned properly.

  • Wake up Early: Students should wake up early around to start their day with clarity.
  • Exercise: A regular exercise routine of 20-25 min boosts energy levels and sharpens focus.
  • Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it provides energy to the students for managing their day.

First Study Session

The first study session should be devoted to difficult or important subjects because students are more focused and awake in the morning. To maximise concentrate, use the “Pomodoro Technique” (25-minute of study followed by a 5-minute rest). After two sessions, take a 15-minute longer break.


Taking a break between study sessions helps for recharging for the next activity.  Students can go outside, exercise or pursue any hobby to unwind.  A small snack can boost your energy and make you feel refreshed.

Second Study Session

Study sessions after a break can be less intensive than those in the morning. This time can be used to focus on understanding instead of learning.


A balanced and healthy meal is necessary to maintain energy levels for the rest of the day. Use this break to relax or spend time with family and friends.

Afternoon Study Session

The post-lunch period is often associated with lower energy levels, so it’s wise to focus on lighter subjects or creative tasks like projects, writing assignments and revise notes from early study sessions. 

Evening Break

It is important to dedicate some time in the evening to relax and pursue a hobby. Students can use this time for any activity they want to focus on.

Evening Study Session

Evening study sessions are useful for reviewing and revisiting the topics covered during the day. This session can be more informal, with a focus on homework or reviewing study materials.


Students must get a healthy and balanced diet that contains vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. After dinner, enjoy leisure activities that help you rest and unwind.


Sleep is an important part of a student’s life. It helps you to recharge from your day and gives you the energy to restart with another hustle. Sleep plays a crucial role in memory retention, emotional stability, and overall health. Make sure to avoid any screens 3timetable0 minutes before going to bed.


No timetable should be rigid because unexpected work and urgency may happen on any given day. A timetable should be flexible enough not to place burdens on the students. The perfect timetable for students was created to help students and not to put pressure on them to strictly follow the routine. However, this flexibility should only be provided in emergencies, and students shouldn’t ignore timetables on a daily basis.

Students may tailor their routines based on their needs. For example, some students are morning learners, while others are night owls, and they can plan and adjust their study sessions accordingly. 

Tips For Effective Time Table

Here we have mentioned some of the tips for managing your timetable more effectively.

  • Set a clear goal: Every study session should have a clear goal that needs to be “achieved after completing that task.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Focus on one subject at a time for maximum productivity.
  • Minimize Distraction: Find a quiet place to study and ensure that there is no screen around you to minimize distractions.
  • Regular Breaks: It is important to take regular breaks between the study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain mental well-being.

An effective timetable is important for academic success and personal development. While academic excellence is important, students must make time for relaxation, self-care and personal interests. Regularly reviewing the timetable to meet one’s needs and goals is essential for keeping it successful and practical.

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What is the 9-8-7 study method timetable?

The 9-8-7 is a time management technique that helps you to be more productive. This rule states that you should spend 9 hours studying, 8 hours sleeping, and 7 hours on other activities, that you like.

Give a brief about an effective timetable.

An effective timetable is important for academic success and personal development. While academic excellence is important, students must make time for relaxation, self-care and personal interests. Regularly reviewing the timetable to meet one’s needs and goals is essential for keeping it successful and practical.

What is the importance of timetable for the students?

The time table is important for the students as it helps to maintain a balance between academic and extracurricular activities promotes a healthy lifestyle, boost academic excellence and reduces stress and anxiety.

This was all about the “Perfect Timetable for Students”. For more such informative blogs, check out our Study Material Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our  Indian exams page.

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