Difference Between Buddhism and Hinduism

5 minute read
Difference Between Buddhism and Hinduism

India is a secular country. People follow various religions and hold diverse traditional values. There are many religions and their followers in this country, but Hinduism and Buddhism have long prevailed. These religions are strongly ingrained in Indian culture, and they have both common values as well as some differences. . This blog will look at the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism.Hinduism and Buddhism originated in India. These religions share certain cultural values but differ in their beliefs, practices, and teachings. 

Buddhism and Hinduism:Origins and Founders

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to origins and founders :


  • Hinduism does not have a founder. It combines a variety of cultural and religious rituals.
  • It is regarded as one of the world’s oldest religions, with roots dating back to the Vedic period, which originated around 1500 BCE.


  • Sidhartha Gautama, often known as Gautam Buddha, founded Buddhism in the 5th century BCE.
  • This religion emerged as a reform movement among Indian religious systems.

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Buddhism and Hinduism:Core Beliefs and Values

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to core beliefs and values:


  • Hindus believe in a supreme entity known as Braham.
  • This religion emphasises the concepts of Dharma (ethical responsibility), Karma (action and its effect), and Moksha (freedom from the cycle of rebirth).
  • Its rituals and beliefs vary greatly across groups and regions.


  • It focuses on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. These are the means for achieving enlightenment, also known as Nirvana, and freedom from all the suffering, Dukkha.
  • It rejects the concept of ‘Aatma’ or a permanent soul and emphasises the non-self.
  • It is basically non-theistic, with different ideas of divine beings.

Buddhism and Hinduism:Religious Texts

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to religious texts and scriptures:


  • Hinduism has several sacred texts, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and Mahabharata.
  • These writings are written in Sanskrit and contain much religious and sacred knowledge.


  • Tripitaka is the main sacred text for Theravada Buddhism, while the Mahayana Sutras are for Mahayana Buddhism.
  • These texts are written in a variety of languages, including Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese, as this religion is practised in many countries.

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Buddhism and Hinduism:Practices and Rituals

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to practices and rituals:


  • In Hinduism, people practise rituals such as puja, meditation, and pilgrimage to various religious and sacred sites. 
  • Hinduism is divided into four branches: Shaktism, Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Smartism.
  • Hindu pilgrimage sites include Varanasi, Kedarnath, Puri, and the holy river ‘Ganges’.
  • Festivals like Holi, Diwali, and Navratri are widely celebrated because they are associated with spiritual beliefs.


  • Buddhism encourages meditation and mindfulness in monastic communities.
  • There are two primary Buddhist branches: Hinayana and Mahayana.
  • Their most significant holidays include Vesak, which celebrates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death, and Asalha Puja, which honours his first sermon.

Buddhism and Hinduism:View on Life and Rebirth

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to view on life and rebirth::


  • Hinduism believes in the cycle of Samsara (birth, death, and rebirth).
  • According to this, the permanent soul goes through different lives depending on their karma.


  • Buddhism believes in the cycle of samsara but denies the concept of a permanent soul.
  • It emphasises the concept of conditions and causes.

Buddhism and Hinduism:Caste System

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to caste system:


  • Over time, Hinduism has been associated with the caste system, also known as Varna.
  • The Varna divides society into four major categories.
  • The caste system has a huge influence on the social structure of traditional Hindu culture.


  • Buddhism criticises the caste system and promotes equality for all living things.
  • The Buddha’s teachings were accessible to people of every economic class.

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Buddhism and Hinduism:Goal of Life

Here we have stated some of the most important differences between buddhism and hinduism related to goal of life:


  • In Hinduism, the ultimate goal of life is Moksha, which means freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
  • Moksha can be obtained by a variety of routes, including devotion, knowledge, and good actions.


  • The ultimate goal of existence is nirvana, which means freedom from all suffering.
  • Nirvana can be attained by following the Middle Way, the Eightfold Path, and developing wisdom, ethical behaviour, and mental discipline.

Despite their differences, both religions make significant contributions to spiritual and cultural traditions, not only in India but across the world.


What is the major difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

The major difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is how they perceive the goal of life. Buddhism follows the concept of Nirvana, which means freedom from all sufferings and to bring lasting happiness. The goal of Hinduism is to attain moksha, which means freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

Which came first, Hinduism or Buddhism?

As per the spiritual texts, Buddhism evolved from Hinduism. The major founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha Gauthama who was born in 563 BCE, in a Hindu warrior family.

Who are the three gods of Buddhism?

The three gods of Buddhism are Vajrapāṇi, Mañjuśrī and Avalokiteśvara.

What are the important symbols of Buddhism and Hinduism?

The important symbol of Buddhism is the Conch, Dharmachakra – it is a wheel of dharma, fish, lotus, vase, victory banner, parasol etc. The important symbol for Hinduism is Om, Swastika, etc.

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