Scary Facts About Space That Will Keep You Up At Night

2 minute read
Scary Facts about Space

Have you ever decorated your room so that your ceiling has all the planets and the light colour is blue just to make sure that it gives you a space feel? Well! If you have done it then this article is the right place to step into. This article will cover scary facts about space that will keep you up at night. 

10 Scary Facts About Space

Let’s begin the scary facts about space article now:

  1. Have you ever heard of the term “Corpses in space?” These are bodies of deceased astronauts and animals floating in space. Sheesh!
  1. Now is a term that you can learn and flex in front of your friends. Decompression. It refers to exposure to the vacuum of space and can cause your body to swell up and explode.
  1. Spending long periods in zero gravity can cause muscle atrophy and mental health issues directly impacting your health. 
  1. We are sure you must have yet to hear this fact about space. Solar superstorm threat. It is a powerful solar superstorm that could disrupt electronics globally.
  1. Gamma-ray bursts are deadly. Yes! You heard that right! When a galaxy explodes, it releases gamma rays that can destroy planets.
  1. Vampire stars steal life. The reason is that all O-type stars are giant blue stars that consume smaller stars. They do it to become a strange cosmic phenomenon. 
The Vampire Star | Source- NBC News
  1. A giant black hole named B31745+25 travels through space at high speed. In 2017, it was seen in the Hubble telescope. 
  1. The Great Attractor is a mystery. It is a giant unseen force that pulls entire galaxies towards itself. However, no one knows the source of this power. 
  1. Over 500 meteorites reach Earth’s surface annually, though most are harmless. You can call it meteor rain. 
  1. In 2012, a powerful solar storm narrowly missed Earth. A powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) erupted from the Sun on July 23, 2012, launching magnetic clouds and a fast-moving shock wave.


What is a scary fact about the galaxy?

A giant unseen force 150-250 million light years away mysteriously attracts and may crush galaxies. This is a scary fact about the galaxy.

What is the biggest danger in space?

There’s no single biggest danger, but unseen threats like massive asteroids or supernovas exploding nearby could wreak havoc on Earth. Space radiation also poses a constant risk to astronauts venturing beyond our protective atmosphere.

What kills a galaxy?

A lack of gas for star formation can starve a galaxy to death.

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