Maharana Pratap, also known as “The Lion of Mewar,” was a Rajput warrior who ruled the kingdom of Mewar in present-day Rajasthan. He is best known for his relentless resistance against the mighty Mughal Empire, specifically Emperor Akbar. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Maharana Pratap never bowed down to the Mughals and continued to fight for the independence of his kingdom. In this blog, you will learn how Maharana Pratap died or the reason for Maharana Pratap’s death.
Maharana Pratap And His Work
When one talks about Maharana Pratap, one automatically associates and talks about the valour, compassion and zeal with which Maharana Pratap stepped on the battlefield. One cannot forget his contribution and dedication to keeping the Mughal Empire out of Mewar for years.
One of the most significant battles in Maharana Pratap’s life was the Battle of Haldighati, fought in 1576. In this fierce battle, Maharana Pratap led his forces against the Mughal army. Despite displaying exceptional bravery, Maharana Pratap’s forces were outnumbered, and he escaped to Aravalli Hills leaving the Mughal army hanged.
After the battle, Maharana Pratap realised that it was necessary to regroup and strategize for future battles. He retreated to the rugged terrain of the Aravalli Mountains, where the Mughal forces found it challenging to pursue him. Maharana Pratap continued his guerrilla warfare tactics from the mountainous region, keeping the Mughals at bay till his last breath.
Final Days and Death
Maharana Pratap spent his final days in the wilderness, surrounded by a handful of loyal followers. Despite facing hardships and struggles, he never gave up his quest for freedom and independence.
- On 19th January 1597, Maharana Pratap succumbed to injuries and illness while hunting in the jungle at Chavand.
- He was lying on the bed of grass and his last dying wish was an oath he made his son take to free Chittor.
- His successor was his son Amar Singh who took the responsibility of freeing Chittor.
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