
Is a Top B-School only about a Bigger Paycheque?

3 minute read

Of course we all dream of doing our masters from a Top business school, one that guarantees brownie points on our CV and ensures a bigger paycheque than other colleges.

But is the fight only for that? Do these business school that receive thousands of applications for a few limited seats are only about the job or promotion one gets after studying from there?

A well-ranked, internationally recognised, the top business school like INSEAD, Stanford Graduate School of Business, University of Pennsylvania: Wharton, Harvard Business School etc actually end up changing one’s life completely.


  • Global Outlook –  The class structure of all top B-schools includes students from different countries, educational and cultural backgrounds, gender, class, and race. With projects, group activities, interaction and networking that goes beyond classrooms, students get to know about different religions, cultures and backgrounds. Such awareness and inclusiveness are hard to come by in local colleges and universities.
  • Brand Name – The top companies in the world see such business schools with high regard. They are aware the students of these B-Schools undergo a meticulously designed selection process and are the best amongst all the aspirant students who applied for such universities. Top-ranked Business schools become the first stop for the most renowned MNCs when it comes to recruitment. With such opportunities being served to them, the students are likely to secure jobs of their choice. It’s not just the job, students get to be a part of a lot of interviews that help them enhance their communication and persuasion skills.
  • Case-based Learning – Top business schools are not just about textbooks. The curriculum revolves around a global perspective laying attention to the practical learning instead of just theoretical knowledge. The curriculum of such B-schools also lets the students select and focus on specific subjects of their choice. Hence, you just don’t get to learn; you get to learn what you like and even practically apply it.
  • Networking Opportunities – The golden opportunity of networking that the top B-schools offers, is the prominent differentiator between a top B-school and any other ordinary college. The dynamism of the class structure in a top-ranked B-school, the integration of different educational and cultural backgrounds under one roof and the scope of studying and interning in different countries, let the students of finest b-schools excel in networking. Such networks continue to be beneficial and ensure heuristic growth among the students.


Top B-schools are all about opportunities. If you enter one of the best business schools in the world with an open mindset, enthusiastic about learning and eager to grow, you will get numerous opportunities to be where you want to be. Each of these opportunities such as an international internship, research project, academic and non-academic clubs, semester-exchange etc will act as stepping stones to your desired dream job or even a dream business of your own.

On a whole, the finest business schools are indeed underestimated when they are measured only in terms of the salary one gets after graduating from there. The top B-schools have given birth to leaders in different sectors who have changed the world. The quality education, practical experience, holistic learning and global exposure that these b-schools provide not only end up refining the career of its student but also change their outlook towards life and makes them responsible global citizens touching lives of many.

– Team Leverage

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