
Top Scholarships for Women in Engineering 2023

8 minute read

Although women make up the majority of college coeds, many still have trouble paying for tuition. Scholarships designed specifically for women can be useful in this situation. These awards can assist female students in paying for their college education without having to rely on student loans. Several scholarships are available for those who desire to work in engineering.

Scholarships for Engineering Students is another name for these awards. The student will be able to continue their studies with the aid of this plan without worrying about any financial restrictions. The major goal of establishing this scholarship is to offer financial support to students in the nation so they can continue their studies in their desired academic fields. Read this article know more about Scholarships for Women in Engineering.

Name of the Scheme Scholarship for Women in Engineering 
Beneficiaries The student who wants to pursue their education in the field of Engineering  
ObjectiveTo ensure the upcoming generation with technical and professional skills
BenefitsStudents will be able to pursue their dream academics
Scholarship AmountVariable
Mode of Application Online 

Benefits of Scholarships for Women in Engineering 

Scholarships for women in engineering offer several benefits that can significantly impact their educational and professional journeys. Here are some key benefits:

  • Women can apply for scholarships that can be utilized for tuition, accommodation and board, textbooks, transportation, and other associated costs. While some scholarships are only offered for a single year, others are renewable for several years.
  • Both graduate school and undergraduate study are eligible for scholarships. Other scholarships may be utilized for diploma programs or other programs like coding boot camps, while others may be available for community colleges or vocational schools.
  • Numerous scholarships that are only available to women are for students studying in a particular subject area, frequently one that has traditionally been dominated by men. For instance, a Washingtonian woman interested in science, technology, engineering, or maths  can apply for the WISE (Washington Women in STEM Excel) Scholarship.

Categories of Scholarship for Women

Here is some Categories of Scholarship for Women In Engineering 

  • Scholarships for High School Seniors
  • STEM Scholarships
  • Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Easy Scholarships
  • Minority Scholarships

List of Scholarships for Women

In 2023, there are several top scholarships for women in engineering available. Here are some of the prominent scholarships you can consider:

MPOWER Women In STEM Scholarship

MPOWER Women in STEM Scholarships are given each year to female international/DACA students who are accepted or enrolled full-time in a STEM degree program at a program MPOWER supports in the US or Canada.

  • Grand Prize: US$6,000
  • Runner-Up: US$2,000
  • Honorable Mention: US$1,000
Award $1,000 – $6,000
Eligibility STEM Degree Program 
Application Date open Oct, 01st 2023 
Application Deadline Jan. 15th 2023 

UPS Scholarship For Female Students

A female ISE student is given the UPS Scholarship for Female Students. The deadline for nominations is November 15. Candidates cannot nominate themselves. On February 1st, applications are due. Candidates who meet the requirements will submit an application package by the deadline in February, which includes the following: submission forms, transcripts (which may be unofficial), three reference forms, an optional letter of recommendation, and other specified requirements.

Award $4,000
Eligibility Undergraduate student
Application Date open Nov, 1st 2023 
Application Deadline Feb. 1st 2023 

Advancing Young Women in STEM Scholarship 

The New Mexico Out-of-School Time Network (NMOST), a nonprofit alliance of corporate and public organizations and neighborhood residents, grants the AYWiSTEM Scholarship. The scholarship was established in an effort to close the gender gap in New Mexico’s STEM fields and allied fields. No matter their financial situation or zip code, NMOST works to ensure that all youth have access to top-notch after-school programs. A broad mix of educators, youth development professionals, policymakers, and other individuals who are dedicated to ensuring successful outcomes from the after-school programs make up the network’s leadership council.

Award $500- $1000
Eligibility Higher School junior- Undergraduate  
Application Date open March, 08 2023
Application Deadline May, 30 2023 

Women Technology Scholarship 

In an effort to honour and encourage women and those who identify as women who are interested in pursuing careers in technology, the Women in Technology Scholarship was established in 2010. Every undergraduate who successfully completes the programme will be invited to apply for a full-time position under this scholarship. If not, experts will contact them to schedule an interview for a 2023 internship with Palantir.

Award $7000
Eligibility High School Graduate- Undergraduate 
Application Date open Jan 10, 2023 
Application Deadline March 01, 2023 

IEEE Frances B. Hugle Scholarship

The IISE Scholarships and Fellowships Programme honors graduate and undergraduate industrial engineering students who have excelled academically and demonstrated leadership on their campuses. When choosing the scholarship recipients, the trustees of the scholarship fund take into account the nominee’s academic potential, character, leadership, and prospective service to the field of industrial engineering.

Eligibility Ph.D./doctoral degree
Application Date open July 2023.
Application Deadline Oct 2023 

Women Empowering Women Scholarship

The Women Empowering Women Scholarship supports non-traditional female students who haven’t had the chance to finish the post-secondary education that they started earlier in life or go to college. Female residents of Dearborn County who have earned an authorized high school diploma or a GED equivalent are required to apply. Candidates must be enrolled in a recognized post-secondary institution or program currently or have plans to do so.

Award $500
Eligibility post-secondary education
Application Date open March 10, 2023
Application Deadline March 10 2023

American Transmission Co. Scholarship 

The American Transmission Co. Scholarship is an annual award of $1,125 given by the Society of Women Engineers to two undergraduate female students majoring in engineering, engineering technology, or computer science. The American Transmission Co. Scholarship is given preference to candidates who are members of underrepresented groups, veterans, candidates who are disabled, and/or those who can demonstrate financial necessity. Candidates must also be full-time students who attend an institution in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, or Wisconsin.

Award $1,125
Eligibility Collge Sophomore- Collge Senior 
Application Date open Dec 01, 2022,
Application Deadline Feb 01, 2023,  

Society of Women Engineering Scholarship 

The Society of Women Engineers, which was established in 1950, is the largest global force behind the advancement of women in engineering and technology. The goal of the scholarship program was to encourage and enable women to advance in this sector while also honoring and rewarding them for their contributions. The Society of Women Engineers awards more than $1,000,000 in scholarships annually to around 300 American students majoring in engineering, engineering technology, or computer science. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students can all apply for scholarships.

Award $1000-$17000
Eligibility College Freshman- Graduate 
Application Date open Dec 01, 2022,
Application Deadline May 02, 2023, 

WIA Foundation Scholarship 

In 2009, the WIA Foundation was established as a non-profit educational organization. It has more than 2,000 members and more than 80 organizational, nonprofit, and partner institutions. Their main goal is to inspire women to work in the aerospace industry. The foundation’s three objectives are to increase public awareness of the value and advantages of the aerospace industry, improve public perception of aerospace science and technology, and encourage female students to acquire the skills necessary to lead and innovate in the field of aerospace technology.

Eligibility College Junior- College Senior 
Application Date open Dec 15, 2022, 
Application Deadline June 21, 2023, 

Other Scholarships for Women In Engineering 

  • Ladies In STEM Scholarship
  • Future Leaders In Technology Scholarship – High School Award
  • Future Leaders In Technology Scholarship – College Award
  • American Water Inclusion And Diversity Scholarship
  • SNC Women In STEM Scholarship
  • She Rose In STEAM Scholarship
  • Rolls-Royce Unnati Scholarship
  • Society Of Women Engineers Upperclassmen Scholarships
  • Abhi Khune Underrepresented Minorities Scholarship
  • ACS Scholars Program
  • Progress Software Mary Székely Scholarship For Women In STEM
  • Women At Microsoft Scholarship
  • Elvira Alonso Soto Hispanic Women In Architecture Scholarship
  • Science Systems And Applications, Inc. (SSAI) Academic Scholarship
  • AWIS Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award
  • Aysen Tunca Memorial Scholarship
  • Women Of Color In Tech Scholarship
  • Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship Program
  • Atkins Foundation Scholarship For Minorities In STEM
  • Women In Technology Scholarship
  • Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
  • Virginia Heinlein Memorial Scholarship
  • Elevate Women In Technology Scholarship
  • Ivey Engineering Scholarship
  • Science Ambassador Scholarship
  • AfterCollege Science Student Scholarship

How to Apply for Scholarships for Women

Make careful to broaden your search as far as you can if you’re seeking scholarships for women. To locate prospective awards, use directories like Scholarships.com. You can also seek help from your high school guidance counselor, particularly with regard to regional prizes.

  • For female students, there are a lot of broad scholarships available, but you should concentrate on obtaining grants that fit your particular interests, talents, and skills.
  • Finding an award you’re a good fit for and adhering to all the conditions are the keys to earning any type of scholarship. To make sure you comprehend everything, be sure to read the qualifying requirements and related information at least a few times. Email the coordinator of the scholarship program if you have any questions.
  • Due to a lack of preparation time, students frequently miss out on funding possibilities and submit applications that are below par. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your uniqueness in the essay.
  • Even if you detest writing, give the essay component of an application plenty of time. Ask someone you can trust—like your English teacher—to assist you in brainstorming and drafting your response. Then, before submitting it, ask them to review your initial draught.


Q1. How many engineering scholarships are there?

Ans. On Scholaroo, there are 125 engineering-related scholarships that are awarded to high school seniors around the United States who want to pursue engineering degrees. Therefore, have a look at Scholaroo’s list of engineering scholarships if you intend to enroll in one of the best engineering colleges, such as Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, or any other school of your choice.

Q2. Does FAFSA cover your academic expenses?

Ans. Your tuition and fees will be covered by the federal fund FAFSA if you submit an application for financial help through your school’s financial aid office and are approved. Make sure you include complete and accurate financial details about you and your family. Many scholarship programmes offer financial aid without requiring evidence of financial need.

Q3. When should you apply for an engineering scholarship?

Ans.  You can begin applying for scholarships as early as your senior year of high school if you plan to study in engineering. In the summer before their senior year, high school seniors typically begin to prepare for college applications and scholarships. Many of the scholarships on our list are open to returning students and even transfer students. If you have the time, you should frequently check back for programmes that interest you, as well as their start and end dates.

This was all about Top Scholarships for Women in Engineering, know more updates and notifications of upcoming scholarships follow Leverage Edu.  

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