
Study in Ireland: Applications Open for  NCI Sports Scholarships for International Students 

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The National College of Ireland (NCI)Sports Scholarship applications are now open. International students on a 3-year programme who have the potential or have achieved the potential to reach a very high level of performance competing at the International, Inter-provincial, National or Intercountry level can apply. The NCI Sports Scholarship can be used in collaboration with any other NCI scholarship. However, the total amount a student can receive for sports and the academic scholarship can be capped in certain circumstances. The scholarships are also available to students already receiving external funding for a sporting organisation. For example, a government body.  The scholarship initiative is an investment to assist the student to focus both on academics and sports.

You can watch the video below to learn about the scholarship from the scholarship beneficiaries:

Credit: @NCIRL

NCI Sports Scholarship Benefits 

The benefits of the NCI Sports Scholarship are as follows:

  • 30 points concession at the time of applying for a course in NCI
  • Additionally, a financial bursary of €2,000 is provided 
  • Personal training sessions with the top fitness professionals 
  • Annual Gym membership. This includes the individual training programme
  • The beneficiary would also receive nutrition and dietary advice from a leading fitness consultant
  • Moreover, learning development academic advice and ongoing support are given
  • A leading fitness consultant will provide nutritional and dietary advice 
  • Financial support for sports-related expenses, and a branded athlete pack 

NCI Sports Scholarship  Application Process 

Follow the steps below to apply for the NCI sports scholarship 

  • Visit the official website of the National College of Ireland 
  • From the home page go to Study  »  Fees and Grants  »  Scholarships & Discounts  »  Sports Scholarship page 
  • Scroll down and click on the NCI sports scholarship application form
  • Finally, fill out the Google form of 6 pages. At this stage, you will have to fill the personal details such as name, email address, and the sport you are applying for
  • Lastly. Submit the form. The university will contact you in case of scholarship selection.

Apply for scholarships in Ireland. Find out more scholarships and grants here. To discover more news updates like this one visit the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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