
Study Abroad: Canada Launches Modernized Student Visa Program with Trusted Institution Framework

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Study Abroad: Canada Launches Modernized Student Visa Program with Trusted Institution Framework

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) aims to implement a new Trusted Institution framework by 2024. The plan is to contribute to a larger strategy to modernise Canadian Immigration’s International Student Program (ISP). 

Institutions would be referred to as Trusted Institutions if they achieved a particular standard for these requirements. The implications of the classification are not yet obvious. However, IRCC has stated that it will “provide certain facilitations to [a] Trusted Institution, such as fast processing of applications.”

Study Abroad: Canada Launches Modernized Student Visa Program with Trusted Institution Framework

Details are yet to be finalised, however, the criteria demonstrate reliable university partners in regard to intake and identifying genuine students. This also includes monitoring and reporting on student compliance and providing safe & enriching experiences for international students. 

Moreover, international students must have an offer letter from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) to obtain a Canadian Study Permit. Some institutions may be classified as Trusted Institutions and some will not as per the new framework.

More About the New Trusted Institution Framework

The Trusted Institution framework was developed by IRCC earlier this year. The new framework will rely on two broad categories, including data from IRCC and post-graduation student outcomes. The concept arises from a recent Strategic Immigration Review alongside a review of the ISP. This includes: 

  • Safety concerns for international students such as exploitation or mistreatment. 
  • Higher volume of international students. 
  • Need for diversification of international students. 

Furthermore, DLIs will be asked to join a new reporting scheme. By this, universities will obliged to share additional information with IRCC. Additionally, retention rates for international students, on-time programme completion rates and percentage of international students etc. 

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