
Study Abroad: Why is Belgium a favorable destination for international students?

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One of the most diversified nations in Europe, Belgium offers potential students of study abroad a chance to travel the world.

With a population of 11.5 million and land borders with Germany, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands, Belgium is a small nation with a rich cultural heritage.


Belgium is a nation where people speak English, French, Dutch, and German and has a welcoming atmosphere for study abroad aspirants. The Flemish community provides instruction in Dutch and English, while the French community does the same.

It’s also ideally situated if you want to spend your free time travelling around Europe. For instance, it takes 1.5 hours to fly from Barcelona and Berlin, 2.5 hours to drive from Paris, and 2 hours to travel by high-speed train from London to Brussels.

Reasons to Choose Belgium as the study abroad destination

The abundance of top-notch higher education institutions (HEIs) spread out throughout Belgium makes studying there more than just a rich cultural experience. They do accommodate study abroad aspirants, and many of their courses are taught entirely or mostly in English.

International students make almost 25% of the total student body at our HEIs, while the percentage of international PhD students is approximately 50%.

Part of the European Higher Education Area

The EHEA is fully integrated into Belgian education policy. This is the outcome of the commitment made by the government and HEIs to ensure the calibre of graduate education, promote student mobility, and create an international and competitive academic system. This also implies that any credits earned or degrees granted in Belgium are valid throughout the EHEA’s 48 member nations.

The higher education institutions in Belgium award Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees, which correspond to three cycle systems. The programmes are specified in Euro Credit Transfer System-compliant credits (ECTS). The ECTS scale is used to compare the academic performance and accomplishment of higher education students throughout the EHEA. ECTS credits are given for studies that are completed satisfactorily. The Belgian government recognises and funds 19 schools of arts, 30 university colleges, and 11 universities.

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