
Study Abroad: 5 Tips to Find PhD Fellowship in UK

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Study Abroad: 5 Tips to Find PhD Fellowship in UK
Prioritize scholarship opportunities, develop student advisor relationships, and seek recommendations to get PhD Fellowships.

Getting a scholarship can be incredibly beneficial. It helps students to cover almost all expenses to study abroad. Starting from tuition fees, living expenses, accommodation, travel allowance, to medical insurance almost everything is covered.  However, international scholarships can be hard to obtain. 


To make it easier for you, we have provided a list of the best tips to find a PhD Fellowship in the UK. The tips have been compiled on the basis of the suggestions provided by the scholarship beneficiaries.

5 Tips to Find PhD Fellowship in UK

Study Abroad: 5 Tips to Find PhD Fellowship in UK

Prioritize Scholarship Opportunities

Prioritizing scholarship opportunities is incredibly important. According to the KAIST scholarship recipient Cindy Surya Prabowo (Indonesia), prospective international students must research about scholarships in advance. That is, taking note of the requirements, scholarships, benefits and deadlines. Cindy Surya has received the scholarship to pursue MA  in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Develop Student- Advisor Relationship 

Julia Buzan, PhD student in psychology and Behavioral science  at the London School of Economics is a Cumberland Lodge Fellow. According to her, the student advisor relationship in the UK is crucial to the PhD experience. Hence, it is wise to work with potential advisors before committing to a programme. However, if this isn’t possible students can talk to the potential advisor;s former doctoral students. It will help them to understand the experience of working with the advisor.

Seek Scholarship Recommendations 

As per Julia Buzan, Cumberland Lodge Fellow, asking the potential advisor and staff within the department for scholarship recommendations is a great idea. Being updated about interdisciplinary funding opportunities related to  research topics the student wants to pursue can be helpful.

Check Out Fully Funded Scholarships

Fully Funded Government scholarships are the best. The reason is, the help in covering all expenses of the international student. According to Naa Ayeleysa Quaynor-Mettle, the Chevening scholarship recipient (Ghanaian national), the scholarship covered the tuition fees, paid a monthly stipend, and round-trip tickets to the U.K and back to his country of residence. 

Apply for Research Specific Scholarship

Ultimately, there are plenty of scholarships that students will come across. However, the key is to focus on the scholarship that supports your research. For example, applying for a medical scholarship will not help a student choosing to do research in social issues. Hence, students can choose project based scholarships.

“I found that the most worthwhile area of study is also the one most in need of help: human health.”

Said, Sebastian Roubert Martinez,  Ph.D. in engineering at Harvard University

Apply for scholarships in the UK. To  discover more news updates like this one visit the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu

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